What follows is a listing of all events planned for Saturday, April 3rd. Programming grids are getting the final touches, and will be added soon.

Individual times are listed in Pacific Daylight Saving Time (PDT). For the convenience of our members joining us from elsewhere, headers marking Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT) and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) are included.

Schedules for the rest of the weekend are listed here, or jump directly to ThursdayFriday, or Sunday.

We will be updating this list as major changes occur, until the convention opens. Last updated Mar 31, 2021 @ 10:13 am.

10 a.m. PDT (1 p.m. EDT / 5 p.m. GMT)

Biological Warfare
Olympic Stage
10–11 a.m.
So, you want to kill you enemy with a pathogen? Well, won’t that affect you as well? Didn’t think of that, did ya?
Russell Ervin (M), Dr. Susan Langley, Brian Haas, Ph.D., James D. Macon, Ken Alexander
Fractured Fairytales
Poolside Stage
10–11 a.m.
We all know the old stories from the point of view of the princess or prince, but what happens when you retell the story from the perspective of the villain, a sidekick, or even the basket? We’ll work together to rewrite our favorite stories in an entirely new way. For older kids, or young ones with help.
Rebecca A. Demarest (M)
Live Role-Playing: Blue Rose RPG, with developer Steven Kenson
Grand Ballroom Stage or Twitch
10–2 p.m.
A missing boy in the company of a psychic rhy-wolf sends our heroes off in a search through the deep woods of the Pavin Weald in the north of Aldis. Why has the lad disappeared, and can he be found before tragedy befalls him and his new companion? Game developer Steven Kenson leads players through “The Rhy Wolf’s Woe,” an adventure for Green Ronin’s Blue Rose romantic fantasy role-playing game in the magical world of Aldea. This session will be simulcast to Twitch, with live interaction available within Airmeet for Norwescon attendees.
Steve Kenson (M), Jonesy, Lynne Hardy, Brendan Barr
My Beloved Monster: Horror Writers Discuss Their Favorites
Mt. Baker Stage
10–11 a.m.
Vampires, werewolves, zombies? Ghosts and demons? Kaiju? Aliens? Our panelists discuss which monsters they like best, and why.
Evan J. Peterson (M), Julie McGalliard, Glenn Dallas, Leigh Harlen, M.R. Carey
Reading: Suyi Davies Okungbowa
Cascade Stage
10–10:30 a.m.
Son of the Storm. An exclusive, never-before-read-aloud excerpt from Suyi Davies Okungbowa’s forthcoming novel, Son of the Storm, releasing on May 11, 2021 from Orbit Books US & UK. Rated PG.
Suyi Davies Okungbowa (M)
Science Fiction Worldbuilding
Maxis Stage
10–11 a.m.
Are there elements of science fiction that are unique to science fiction? What elements need to be in any science fiction story? Technology, medicine, economics, government, religion, history, types of characters, clothes, language, food. How much detail is enough?
Rhiannon Held (M), Nancy Kress, Claire Eddy, PJ Manney, Alastair Reynolds
The Museum of Flight’s G. Harry Stine Collection
Evergreen Stage
10–11 a.m.
Museum of Flight staff present on the museum’s collection of materials from the estate of G. Harry Stine, also known as the science fiction writer Lee Correy, who was a pioneer in the area of model rocketry and a rocket scientist in his own right.
Geoff Nunn (M), Amy Heidrick
Why Graph Computing May Be the Next Big Thing
Mt. Rainier Stage
10–11 a.m.
A computational backwater has suddenly gained new life as graphical computers, GPUs, and graph databases are quietly redefining how applications are made. Used heavily in computer graphics and 3D rendering, the ability of GPUs to manipulate vectors and tensors is now touching on everything from visual and sound processing to semantics to artificial intelligence. This panel looks at what writers and technologists should know about this fast-emerging technology.
Peter N. Glaskowsky (M), Kurt Cagle, V Whitlock, Colette Breshears
Princess Bride Scavenger Hunt: What a Character!
Scavenger Hunt Booth in the Arena
10–11 a.m.
(TEENS ONLY) Scavenger hunters welcome! Sit down for a spell and interact with key characters from the world of The Princess Bride. They have tasks for you, and info to share!
Annie Carl, Richard Stephens, Curtis C. Chen, Amelie Mantchev, Lisa Mantchev
Reading: Jonathan Brazee
Cascade Stage
10:30–11 a.m.
Jonathan Brazee reads an excerpt from his novel, Fire Ant. Rated G.
Jonathan Brazee (M)

11 a.m. PDT (2 p.m. EDT / 6 p.m. GMT)

I Am What I Am and That Includes Gender-Bent Cosplay
Mt. Baker Stage
If we say that cosplay is a costume celebration and open for everyone, then we must allow for gender-bent cosplay adaptations. We discuss favorite character shake-ups and how you might go about adapting a favorite male character into a female persona and vice versa. Bring along your thoughts or costumes of your favorite gender-swapped character.
Richard Stephens (M), SunnyJim Morgan, Melissa Quinn, Amélie Mantchev
I Can Fix It!
Maxis Stage
There are so many movies that could have been good, maybe even great, if it wasn’t for that one or… too many mistakes. You, the audience, will submit film titles on slips of paper for our team of experts to select and try to fix! So, think of some movies that you wanted to enjoy but just couldn’t, and put our fix-it team to the test!
Nick Fraser (M), G.S./Gabrielle Prendergast, Glenn Dallas, Chris Wiswell, Jonny Nero Action Hero
Learning How to Self-Edit
Olympic Stage
No matter how perfect you think your first draft is, you’re going to need at least one editing pass (and probably more). How do you figure out what needs to change? How can you teach yourself to edit your stories and turn that unpolished first draft into a sparkling final draft?
Rebecca A. Demarest (M), Tex Thompson, Kisa Whipkey, Jennifer Brozek, Alastair Reynolds
So, You Might Like to Be a Reenactor
Evergreen Stage
Today there is just about every flavor of historical reenactor. From Mesolithic to Gulf War, someone will put together the garb, find the equipment, find some friends to play with, and go back in time. One of the best examples is the Society for Creative Anachronism, covering approximately early medieval to late Renaissance times. Find out what it is like to be a reenactor and how to get started, or trapped in its grip!
Alan Andrist (M), D.L. Solum, Ann Shilling, Deborah Strub
The Rest of the World in Space
Poolside Stage
News from the past year from the non-U.S. space agencies. With pictures! A perennial Norwescon favorite presented by Dan Dubrick.
Dan Dubrick (M)
Your Story’s Engine
Seaports Stage
Your story can be plot-driven, character-driven, or even author-driven in a voice piece or more poetic work. What are some examples of each, and which writers do it best? Learn to recognize what’s driving your story, how play to your strengths, and how to keep a balance that keeps your story moving forward.
Corry L. Lee (M), Suyi Davies Okungbowa, Peter Orullian, Mark Teppo, Jack Skillingstead
Reading: Scott James Magner
Cascade Stage
Excerpt from Empire of Night, a novel of the Hunters Chronicle. Rated PG.
Scott James Magner (M)

Noon PDT (3 p.m. EDT / 7 p.m. GMT)

Food, Glorious Food
Poolside Stage
noon–1 p.m.
Food is life, for fantasy people as well as real ones. It’s more than just sustenance, it’s a bonding ritual. Food is also culture and setting, trade and international relations, exploitation, and war. And sometimes, food has consequences. Let’s talk about what to keep in mind when writing about food in your fantasy world.
Jaym Gates (M), Dr. Susan Langley, James D. Macon, Shweta Adhyam
Is Asking Okay?
Mt. Rainier Stage
noon–1 p.m.
When it comes to disabilities, whether intellectual, physical, or developmental, many of us are taught not to look (because it might be deemed staring) or to ask questions (because it might be rude). But has this teaching helped, or might it be marginalizing those with disabilities even further? Join this panelist-led discussion.
Sienna Saint-Cyr (M), Annie Carl, Elsa Sjunneson, Xander Odell
Is Web 2.0 the Worst Thing to Happen to Fandom?
Evergreen Stage
noon–1 p.m.
What happens to fandom communities when anonymity is eroded, there are no tools in place to moderate, web hosts benefit from conflict, and content producers become the product themselves? On this panel, we will discuss the effects that social media platforms have had on online fandom in the last 10 years and what it means for the future of our communities.
Berlynn Wohl (M), Jonny Nero Action Hero, Elizabeth “Liz” Vann-Clark, DameRuth
Reading: Sarina Dorie
Cascade Stage
noon–12:30 p.m.
Womby’s School for Wayward Witches. Humorous fantasy/cozy witch mystery. Rated PG.
Sarina Dorie (M)
Sentences: I Walk the Line
Seaports Stage
noon–1 p.m.
Sentences are to fiction as bricks are to architecture. But unlike your average brick, a single sentence can stick in readers’ memories for the rest of their lives. Panelists will discuss great first sentences, descriptive sentences, last lines, and why these examples resonate with them (and readers). What is meant by varying sentence structure and what goes in to writing a great sentence?
Carol Berg (M), Corry L. Lee, Charlotte Lewis Brown, Nancy Kress, Christopher Brown
Talk Like a Teen
Maxis Stage
noon–1 p.m.
Valley girls, surfer dudes, millennials, boomers, and zoomers: How they speak can create discourse. Lingual shifts and shifts in modes of communication have always caused strife. Can there be communication between people who speak in words versus those who convey information via textspeak, TikTok, reddit, Snapchat, and memes? Should these platforms and modes of communication be included in written works, or does this date them?
Marta Murvosh (M), Amélie Mantchev, Caitlyn McKinzie, Sonja Thomas
Tips for Writing Engaging Space Battles
Olympic Stage
noon–1 p.m.
Space battles follow the basic rules of storytelling, but it’s easy to fill the pages with ships firing ineffectually at each other. Getting the science correct is key, but bombarding your reader with technical details is far from engaging. Military SF writers share their tips for creating space battles that keep readers on the edge of their seats.
Russell Ervin (M), Elliott Kay, Arthur Bozlee, Scott James Magner, Jonathan Brazee, Jennifer Brozek
Writing and Story Development for Games
Mt. Baker Stage
noon–1 p.m.
Story development can affect game system design, character design, and environments. Our game industry pros will discuss how a great story needs also to fit in the design of the game system. Maybe you need a different system for your story? Do you write the story and fit the design around it? Or do you start with the design and weave a story through it?
Evan J. Peterson (M), Erik Mona, Steven S. Long, Stephen Radney-MacFarland
Beginning Textile Block Printing
Fishbowl Stage
noon–1 p.m.
A look at the tools and materials needed to block print on cloth, how to troubleshoot common startup problems, and tips to set you up for success!
Kat Knudson (M)
Reading: Laura Anne Gilman
Cascade Stage
12:30–1 p.m.
Huntsmen. In 1913, the world is slowly rolling toward war. But at home, there is an enemy in the shadows. Uncanny creatures, hiding amongst us. Feeding on us. War calls for soldiers… but to defeat the uncanny, you need Huntsmen. Rated PG.
Laura Anne Gilman (M)

1 p.m. PDT (4 p.m. EDT / 8 p.m. GMT)

Tor Presents: Calling All Book Lovers
Evergreen Stage
1–2 p.m.
Enjoy an interview with Tor Books executive editor Claire Eddy, Norwescon’s spotlight publisher representative, and a preview of what’s coming up from Tor Books.
Sienna Saint-Cyr (M), Claire Eddy
Brittany Otto, Art in Action
Art in Action Booth, Arena
1 p.m.–2 p.m.
Brittany Otto demonstrates her hand-cut paper technique to create portals into fantastical worlds.
Brittany Otto (M)

2 p.m. PDT (5 p.m. EDT / 9 p.m. GMT)

Ancient Epics and Myths in Our Modern Tales
Olympic Stage
2–3 p.m.
Many writers plumb the poetry and stories of the ancient world (Gilgamesh, Beowulf, the legend of Ishtar) as the archetypes and underpinnings of modern fantastical worlds. Who is writing the most original takes on some of humanity’s oldest stories? And what are the best ways to incorporate them without overuse or without dipping into cultural appropriation?
Steven S. Long (M), Greg Bear, Shweta Adhyam, Nick Fraser
Siege Machines
Mt. Rainier Stage
2–3 p.m.
Panelists discuss the evolution of siege machines from ancient times through the introduction of gunpowder. We’ll look at the engineering, operational effectiveness, and cost-benefit profile. See how they fit (or don’t fit) into your story. Bring your questions and prepare for a robust Q&A period.
Russell Ervin (M), Dr. Susan Langley, D.L. Solum, Bill Gruner
First Page Idol
Maxis Stage
2–3 p.m.
Want to see how your first page holds up in a cold read? Send the first page of your manuscript to idol@norwescon.org to have it anonymously read aloud and critiqued by a panel of pros.
Curtis C. Chen (M), Randy Henderson, Kisa Whipkey, K.G. Anderson
Modernizing Mythology
Seaports Stage
2–3 p.m.
Fairies and robots, unicorns, and aliens, spaceships, and sprites. How have traditional fables morphed over recent years to become more inclusive of modern technology and advances in science while keeping the charming elements of esoteric wisdom and magic?
Marta Murvosh (M), Sang Kromah, Sarina Dorie, Benjamin Gorman, Tom Whitmore
Prop Contest: Judging & Show and Share
Grand Ballroom Stage
2–3 p.m.
This is the judging and show and share for Norwescon’s prop contest in celebration of The Longest Night, the major holiday in Jacqueline Carey’s novels of Terre d’Ange. No preregistration is required for entry. We will decide the people’s choice award and the judges will announce the winners, with a further presentation of awards and prizes to be held during the halftime of the masquerade. Requirements for entry are available here.
Abie Ekenezar (M), Jacqueline Carey, Christopher Corbitt
Reading: Julie McGalliard
Cascade Stage
2–2:30 p.m.
Julie McGalliard will read from Fighting the Moon unless everybody has heard it already, and then she’ll read from the NEXT novel in the Tales of the Rougarou series. Rated PG.
Julie McGalliard (M)
Slime Making
Poolside Stage
2–3 p.m.
Eww, slimy! Slime is part of the natural world, and serves a purpose in a lot of ways. Come learn about them while making your own slime from the most common of household ingredients: cornstarch! Grab a container of cornstarch, water, a bowl to mix it in, and sparkles or food coloring to give it some extra pizzazz. All ages.
Rebecca A. Demarest (M), Elizabeth “Liz” Vann-Clark
Terrifying Flowers in Sunlit Fields: Beautiful Horror
Mt. Baker Stage
2–3 p.m.
Horror is known for the dark and grotesque. But Midsommar and Annihilation are two recent horror movies notable for being colorful, gorgeous, and well-lit. Our panelists discuss examples of beautiful horror, and when it works or doesn’t work to show us all the monsters clearly in broad daylight.
Glenn Dallas (M), Evan J. Peterson, Leigh Harlen, Eliza Gauger, Christopher Brown
The Creation, Care, & Feeding of Writing Groups
Fishbowl Stage
2–3 p.m.
How do you set up a writing group? How often should it meet, and how many members should it have? Can you have a group of mixed genres, or is it best to focus on one? What are the best places to meet? What do you do when no one’s submitting critiques or personal differences arise? When do you know it’s time to move on to another group? Join our panelists as they discuss how to find a writing group that encourages and nurtures your writing efforts rather than poisoning, undermining, or otherwise sabotaging you.
Cat Rambo (M), Tex Thompson, Sonja Thomas, Rhiannon Held
What Goes Into a Good Adventure?
Evergreen Stage
2–3 p.m.
Join our panelists in discussing adventures both written and run, the do’s and don’ts, influential works, and modules, and more. Tips to increase player engagement, getting players more involved with the adventure as a location, and how to design encounters and set pieces.
Erik Mona (M), Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Steven S. Long, Jonathan Tweet
Hannah Charlton, Art in Action
Art in Action Booth, Arena or Twitch
2 p.m.–3 p.m.
Hannah Charlton demonstrates her modern take on medieval iconography, using ink, gouache, and gold on parchment. To download bestiary coloring pages in the medieval art style, please visit Bestiary Coloring Pages.
Hannah Charlton (M)

3 p.m. PDT (6 p.m. EDT / 10 p.m. GMT)

Dear Teen Me, Norwescon Edition
Evergreen Stage
3–4 p.m.
Most of us probably have a word or two of advice we could have imparted to ourselves back in the day. Come listen to the letters composed by our panelists to their teenage selves, and contribute your own time-machine pearls of wisdom.
Elisabeth Van Every (M), Sang Kromah, Shweta Adhyam, Benjamin Gorman, Elsa Sjunneson, Randy Henderson, Mikko Azul, Jason Brick
Demo: Making a Leather Mask
Fishbowl Stage
3–4:30 p.m.
SunnyJim Morgan will walk through the steps to create a wet-molded leather masquerade-style mask. From materials to technique, start to finish, making a mask may be easier than you think. Feel free to ask questions as we cover every step, from creating the pattern to the final clear coat—this will be a live demonstration of every step.
SunnyJim Morgan (M)
Drag Queen Story Time
Poolside Stage
3–4 p.m.
Pets come in all shapes and sizes, just like friends, and at Norwescon, there is a Most Curious Cat, waiting to make your acquaintance. Join Allen Ryde for a special story time event, featuring readings of Lisa Mantchev’s award-winning picture books Strictly No Elephants and Remarkables, along with interactive activities and playtime.
Allen Ryde (M)
Dueling Easels
Mt. Baker Stage
3–4 p.m.
After hearing a short passage, two artists will compete to come up with a cover for the story, and the audience gets to cheer them on.
Eric L Vargas (M), Kris Carsrud
Geek Metal
Maxis Stage
3–4 p.m.
Let’s face it, metal fans are nerds. Science fiction and fantasy themes have been prominent in the metal scene since its earliest days. Some metal musicians find inspiration in physics, astronomy, archaeology, history, and other nerdy subjects. And sometimes, metal bands are created around various fandoms. Let’s discuss geeky metal’s evolution, current noteworthy trends, and future possibilities.
Lilith Dawn (M), Peter Orullian, Dan Butler
How Long Can We Live in Space?
Seaports Stage
3–4 p.m.
The record for a single stay in space is 438 days, set by cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov on Mir, but U.S. astronaut Scott Kelly suffered significant health problems after just 342 days aboard the International Space Station. What precautions must we take to keep people alive on much longer missions to Mars and other planets?
Peter N. Glaskowsky (M), Geoff Nunn, Dr. Dana Andrews, Dan Dubrick
Make a Villain: Fantasy Edition
Mt. Rainier Stage
3–4 p.m.
Back by popular demand! Time to make an antagonist that everyone wants to play with. Join our panelists as they—with audience participation—create a villain.
Mark Teppo (M), Claire Eddy, James D. Macon, Steven S. Long
Single Pattern Contest: Judging and Show & Share
Grand Ballroom Stage
3–5 p.m.
This session is for judging and share and show of the entries for Norwescon’s single pattern contest. This year’s pattern is Simplicity Pattern 8770 Unisex Costume Capes, with awards for best in show (workmanship), best use of convention theme “The Longest Night,” judges’ favorite, best novice (for first-time participants in the SPC), and people’s choice award. No preregistration is required—entries may be submitted at the event. Winners will be announced during the masquerade half-time. Requirements for entry are available at the Single Pattern Contest page. Come and watch as the competitors introduce their entries. Your votes will decide the winner of the fan favorite award.
Abie Ekenezar (M), Richard Stephens, Kier Salmon
The Costuming Process: Five Steps That Should Never Be Skipped and Why
Olympic Stage
3–4 p.m.
Ever wonder why your sewn long seams are crooked or why your hem won’t lie flat? The answer is likely in the way that the fabric and cut pieces are handled before and during the sewing process. Our panel will discuss concepts such as easing and bias, when and when not to use pins, why ironing during the construction is so important, and other things that will help the process.
Deborah Strub, Ieva Ohaks, Christopher Corbitt, Richard Stephens
Lizzy D Hill, Art in Action
Art in Action Booth, Arena or Twitch
3 p.m.–4 p.m.
Lizzy D Hill demonstrates the process of illustrating the children’s book, When the Fireflies Came…, with her fantasy watercolor paintings.
Lizzy D Hill (M)
Reading: Greg Bear
Cascade Stage
3:30–4 p.m.
Greg Bear reads from his upcoming novel, The Unfinished Land, arriving in September 2021. Rated G.
Greg Bear (M)

4 p.m. PDT (7 p.m. EDT / 11 p.m. GMT)

But Is It Sci-fi?
Mt. Rainier Stage
4–5 p.m.
Every year there are films that get released that aren’t marketed as being science fiction or fantasy, but they clearly have strong elements that are. Which raises the question, are they sci-fi/fantasy, and did audiences know what they were getting themselves into based on the trailers? We’ll talk about films like Stranger Than Fiction, Sorry to Bother You, and Yesterday, to name a few.
Nick Fraser (M), Eric L Vargas, Jonny Nero Action Hero, Chris Wiswell
Collaborative Creation in RPGs
Seaports Stage or Twitch
4–5 p.m.
From teams working on producing and publishing games and books to game groups working together to create campaigns and play out adventures, creation in tabletop roleplaying games is often a collaborative process with a coordinating vision. Professional game designers and developers from Green Ronin Publishing talk about this process, on both the publishing and the play sides of things. How can you be a more effective creator and collaborator?
Steve Kenson (M), Malcolm Sheppard, Ian Lemke
Neanderthals, Denisovans, Sapiens, and Hobbits
Olympic Stage
4–5 p.m.
As our knowledge of genetics and evolution grows, we are increasingly finding that our understanding about the various “species” of hominids are undergoing a radical change, begging the question about what exactly it means to be human. This panel focuses on what we know and what we don’t, and looks at the idea that maybe the various flavors of Neanderthal are not as extinct as we believe they are.
Charlotte Lewis Brown (M), Jonathan Tweet, Greg Bear, Colette Breshears
Reading: Mark Teppo
Cascade Stage
4–4:30 p.m.
The Getaway Weekend. Wherein Douglas D. Douglas, one of the last best spies, is sent on a milk run. But, as his counterpart points out during the briefing, it’s not a milk run if they send the best of the best. Someone is going to die, but since Douglas and Merrylark are professionals, it won’t be them… Rated PG.
Mark Teppo (M)
UnCONVENTIONal Materials Challenge
Poolside Stage
4–5 p.m.
Attention all at-home cosplayers! It’s time to dig through your craft stash, shake out your wigs, and see who can pull off a themed closet cosplay. Join us at the top of the hour to get the assignment (outer space? cottagecore? anime? only time will tell!) and then return at the end to show off your results!
Lisa Mantchev (M), Amélie Mantchev
What Did You Make During Lockdown?
Evergreen Stage
4–5 p.m.
The pandemic closed so much of our fun and opportunities to showcase our costumes and cosplays. All that time sitting at home, OF COURSE, YOU WERE SEWING! So, we asked our costume track pros to play a game of show and tell and showcase what they did during their “down” time. Bring out your projects you are proud of and show us what you have been working on!
Elizabeth “Liz” Vann-Clark (M), Melissa Quinn, Richard Stephens
Why Do I Keep Getting Form Rejections on Short Stories?
Mt. Baker Stage
4–5 p.m.
The obligatory slush pile panel, but with a twist. Your story is perfect. Your beta readers told you so, and your writing group, and even your grandma (and she’s tough to please), but you keep getting rejected. Are there reasons a story might get rejected even though it’s very good? How important is finding the right market for a given story?
Cat Rambo (M), K.G. Anderson, Tod McCoy, Jack Skillingstead, Rebecca A. Demarest
Alternative Relationships in Media
Maxis Stage
4–5 p.m.
With shows like She’s Gotta Have It and books like Kushiel’s Dart and The Siren, those of us embracing non-traditional relationships and lifestyles are feeling a greater level of representation. But it is enough?
Stella Harris (M), Jacqueline Carey, Elliott Kay, Sar Surmick
Reading: Curtis C. Chen
Cascade Stage
4:30–5 p.m.
Come hear Curtis read from a new, unpublished, original story! Rated PG.
Curtis C. Chen (M)

5 p.m. PDT (8 p.m. EDT / 12 a.m. April 4 GMT)

Interview with Jacqueline Carey
Evergreen Stage
5–6 p.m.
Please attend this interview and Q&A with Norwescon 43’s writer guest of honor, Jacqueline Carey.
Peter Oruliian (M), Jacqueline Carey

6 p.m. PDT (9 p.m. EDT / 1 a.m. April 4 GMT)

Gareth the Bard in Concert
Seaports Stage
6–7 p.m.
Gareth has been performing at Norwescon as part of his band Celt Check! for five years now. Due to the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, Celt Check was not able to perform this year. So, Gareth will be performing a solo act for us all.
J. Grace McKelvy (M), Gareth the Bard
Deep Fakes
Mt. Baker Stage
6–7 p.m.
You want to smear a political opponent, create a deep fake video of them in a compromising space. 3D technology has become so sufficiently sophisticated that it is becoming harder and harder to believe what you see. The implications for trust and the foundation of society are profound and very, very negative.
Sar Surmick (M), PJ Manney, Jaym Gates
Drag Academy Showcase
Grand Ballroom Stage
6–7 p.m.
This is it. Those who participated in the Norwescon Drag Academy have something to share with you: all their hard work and glamor from their two days of intensive development! Sit down and prepare to whistle, clap, and cheer on our fledgling drag artists.
Allen Ryde, Mercury Divine
I Love Your Work: Support Tips for Busy Geeks
Mt. Rainier Stage
6–7 p.m.
We’ve all been there. An artist we like is doing something cool and we want to support them, but the timing just doesn’t work out. How can we show our support even if we don’t have the money, the time, or the spoons? Come find answers direct from the source! Our panelists (who are fans too) will share some tips on the various ways you can show support that still helps, even if it feels like it isn’t enough. Also, learn what to avoid to ensure you’re being the best fan.
Dan Butler (M), Jonny Nero Action Hero, Sang Kromah
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
Maxis Stage
6–7 p.m.
Aerospace is full of wonderful, and sometimes strange, ideas that just did not work out. Things like a space shuttle with a payload bay full of liquid hydrogen, a flying nuclear reactor (that also dropped nuclear bombs), and airplanes without wings. Come explore some of the weirder ideas engineers have come up with.
Lilith Dawn (M), Geoff Nunn, Dr. Dana Andrews, Dave Davis
Making Space for Making
Fishbowl Stage
6–7 p.m.
Crafting, making, and cosplay all take equipment and materials. The panel will discuss different approaches to making space in your home for making, from boxes under the bed to dedicated makerspaces in garages and basements. In addition, we’ll discuss not making space, and the advantages and drawbacks of community makerspaces.
Joy Alyssa Day (M), Christopher Corbitt, Deborah Strub
Publishing Career Planning
Olympic Stage
6–7 p.m.
We love it when a plan comes together, but how do we make that plan? How do we know where to go from there? What benchmarks should we set for ourselves to keep us on course?
Dale Ivan Smith (M), Jennifer Brozek, Jonathan Brazee, Coral Moore
Reading: Jason Brick
Cascade Stage
6–6:30 p.m.
Wrestling Demons. YA novel about a high-school wrestler who finds out he’s part of an ancient struggle against the forces of evil. Rated PG.
Jason Brick (M)
Rejection: My Life as a Writer
Poolside Stage
6–7 p.m.
From an honest writing group critique to having your series canceled by a major editor, rejection is an unwelcome but constant part of a writer’s life. Thick skins and strong wills are integral to submit work, receive editorial requests/demands, and, in the end, receiving reviews on your published work. Hear from writers who have been there, done that, and have the battle scars to prove it, but also learn about why it’s so important to keep trying, keep submitting, and KEEP WRITING!
Scott James Magner (M), Jasmine Silvera, Tex Thompson, Patrick Swenson, Rhiannon Held
The Greatest Liars in History
Evergreen Stage
6–7 p.m.
Some people can distort reality for others. They have the skills to convince people to act against their best interests. Others can project totally false images of themselves and their accomplishments. It has been said that a lie when repeated enough will seem like the truth to whole populations. Who were a few of the greatest liars?
Barth Anderson (M), Erik Mona, Berlynn Wohl, Ann Shilling
Virtual Movie Watch Party: Time Bandits
Scener App
6–8 p.m.
Join Norwescon members for an evening of science fiction and fantasy movies. We will use a Chrome browser plugin called Scener to sync the movie and allow members to chat with one another. Due to licensing issues, you must have a subscription to today’s streaming service (HBO Max) and have logged into it before clicking on the link below. Movie description: A young boy accidentally joins a band of time-traveling dwarves, as they jump from era to era looking for treasure to steal. Rating: PG – mild violence. Runtime: 1h 50m. Join the watch party here!
Shawn Marier (M)
Reading: Stella Harris
Cascade Stage
6:30–7 p.m.
Tongue Tied: Untangling Communication in Sex, Kink, and Relationships. Whether addressing sexual frustration with your partner, trying out new fantasies, or negotiating the terms of a BDSM scene, Stella Harris believes that communication skills are vital to sexual fulfillment. Tongue Tied gives readers straightforward advice on how to conquer their fears, identify their needs, and feel positively empowered. Rated R.
Stella Harris (M)
Norwescon Bibliophiles Book Club
Little Free Library Booth in the Arena
6:30–7:30 p.m.
Norwescon’s own monthly book club meets to discuss the Nebula Award-winning novella “Story of Your Life” by Ted Chiang, the basis for the science fiction film Arrival. Come find us in the Little Free Library booth in the Arena.

7 p.m. PDT (10 p.m. EDT / 2 a.m. April 4 GMT)

Atheists and Activists
Evergreen Stage
7–8 p.m.
Teens in the 21st century are sophisticated, with the knowledge of the ages at their fingertips. This panel explores the trends away from traditional religion and blind faith to a new belief and passion in science, ecology, political activism, and a return to simplicity.
Benjamin Gorman (M), Randy Henderson, Elisabeth Van Every, Jonathan Tweet
Bombs We Love
Olympic Stage
7–8 p.m.
Sometimes a movie comes out that seems like a bad idea, and it IS a bad idea. Other times a movie comes out that seems like a bad idea… and it’s actually pretty damn good, but it still bombs at the box office. We’re going to pay tribute to all of those films that deserved more credit (and box office receipts) than they received.
Nick Fraser (M), Eliza Gauger, Chris Wiswell, Glenn Dallas
Broad Universe Rapid-Fire Reading
Mt. Rainier Stage
7–9 p.m.
Grab some chocolate and settle in for this fast-paced night of stories, courtesy of Broad Universe Supporters. Enjoy authors reading from short stories, novels, flash fiction, poetry, and more. You may discover a new favorite author! Broad Universe is a nonprofit supporting women and persons with marginalized gender identities who are writing, editing, and publishing in speculative fiction. For more information, visit Broad Universe.
Amanda Cherry (M), K.G. Anderson, Marta Murvosh, Jude Marie Green, Dawn Vogel, Roberta Rogow, Kathryn Sullivan, Erin Wilcox, Anne E.G. Nydam
Grand Ballroom Stage
7–8:30 p.m.
Join us at the pinnacle event for Saturday evening, the Norwescon 43 masquerade. Watch our fabulous contestants bring their hard work to the stage! Will your favorites match the judges? Whether they do or not, we know the show will be amazing. The masquerade includes a slide of hall costumes followed by awards for single pattern contest and props contest and the announcement of next year’s convention guests of honor.
Miss Violet DeVille (M), Jackie Nordquist, Abie Ekenezar, Kat Marier, Bridget Landry, Richard Stephens
What Is Sex Positivity?
Mt. Baker Stage
7–8 p.m.
Sexuality is deeply embedded in the survival of our species, yet so often people confuse being sex-positive with things like hypersexuality or non-consent. Join panelists as they explore what sex positivity really means and why it matters.
Stella Harris (M), Lilith Dawn, Sheye Anne Blaze, Xander Odell
Zap: Lightning Science
Maxis Stage
7–8 p.m.
Beautiful and deadly, lightning has long amazed and awed. But how does it work? How much do scientists know about lightning, and what crazy theories did people have before? What would happen if you were struck by lightning? Does lightning occur on other planets? Can you make your own lightning? In this interactive talk with a Ph.D. physicist, discover the science of lightning. No science background necessary!
Corry L. Lee (M)
Saturday Night Open Filk
Poolside Stage
7–9 p.m.
The oldest form of geek music at science fiction conventions is an offshoot from folk called “filk,” and it has an intentionally open and deeply participatory culture. Open filk is where you can sing or play whatever you want to the most supportive crowd you will ever run into ever anywhere! Online audio delays make it difficult to perform together, so we encourage filkers to “raise your hand” and we’ll bring you to the stage one at a time. Listen or play along at home!
Reading: G.S./Gabrielle Prendergast
Cascade Stage
7:30–8 p.m.
Cold Falling White. Two teens fight for their lives after an alien invasion in this heart-stopping follow-up to Zero Repeat Forever. Humans. Clones. Aliens. No one is safe anymore. Rated PG.
G.S./Gabrielle Prendergast (M)

8 p.m. PDT (11 p.m. EDT / 3 a.m. April 4 GMT)

Evergreen Stage
8–9 p.m.
Join Norwescon biological sciences panelists for a discussion about the pandemic, and your questions about COVID-19.
Jake Mckinzie (M), Dr. Ricky, Charlotte Lewis Brown, Colette Breashears
Guilty Pleasures: Sex in Horror
Olympic Stage
8–9 p.m.
The horror genre is full of sex used in different ways: as metaphor, character development, vulnerability, or a cautionary tale. Sometimes we find things hot even if it seems like we’re supposed to be repulsed. Or are we? Our panelists discuss the complex ways sex is used in horror, and the equally complex ways we respond to it.
Evan J. Peterson (M), Leigh Harlen, Julie McGalliard
Mr. Data to the Bridge
Fishbowl Stage
8–9 p.m.
The trope of mechanical humans becoming fully human/sentient is a story as old as Pinocchio. How will coming advances in AI technology change our ideas of what a mechanical mind or person is? Will the old Asimov “Three Laws of Robotics” apply? Or is the AI revolution going to take us into a far different set of considerations?
Kris “Pepper” Hambrick (M), Christopher Corbitt, G.S./Gabrielle Prendergast
Reading: Storm Blue
Cascade Stage
8–8:30 p.m.
Storm Blue reads from Yes, Eve, I Will Eat Your Apple, a hybrid, creative non-fiction. Rated PG.
Blue (M)
Star Wars Themed Escape Room
Maxis Stage
8–9 p.m.
(TEENS ONLY) Whether you’re Jedi or Sith, Alliance or Imperial, Twi’lek or Wookiee, test your puzzle skills and Star Wars knowledge in a challenge to escape from the ship of a dangerous bounty hunter! This virtual escape room includes downloadable puzzles and tasks to complete, and an interactive gamemaster to guide the solving experience!
Glenn Dallas (M), Lisa Mantchev
The Elements of Slash
Mt. Baker Stage
8–9 p.m.
Writing adult material is a skill—much the same as writing any other genre—and adult-oriented slash fanfiction is no exception. This panel examines what makes slash good (and fun!) for writers and readers. Ages 18+.
Berlynn Wohl (M), keerawa, Elliott Kay, DameRuth
Virtual Movie Watch Party – Mad Max: Fury Road
Scener App
8–10 p.m.
Join Norwescon members for an evening of science fiction and fantasy movies. We will use a Chrome browser plugin called Scener to sync the movie and allow members to chat with one another. Due to licensing issues, you must have a subscription to tonight’s streaming service (HBO Max) and have logged into it before clicking on the link below. Movie Description: In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, a woman rebels against a tyrannical ruler in search of her homeland with the aid of a group of female prisoners, a psychotic worshiper, and a drifter named Max. Rating: R for intense sequences of violence throughout, and for disturbing images including suicide and sexual slavery. Runtime: 2h. Join the watch party here!
Shawn Marier (M)
Reading: GregRobin Smith
Cascade Stage
8:30–9 p.m.
GregRobin Smith reads from “A Firefly Afterward – Short Film Script.” (So, SPOILERS people, if you haven’t seen the Firefly movie.) Rated G
GregRobin Smith (M)
The Longest Night Concert Dance Party
Grand Ballroom Stage or Twitch
8:30–1:30 a.m.
Pay tribute to The Longest Night through music. This isn’t just a dance—it’s a chance to spark your imagination! Participants are encouraged to camouflage their faces in intriguing masks and deck themselves in their most delightful outfits. Share pictures of your wonderful ensembles and joyful celebrations on Norwescon’s social media pages: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter. Featuring: Danny Denial, Kittens Slay Dragons, Mirrorgloss, Nat Freaner, and Raichyl Sinversa.
J. Grace McKelvy (M), Bella La Blanc, Raichyl Sinversa, Kittens Slay Dragons, Mirrorgloss, Nat Freaner, Danny Denial

9 p.m. PDT (12 a.m. April 4 EDT / 4 a.m. April 4 GMT)

10 p.m. PDT (1 a.m. April 4 EDT / 5 a.m. April 4 GMT)

Sci-fi B-Movie Bingo – The Mole People
Seaports Stage
Join Seattle Movie Geeks Chris and Nick for another fabulous B-Movie Bingo where you check off the tropes. Babes, robed cultists, and rubber snakes, I mean, masks! This is a fun little picture from 1956 that explores the hollow-earth idea, and weird Sumerian mythology. The hero is Hugh Beaumont, whom you might remember as the dad from Leave It to Beaver, and it does in fact feature a really weird dance number. Come have some laughs with us and play B-Movie Bingo!
Chris Wiswell (M), Nick Fraser
Virtual Movie Watch Party: Godzilla vs. Kong
Scener App
Join Norwescon members for an evening of science fiction and fantasy movies. We will use a Chrome browser plugin called Scener to sync the movie and allow members to chat with one another. Due to licensing issues, you must have a subscription to tonight’s streaming service (HBO Max) and have logged into it before clicking on the link below. Movie description: Two of the greatest icons in motion picture history against one another—the fearsome Godzilla and the mighty Kong—with humanity caught in the balance. Rating: PG-13 (creature violence/destruction and brief language). Runtime: 1h 53m. Join the watch party here!
Shawn Marier (M)