It’s our First Norwescon Raffle!

Norwescon WebsiteBlog, Chair, Norwescon 42

This year Norwescon will be holding our first ever raffle supporting our programs and services! Tickets will be only $5 and sold at the convention starting Thursday, April 18th. Must be 18 years or older to purchase tickets. Look for our floating raffle brigade during some events or stop by the info table.

So far prizes include but are not limited to…

  • A personalized reading list from our very own Guest of Honor Librarian Nancy Pearl!
  • A Don’t Panic Kindle with an Amazon gift card to purchase the complete works of Douglas Adams!
  • One overnight stay at the SeaTac DoubleTree with parking included!
  • Two winners will receive a ticket to the NWC43 Guest of Honor Banquet!
  • Four winners will receive a 4-day membership to NWC43!
  • Four winners will receive 2 tickets to MoPOP!

The winners will be drawn during the half time of the masquerade on Saturday. Need not be present to win.