Liv Rainey-Smith
Liv Rainey-Smith is an artist specializing in hand-pulled xylographic prints. Her imagery draws primarily upon historic styles, folklore, dreams, and esoteric traditions. She prints her own fine art prints in small editions on both paper and animal parchment. Her body of work includes illustrations for the 2011 ARCANUM BESTIARUM published by Three Hands Press and the 2014 STARRY WISDOM LIBRARY by P.S. Publishing.
Upcoming Events
April 25 – 26
CthulhuCon PDX
Portland, Oregon
May 1 – 3
H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival San Pedro
San Pedro, California
July 17
Solo Show
Gargoyles Statuary
Seattle, Washin>on
August 20 – 23
NecronomiCon Providence
Providence, Rhode Island
October 2 – 4
H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival Portland
Portland, Oregon