Call for Pros and Panel Ideas

Norwescon ProgrammingBlog, Programming

Call for panel ideas and pro applications!

It takes a village to organize a world-class science fiction and fantasy convention and we depend on hundreds of people to make Norwescon go each year. We present a diverse schedule of programming on topics like art, biological sciences, costuming, culture, fanfiction, fantasy, gaming, history, horror, military, music, pop culture & media, science fiction, space, tech, teen & youth activities, writing, and young adult lit. Here are two ways you can get involved and contribute in these areas:

Send Us Your Panel Ideas

Is there something you’d like to see at Norwescon but haven’t seen yet (or not in a while)? Let us know! We want to make sure our program is as engaging to our members as possible, and will gladly take your suggestions into consideration as we work with our pros and panelists to craft our programming each year. You can send panel ideas even if you don’t want to be a panelist.

Apply to be a Pro/Panelist

Are you a genuine expert in your field with unique knowledge to share about one of the aforementioned topics? Do you have experience speaking in front of groups of people? Can you engage with other professionals and audience members in a professional manner? If so, you’re the kind of panelist we’re looking for! We are always looking for a good balance of skills and specialties and voices, including those from marginalized communities. Applying doesn’t always secure you an invitation, but it does guarantee you’ll be considered!

Forms for submitting panel ideas or becoming a panelist can be found on the Programming page. We look forward to hearing from you!