
Norwescon WebmonkeysBlog, Norwescon 37, Webmonkeys

Your friendly neighborhood webmonkeys have been typing away like mad, and while we haven’t managed to come up with any more Shakespeare, we have recently unleashed a slew of updates to the Norwescon website!

Norwescon 36 Reactions

Norwescon WebmonkeysBlog, Norwescon 36, Webmonkeys

While we’ve all been taking a couple weeks to rest and recover, we’ve also been keeping an eye out to see what you all have been saying about your time at Norwescon. Here are the links we’ve found so far — and if you know of any that we missed, feel free to let us know!

Norwescon on Twitter

Norwescon WebmonkeysBlog, Norwescon 35, Social Media, Webmonkeys

The official hash tag for Norwescon 35 is #nwc35, and our music track is using the hashtag #nwcmusic. Here’s what all of you are saying about Norwescon (pulled from a search for #nwc35, #nwcmusic, and norwescon)!