NWC37 Sunday Banner

What follows is a listing of all events planned for Sunday, April 5th. You can also download a program grid for Sunday (48KB .pdf) or the full weekend (127KB .pdf).

Schedules for the rest of the weekend are listed here, or jump directly to Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.

We will be updating this list as major changes occur, until the convention opens. This list is current as of Mar. 12, 2015.

All-Ages Scheduled Gaming
Maxi’s Ballroom

Come sign up for a game run by our DMs or check out games from our lending library. We have RPGs, computer games, LARPs, card games, board games, and so much more! Need ADA access for a game? Please speak to our staff when you sign up so we can be sure to meet your needs.

Norwescraft 38: A Game of Blocks
Rotunda 1

Minecraft is coming… to Norwescon 38! We are proud to present Norwescraft on the first floor of the Rotunda! Come create, explore, quest and do battle on the Norwescraft server and meet special guests from all over the world at the virtual con, using either one of the provided computer portals or via our wifi access and your laptop!

Open Gaming
Rotunda 2

Norwescon Open Gaming is gearing up for 38! Open Gaming will be on the 2nd floor only of the Rotunda this year. Bring your boards, books, cards and best scenarios to meet up with others for a quick game at the con!

All-Ages Game Demos

All weekend there are dealers and game developers running demos of games in Maxi’s Salon. Come up and see the latest and greatest games and talk to game developers.

Egg Hunt <5
Olympic 1

Camin Bradbury (M)

Reading: Michael ‘Tinker’ Pearce
Cascade 1

‘The Gray Man’ (working title) – Werewolves are real, and the bite of a werewolf will make an unwilling killer of the victim. Some one has to stop them, even at the cost of his own soul. He is The Gray Man, damned and doomed to a murderer’s fate. Rated PG

Michael ‘Tinker’ Pearce

Digital Scavenger Hunt
Cascade 2

A new AI Search Engine has been developed to search the real world. You. You suddenly have the compulsion to scan your environment for images to represent the key words that have been entered into your computer brain interface. Use your discretion to return the best image database you can. The strength of your programing algorithms will be judged on the creativity of your entries. Using your electronic imaging device (whether native or auxiliary) store your results as pictures and return them to the email address provided. Join us on Thursday, Friday or Saturday to get your keyword list in person. Prizes will be awarded on Sunday!

Bullies Suck: Raising Compassionate Children
Cascade 3&4

Consider the case of ten-year-old Jasmine McClain and the scores of other children who have ended their own lives rather than endure another taunt from a bully. Even one life lost is too many. How can we raise our kids to be kind? How do we explain terms like sexual identity, gender dysmorphia, racism, misogyny, and oppression in terms young children can understand? How do we discuss it with older children without being condescending? And when the timeworn strategy of “ignore bullies and they’ll stop” doesn’t work, how do we help keep them from being the next victim?

Sar Surmick (M), Wednesday (Nessie) Phoenix, Minim Calibre, Steven Barnes

Myths About Fan Fiction
Cascade 5

How many negative things have you heard people say about fan fiction? It’s just Mary Sue self-indulgence. Only women write it. It’s all smut. It’s breaking the law! It isn’t “real” writing. People who write fanfic aren’t creative or talented enough to write “real” books. Our panelists will critically examine the various misconceptions about fan fiction and explore the value and fascination that causes thousands to write it and thousands more to read it.

Rosa Acicularis (M), Berlynn Wohl, Jamie Bort, Diana Copland

Medieval Medicine & Healing: Art of the Herb
Cascade 6

Today pharmaceutical companies are exploring the jungles of the world for miracle cures from… plants! It has not been that long ago that plant-based treatments were scorned and discounted as snake oil cures. But plants were all the people in ancient and medieval times had to work with. Are there efficacious remedies in the use of plants?

Adrienne Carlson (M), Kurt Cagle, DameRuth

Independent Horror: Savior of the Horror Film?
Cascade 9

Horror cinema has a long tradition of rebels and outsiders reinventing the genre from the fringes. Despite the major studios having a less than stellar track record of late, the industry seemsTi to be booming again as the next wave of independent film-makers fight to make their impression. We’ll discuss some of the new mavericks while reflecting on some of the earlier innovators who helped shape the horror cinema of today.

Nathan Crowder (M), Eric Morgret, Brian D. Oberquell

Challenges & Rewards of Space-Based Astronomy
Cascade 10

The Hubble Space Telescope has demonstrated that astronomy can be advanced by leaps and bounds when done above the atmosphere of Earth. What are the risks and rewards of doing astronomy from such a far flung outpost? Will new advances in ground based astronomy render space telescopes obsolete?

Loretta McKibben (M), Cathy Plesko, Dave Davis

Introduction to Medieval & Renaissance Manuscript Art
Cascade 13

Join us for an overview of the major styles of illuminated manuscript art, from the intricate Insular style of the 6th century Irish monks to the realism of the Italian artisans of the high Renaissance. Learn the distinguishing charateristics of the Carolinginan, Romanesque, Ottonian, and Gothic styles, and the terminology used to describe the components of this historic art form.

Anita Taylor (M)

Cascadia Commons: A Walk in the Square
Grand 3

Wind down your con with a stroll through the Cascadia Commons, this year’s Sunday Event. With live performances, costume and game exchange, a “Build & Destroy” area for kids of all ages, come and mix and mingle for a relaxing hour or two before heading out!

Masquerade Viewing and Debriefing
Evergreen 1&2

Join us to watch the Masquerade and then have a debriefing of it. Contestant’s music and any lost and found from the backstage area will be available at this panel. Any unpicked up awards will be here also.

Egg Hunt 5-8
Olympic 1

Camin Bradbury (M)

Reading: Jack Skillingstead
Cascade 1

A new short story. – Rated PG

Jack Skillingstead

Egg Hunt 9-12
Olympic 1

Camin Bradbury (M)

Reading: GregRobin Smith
Cascade 1

“The Walker’s Tale” – Sci-Fi. We have made contact with an alien world and have sent the first explorers to live amongst the simple tribes that live there. The environment is not hospitable to Humans, so we must stay sealed up as we try and ‘get to know the new neighbors’. How do we connect or communicate with these creatures? How do they tell us of an impending disaster? Can old movies help?. Rated G

GregRobin Smith

Cryptids & Cryptozoology
Cascade 2

Cryptozoology is the study of cryptids, animals some claim to be real but whose existence have not been accepted by the scientific community. Yetis and sasquatches, chupacabras and mermaids, jackalopes and bunyips: why do stories about such creatures persist, and why would well-meaning people dedicate their lives to finding them?

Kurt Cagle (M), Jordan B, DameRuth, Dr. Ricky

QUILTBAG: Not Your Mother’s Queer Acronym
Cascade 3&4

There’s more to queer culture than just those things the letters usually cited “LGBT” stand for. In addition to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transexual identities, there are others, like Intersex, GenderQueer, Asexual. Some of these identities have been drastically under-represented in Queer discussions. Come find out more. NOTE: We have a “no outing” policy toward sexual identities. Make sure if you’re identifying someone else that you have their permission. Or better yet, just don’t do it.

Gregory Gadow (M), Sar Surmick, Lilith von Fraumench, Sheye Anne Blaze

Dissecting the Weird
Cascade 5

In 2014, Jeff VanderMeer’s Southern Reach trilogy appeared on the New York Times Bestseller List, indicating the public’s — and fandom’s — interest in works of unambiguously weird fiction. What exactly do we mean when we talk about weird fiction? Is it a genre in its own right, or just a subgenre of fantasy, horror, or a blend of both? How does contemporary weird fiction deal with the legacy of H.P. Lovecraft? What are some of the best weird works in literature, film, television, and comics?

Jason Bourget (M), Alex C. Renwick, Keffy R. M. Kehrli

Solid Smoke
Cascade 6

Aerogels are another reason today’s students should go into materials engineering. Lighter than air (alright, really dense air), incredible insulators, and able to catch comet particles without damage, this would be the stuff of science fiction if the facts weren’t moving so fast.

Greg Hallock (M), Loretta McKibben, Corry L. Lee

Worth the Dues?
Cascade 7&8

Pro Organizations like SFWA, Broad Universe, RWA and more; what do they deliver? Hear members’ experiences — pro and con — and decide.

Cat Rambo (M), Annie Bellet, Pat MacEwen, Peter Dennis Pautz, Jennifer Brozek

B Plots: Romances (or Bromances)
Cascade 9

Developing the soul of any story means nurturing your protagonist, yet many writers flounder here. Learn from pros how to write a life-changing relationship.

Tori Centanni (M), Amy Raby, Carol Berg, Diana Copland, Dean Wells, Phoebe Kitanidis

The Next Generation: Gaming with Kids
Cascade 10

Games for the younger generation. What are good starter board, card, electronic, and tabletop roleplaying games for the young people in your life, and what can they help us teach them?

Jeremy Zimmerman (M), Patrick McKinnion, Adrienne Carlson, Wednesday (Nessie) Phoenix, David Fooden

Defeating Artist’s Block
Cascade 12

The blank canvas can strike fear into us all. How do we break past that stuckness when we don’t know where to start — or what to do next?

Margaret Organ-Kean (M), Bryan Syme, Julie Dillon, Laurie Noel, Liv Rainey-Smith

The Rest of the World in Space
Cascade 13

India has a spacecraft orbiting Mars. The European Space agency has a probe orbiting a comet. There is more to the space world than US efforts. Dan Dubrick explains what the rest of the world is doing in space with a lively and informative slide presentation.

Dan Dubrick (M)

Norwescon Art & Charity Auction
Grand 2


Reading: Carol Berg
Cascade 1

Ash and Silver – Ever since the Order of the Equites CinerÈ stole his memory, his name, and his heart, thinking about the past makes Greenshank’s head ache. After two years of rigorous training he is almost ready to embrace the mission of the Order — to use selfless magic to heal the troubles of Navronne. But on his first assignment alone, the past comes racing back. He is Lucian de Remeni — a sorcerer whose magical bents for portraiture and history threaten the safety of the earth and the future of the war-riven kingdom of Navronne. He just can’t remember how or why. Fighting to unravel the mysteries of his power, Lucian must trace threads of corruption that reach from the Pureblood Registry and into the Order itself, the truth hidden two centuries in the past and beyond the boundaries of the world…. Rated G

Carol Berg

Special Warfare
Cascade 2

From Roger’s Rangers to the Devil’s Brigade to the Green Berets, “special” operations units have been formed for extraordinary missions. Who are the people that volunteer for these units and what kind of training and missions do they undertake.

Bill Gruner (M), Joseph Malik, Alan Paulsen, Bart Kemper

Comics on TV?
Cascade 3&4

Not cartoons, but serious television adaptations of comic properties as opposed to the campy wonder that was the 60s Batman. Gotham, Constantine, Arrow, The Flash, are all “realistic” serializations of comics properties many of us grew up with. How do you think they’re doing, and what are the ramifications for comics in the future?

Ogre Whiteside (M), Dean Wells, C0splay, Matt Youngmark, Christian Lipski

Foods of the Old World & New
Cascade 5

When European exploration of N. & S. America began in the late 15th century, revolutionary commodities were introduced into the “Old World” in the form of food. But European foods were brought by colonists to the “New World”. Find out what these foods were and what changes they caused.

Adrienne Carlson (M), Alan Andrist, DameRuth, William Elder, Maj. James Franklin (Ret.)

Geek Policing: Don’t Do It
Cascade 6

Geek Policing happens when someone evinces interest in something of the nerdy persuasion, and someone else starts quizzing them on it like nerddom is the Ivy League. It’s not okay. And we, all of us, nerds of all genders, need to stop it. Period.

Mickey Schulz (M), Rachel Edidin, Jonny Nero Action Hero, Luna Lindsey

The Geek Secret Handshake
Cascade 7&8

School, work and social environments sometimes make it hard to fly your geek flag as prominently as you might like. Get and share tips for recognizing kindred spirits without freaking the mundanes.

Mike Robles (M), Donna Prior, David Shoemaker, Michael G. Munz, Minim Calibre

Worldbuilding: Food is Life
Cascade 9

What the details of food and cuisine can add to your story and world.

Alex C. Renwick (M), Renee Stern, John (J.A.) Pitts

Collaborative Writing
Cascade 10

Unleash the power of the hive-mind. Everything from forming your dream team to navigating pitfalls, to selecting collab software for maximum efficiency.

Frog Jones (M), David J. Peterson, Nina Post, Steven Barnes, Esther Jones

Ink & Blocks
Cascade 12

The computer printer was invented in the 1950s, but we’ve been printing inked images on paper for well over a millennium, with techniques that are still in use today. Why do we continue to use this literally ancient approach… and how can you do it too?

Margaret Organ-Kean (M), Liv Rainey-Smith, Mimi Noyes

Authors With Volume
Cascade 13

Audiobooks, vlogs, and podcasts are extremely popular formats, but many authors don’t know where to start. Learn the tools and tricks from experienced pros.

Gregory A. Wilson (M), Amy Raby

What Is Science, Anyway? Who Cares?
Evergreen 3&4

The climate change debate has shown that many people have no idea what science is, how science is done, and what scientists do. Many people who benefit from science still confuse it with magic. Come learn about the scientific method and why it is the foundation for our modern society. Who pays for research? Why should you care? What has science given us, pro and con?

Loretta McKibben (M), Corry L. Lee, Jake McKinzie, Janet Freeman-Daily, Jessica Hebert, Amy Mainzer

Fandance Film Festival
Evergreen 1&2

Since 1999, the Fandance Film Festival has been a celebration of low- and no-budget cinema, brought to wondrous lurching life by amateur filmmakers from all around the Pacific Northwest. More than just the movies, this 120-minute extravaganza of entertainment also includes the filmmakers, to regale you with terrifying tales of their productions. Be there or be a regular right quadrilateral! The Fandance Film Festival is the final terrifying phase of the Let’s Make a Movie Workshop, in which participants walk through every step of making a movie, from conception to the premiere of the finished product.

Edward Martin III (M), Eric Morgret, Ryan K. Johnson, Brian D. Oberquell

Reading: Darragh Metzger
Cascade 1

The Gate: Book Seven of the Triads of Tir na n’Og series – The final book in the long-running Triads of Tir na n’Og series.. Rated PG

Darragh Metzger

Reading: Sonia Orin Lyris
Cascade 1

From some unpublished work – You’ll like it. Trust me.. Rated G

Sonia Orin Lyris

Preservation of Fanfiction & Fan History
Cascade 2

While there are groups such as AO3 who are currently devoted to creating a place in which fanfiction can be collected, searched, and archived, there are many other, lesser known groups who make it their job to find, collect, and preserve fan history, art, and fiction. Come learn about these resources, how you can support them, what you can find at them, and how to contribute to the preservation of fan works.

Minim Calibre (M), Tartan, Rachael Sabotini

Where’s Urban Fantasy Going?
Cascade 3&4

What’s beyond all the vamps, werewolves, angels, and demons? Having explored all of the old tropes, what’s next?

Rhiannon Held (M), Esther Jones, Craig English, Kristi Charish, Tori Centanni

Horror As a Mirror
Cascade 5

What does the horror genre tell us about the culture in which it was written? What does today’s horror tell us about modern society?

Morgue Anne (M), Arinn Dembo, Amber Clark, Jason Bourget

Home Recording II
Cascade 6

Everybody wants to make a demo. Okay, you have some equipment. Now what do you do with it? How do you set it up; how do you use it to capture or create the best sounds you can? If you didn’t make the first hour, that’s okay, come anyway.

Dara Korra’ti (M), Christian Lipski, Vixy & Tony

Ancient & Medieval Tech: Machines In Action
Cascade 7&8

Europeans of the past constructed mighty structures and moved resources great distances using machines powered by various forms of energy. With the aid of models and diagrams, participants will learn how technically advanced ancient and medieval people actually were.

Bill Gruner (M), Norman K. Moss, Maj. James Franklin (Ret.)

Alien Harvest
Cascade 9

Say you find a nice planet in an out-of-the-way star system and decide to put down roots. Just toss some seeds on the ground and wait for rain, right? Our panelists will discuss why it probably won’t be that easy.

Annie Morton (M), Alan Andrist, Jim Kling, Renee Stern, jake McKinzie

The Best in Recent SF
Cascade 10

People often talk about the classics of SF, but there’s also a lot of great SF being produced now, including works that will be looked back upon as classics. The panel discusses some of the best works of recent years, including ones the audience may have overlooked. We’ll also talk about how some of these recent works build on older works.

Jude-Marie Green (M), Keffy R. M. Kehrli, Leslie Howle

Putting the “Science” Into Your SciFi Costumes
Cascade 12

What are the elements that make a stand-alone costume more science fiction than fantasy? Without the story and setting of a movie or other context, how does one make a costume futuristic? Technological? Space-ish? Shiny? What distinguishes this genre, and how can we capture that in costume?

Ieva Ohaks (M), Julie Zetterberg, Torrey Stenmark, Arthur Bozlee

Mapping Demo
Cascade 13

Whether you are gaming or writing the Epic Adventure, it helps to know where things are. Paper and pencil are all well and good, and Google Earth is OK for modern settings, but what is available if your adventures take you farther afield? Join our panelists as they run demos and screen shots of programs that will help you find your path to Distant Horizons.

Kurt Cagle (M), Margaret Organ-Kean

Origami Folding
Olympic 1

Folding paper into beautiful shapes.

Stephanie Herman (M)

Technobabble & Other Cromulent Words
Cascade 2

Shakespeare, Tolkien, Burgess… They each coined new vocabulary in their fiction. How to innovate with language without losing your reader.

Eva Phoenix (M), G. David Nordley, GregRobin Smith, Dean Wells

Fandom In Daily Life
Cascade 3&4

Are you weird, geeky, or a total nerd, and proud of it? Do you express your fannishness in daily life, or do you tone it down for your day job? Come participate in a discussion and share how you show your fannish colors.

Victoria Shaffer (M), Donna Prior, Mike Robles, Jonny Nero Action Hero, Shubzilla

Hello Mother, Hello Father
Cascade 6

Today we are used to instant communications no matter where we are, computer networks, instant messaging and cheap video conferencing mean we are never out of touch. But assume you live on a colony on Mars. The speed of light limits how fast you can communicate. Normal two way voice communications are all but impossible. Will this bring back the art of letter writing?

Arthur Bozlee (M), Marta Murvosh, John Cramer, Wednesday (Nessie) Phoenix

When You Gotta Be Big
Cascade 7&8

Making your oversize stage costumes, props, wigs and headpieces easily transportable.

Ieva Ohaks (M), Kat Marier, Julie Zetterberg

Be Your Own Agent
Cascade 9

…and Have a Fool for a Client? Alternately: …and Prosper? Pros debate whether you truly need an agent in 2015.

Kristi Charish (M), J.E. Ellis, Amy Raby, David J. Peterson

Let’s Playstorm a Tabletop Game
Cascade 10

Game ideas come from everywhere. During this panel, panelists will take 1-2 topics from the crown and playstorm what a game about these topics will conceptually be like.

Ogre Whiteside (M), David Fooden, Erik Scott de Bie

Handling Your Online Image As An Artist
Cascade 12

How do you create effective online presence? How and where should you sell work online? What social networking tools should you be using, and how? What are best practices for building a fan base and then interacting with them?

Nicole Dieker (M), Liv Rainey-Smith, Laurie Noel, Margaret Organ-Kean

Sunday Crafting Hour
Olympic 1

Paper, crayons, coloring books, pictures, colored pencils, tape, glue, beads, adhesive paper, lightweight cardboard, and surprises to encourage anyone of any age who wants to come and play with us.

Camin Bradbury (M), Jess Allen

Movie Previews: What’s New?
Evergreen 1&2

This is the hour where you watch previews that have (and have not) been on iTunes for months now. What’s coming to the big, little, and streaming screen in the next few years, and some things you might have missed from the recent past.

Cloaks in Contemporary Media
Cascade 2

From Disney’s “Frozen” to Norwescon’s own Writer GoH George R. R. Martin’s “Game of Thrones”, it’s quite clear that cloaks are NOT to be found solely in “Little Red Riding Hood”-style fairy tales. This panel presents an interactive discussion of how this garment has been described or portrayed in recent media, as well as the modern-day high-fashion world. Whether adding to our discussion or seeking inspiration for your next cos-play project, all are welcome!

Cymbric Early-Smith (M), Kat Marier, Carmen Beaudry

Alien Communication
Cascade 3&4

Humans cannot engage in meaningful conversation with other Earth life, despite centuries of trying. What makes us think that communicating with aliens will be so easy?

Eva Phoenix (M), G. David Nordley, David J. Peterson, Luna Lindsey, Sar Surmick

Planning a Tactical Operation
Cascade 5

What goes into the planning to accomplish a tactical mission? How is preparing an Op Order like using the 7 Habits? Here is a chance to make a simple plan to accomplish military goal–at least until the plan comes in contact with the opposition.

Bill Gruner (M), Bart Kemper, Joseph Malik, Maj. James Franklin (Ret.)

Zombies Just Won’t Die
Cascade 6

The Walking Dead continues to be a TV juggernaut and other studios are still trying to jump on the bandwagon. Is the end in sight for the zombie’s assault on popular culture or will it continue to shamble on?

Jordan B (M), Mike Robles, Eric Morgret, Matt Youngmark

…But It Was Always So Awesome!
Cascade 7&8

You take the red pill and suddenly it seems like all the media you loved before is betraying you with its inherent sexism, racism, homophobia and ableism. How do you still enjoy media once you’ve become aware of everything that’s wrong with it? Our panelists have been through it and have some tips for you.

Nicole Dieker (M), Jamie Bort, Lilith von Fraumench

Zap! Pow! Bam!
Cascade 9

Writing a combat scene that works is more than just an accurate blow-by-blow description. How do you maintain tension and keep the story moving?

Grant Riddell (M), Elliott Kay, Erik Scott de Bie

Planet or Not: Almost to Pluto!
Cascade 13

It is taking more than a decade for the New Horizons mission to reach far-out Pluto and its moon Charon. Then scientists will be taking images and data as the spacecraft zooms past at over 40,000 miles per hour. What is Pluto? What type of object is it, now that it’s not considered a “regular” planet? And why was a mission sent to study it? Learn about our outer Solar System and the fascinating icy bodies out past Neptune including the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. What will New Horizons explore after its flyby of Pluto and Charon?

Steve Gillett (M), Greg Hallock, Alan Boyle

Closing Ceremonies
Evergreen 3&4


Onions & Roses
Evergreen 3&4