Norwescon is the Pacific Northwest’s premiere science fiction and fantasy convention and one of the largest regional science fiction and fantasy conventions in the United States. While maintaining a primarily literary focus, Norwescon is large enough to provide a venue for many of the other aspects of science fiction and fantasy and the interests of its fans such as anime, costuming, art, gaming, and much, much more.
Norwescon features over 500 hours of panel programming, over 200 panelists specializing in fantasy, science fiction, science and more, the Philip K. Dick Awards, a 6,250 square-foot Dealers Room, Writers’ Workshops, a full masquerade, an art show, dances and more!
Mission Statement
To promote science fiction, fantasy, and science through the written word, art, and educational programs, such as the holding of a yearly convention where the public is provided with the opportunity to hear noted writers, scientists, and educators speak on various aspects of the fields of science fiction, fantasy and science and to participate in discussions, displays, and lectures involving these fields.
Norwescon believes that its mission is to provide to the public the opportunity to be educated on the latest trends in science fiction, fantasy, and science, as science fiction in many cases becomes the science of the future.
The goals of Norwescon are to hold a yearly literary convention with emphasis on its previously stated mission.