Welcome to the Norwescon Masquerade!
This is the highlight of the convention Saturday night and we would like to invite you to participate in the Norwescon 38 masquerade. It is open to all convention members of all costuming skill levels and is held on Saturday night of the convention. This is your chance to shine and strut your stuff for a standing room only audience. Please read the information below and fill out and submit the entry forms to compete.
Norwescon Masquerade Skill Divisions
Anyone may choose to compete in a higher skill division. Group presentations will be judged based on the highest skill division of the individual members.
Rising Star is for any contestant 13 years of age or younger who is not part of an adult group. Rising Star costumes must be made by the entrant with no more than a minimum amount of supervisory help. An adult-made costume may not be entered in this category and should instead be entered in the appropriate skill division of the adult.
Novice is for any contestant who has not previously won an award for a costume in any masquerade, or who has won a maximum of two awards in the Novice division for different costumes at a world-class convention masquerade such as World Con or Costume Con, or at a regional convention masquerade such as Norwescon or Westercon.
Journeyman is for any contestant who has won a maximum of three awards for different costumes in the Journeyman division at a world-class or regional convention masquerade.
Master is for any contestant who has won four or more awards for different costumes in the Journeyman or Master division, or who has won one or more Best in Show awards, at a regional or world-class convention masquerade. Professional costumers must enter the Master division.
The masquerade director may change your skill division if needed.
Children’s Masquerade
Have a padawan learner in the family? Or a Crusader knight? A fairy princess who wants to show off her wings? Bring them to the Norwescon Children’s Masquerade! The children’s masquerade allows children who are too young to compete as Rising Stars (self made costumes by children 13 years and under) to show off their costumes. To accommodate early bedtimes and short attention spans, the children’s masquerade is the first part of the Masquerade. But should you wish to see the rest of the amazing costumes, seats will be saved for you and your child.
Since entrants will go on stage shortly after 8:00 p.m., all children wishing to enter must meet with the Children’s Masquerade head prior to the Masquerade. We will have forms and all necessary info available for you, then. Bring your Star Trek ensigns, aspiring Quidditch players and Narnian queens to Norwescon’s masquerade in April!
Masquerade Judging
Presentation judging is mandatory. It consists of your presentation on stage. It judges everything from your costume’s appearance from stage, to how you act and move, to your music and voiceovers, etc. The Judges will give awards divided by skill levels and excellence of performance within those different skill levels.
Workmanship judging is optional. It takes place in the masquerade backstage area before the show begins. It allows the workmanship judges to consider exceptional accomplishment in crafting costumes, props, and accessories. This is the place where exquisite attention to detail may be recognized. Re-creation costumes (a costume whose design is copied from a film, television show, theatrical presentation, book illustration, comic, work of art, or other medium) must provide a color picture of the original for the workmanship judges. Let your Den Parent know if you want your costume and/or props and accessories judged for workmanship.
Here are some of the award categories:
- Best in Show
- Best in Class (Rising Star, Novice, Journeyman, Master)
- Best Workmanship (Rising Star, Novice, Journeyman, Master)
- Director’s Choice
- Judge’s Choice
- Best Use of Con Theme: Distant Horizons, Epic Adventures
- Best Theme: Aces or Jokers
- Best Theme: Winter is Coming
We would also like to extend our appreciation to Sasquan: 2015 Worldcon, the 73rd World Science Fiction Convention for donating a Sasquan membership to be awarded to one of our Masquerade winners!
Cascadia’s Got Talent at the Norwescon 38 Masquerade Halftime!
Do you have what it takes to gain the appreciation of our audience and panel of fan and celebrity (drunks?!) judges? FIND OUT! Bring your song, your work-in-progress, your shtick, your standup act, your freak show, your whatever – bring your talent to our free-form talent show! You have eight minutes, two songs, or until the gong gongs, whichever is shortest.
Last year we had a record number of both attendees and entrants, with Paul Campbell on the hammer dulcimer taking the Science Olympics Trophy for Entertainment. Apparently what our little “all the gravitas of a fart joke” show needed was a moment of quiet beauty. Who knew? WE didn’t and we still don’t!
Come show us your talent and let’s find out!
Norwescon Masquerade Videos
Video of the Norwescon 37 Masquerade is available for purchase. Please contact Alan Halfhill directly with inquiries.
DVD – $15; Blu-Ray – $20
Postal address:
Alan Halfhill
P.O. Box 312
Carlsborg, WA 98324-0312
Paypal address: halfmac at mac.com
Norwescon Masquerade Rules
Please review these rules carefully. Violation of any rule will disqualify an entry. Please help us make the masquerade safe and enjoyable.
- Never surprise the Masquerade Director.
- No jumping off or throwing things off the stage.
- No live firearms, no live explosions or fire. All weapons must be peace bonded except as needed for stage presentation.
- Contestants must go to one of the two Pre-Masquerade meetings, either Friday night or Saturday morning.
- The masquerade is PG-13. Lack of costume is not a costume.
- Purchased or rented costumes may not be entered in competition. Credit must be given for all makeup and costume construction.
- Costumes can be no longer than twelve feet, no taller than ten feet, and no wider than six feet.
- No live microphones are provided for contestants.
- Sound CDs/Jump drives/MP3s must be turned in at one of the two Pre-Masquerade meetings. Bring two copies of your sound accompaniment to the meeting of your choice (see rule #4).
- No messy substances – wet, dry, or oily – that might ruin another’s contestant or make the stage dangerous are permitted.
- No flash photography is permitted while contestants are on stage or in the backstage area. A designated photo area will be provided for contestant photos after the masquerade.
- Last but not least, the Masquerade Director has the final say.
Default Tech
- Lights black with spotlight on MC, ninjas set any props.
- MC introduces the contestant.
- Lights & sound up on the contestant’s entrance: MC reads dialogue if not on jump drive/CD.
- Sound & lights fade as contestants exits; MC announces contestant info & ninjas strike props.
- Contestant goes down the front runway and down the stairs to be lead down the walk way to the lobby for photos.
Every presentation should have a soundtrack; it makes it easier for you to rehearse and time your presentation, adds impact, and focuses the audience’s attention. It can be music, sound effects or something you record yourself such as dialogue. If you don’t provide a soundtrack, we’ll play some generic music.
Our Master of Ceremonies can also read out a script or other text which you can give to us when you register for the Masquerade. We won’t be able to let you speak on stage, so pre-record your words and practice them or give them to the MC to read. Please have it typed or printed clearly in a BIG font so it can easily be read in low light. Without an introduction, the MC will announce only your entry number, division and title at the beginning of your presentation. After your presentation is complete he will read your credits.
In addition to your presentation sound, if you have chosen a piece of music from a CD or music file, please bring the original CD or file with you, we may be able to use it. Please write the track number legibly on the original CD. We will only be able to cue a CD or file to the beginning of a particular track (there is not enough time during the Masquerade to cue within a track). If this is the case for your music, please record it to a separate medium ahead of time.
Turn in your music at either of the mandatory Masquerade Meetings (Friday 6–7pm, or Saturday 10–11am, both in Cascade 2). We will make every attempt to return your media to you after the Masquerade.
We can accept the following:
- Standard audio CD
- CD-R (create as a standard audio CD, burn only 1 track, make 2 copies) (preferred)
- USB stick
- SD card (Secure Digital)
We can accept the following types of files:
- .aiff
- .flac
- .m4a
- .m4p
- .mp3
- .ra
- .wav
- .wma
Contact Keith Johnson (tourdemondo@yahoo.com) if you have any questions.
P.S. Keith is also offering a FREE music editing service for anyone who would like help creating a high-quality presentation for that high-quality costume. If you’re quick, there may still be time to work something out for Norwescon, or Sasquan, the Spokane Worldcon, is coming up August 19-23! Contact him at tourdemondo@yahoo.com.
The Masquerade is looking for two types of Volunteers: assistants and performers.
The assistants help enable the show to go off without a problem. There is a need for Stage Ninjas (must be 16+ yrs.), Den Parents, Ushers, Door Guards, etc. If you would like to help, please contact Volunteers through our contact page and they will pass your information along to the Masquerade.
The performers are up on stage showing off the costumes that make up our show. If you have a costume you would like to present, one that will impress the audience and judges, this is the option for you. No experience required and there is time to ask questions and practice in advance of the event.
Come one, come all! Let us make this one of the best Masquerades ever!
Questions or comments? Please contact Special Events through our contact page.