Norwescon offers table space to clubs, groups, conventions, and organizations that promote science, science fiction, fantasy, costuming, and other fannish pursuits. This table space is an opportunity to share your enthusiasm with Norwescon members who have similar interests. This year Norwescon 38 lobby services is pleased to host the following groups and organizations:
47 North
Althea the Face Painter (Sat. only)
Anglicon: The Regeneration
Beyond Reality Costumers Guild
Cascade Writers
Crypticon Seattle
Dravenwood Village (Sat. only)
Dublin 19
EMP Museum
The Hands That Heal Center For The Healing Arts
Helsinki in 2017
Imperial Starbase Society
Kirkland Geek Gala
Merchants of Deva
MidAmeriCon II
National Space Society
Northwest Science Fiction Society (NWSFS)
PNWA – Pacific Northwest Writers Association
Primitive Festival Alliance
Realm of Chivalry
The Royal Manticoran Navy / Tenth Fleet
Sasquan – Worldcon in 2015 in Spokane
Seattle UFO Network
The Steve Strout- Comic Book Swap Meet
Time Wars
Westercon 69
This list is subject to change if needed. Current as of Mar. 31, 2015.
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