Norwescon is run entirely by volunteers. Each year, over 250 people generously give of their time in order to make Norwescon the best it can be for its members and participants.

Volunteers are the backbone of the convention, from those of us who donate our time year round to those of you who lend a much needed helping hand for a couple of hours at the convention. Whether that is watching the doors at the Masquerade, helping out at the Registration Desk, or manning the Cloak Closet, we need that help.

We’re always looking for more willing volunteers! We keep updating our list of open positions, and whether or not you see something there that grabs your eye, we can always use more help. Just send a note to Volunteers through our contact page and join the Norwescon family!

Norwescon 43 ConCom Meeting Dates

ConCom meetings are (usually) held on the second Saturday of the month, starting in August or September. This year’s meeting dates are:

Meeting Times

  • Meetings will begin at 10 a.m.

Meeting Place

Get a preview of the platform we’ll be using for the convention, as we move this month’s meeting into Airmeet!

Click here to join the Airmeet meeting.

The Airmeet platform works best using Google Chrome on a laptop or desktop system. iOS users may attend from your iPhone or iPad using the Airmeet mobile app. Users of other browsers or non-iOS mobile devices will be able to view the meeting in a non-interactive mode.

We’re always looking for more willing volunteers! Send a note to Volunteers through our contact page and join the Norwescon family!