The Norwescon Art Show is proud to announce this year’s winners and would like to thank all of our artists for their outstanding contribution to this year’s show.
Art Show Change of Hours
The Norwescon art show will be closing to the public on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. this year. This is a half hour earlier than our normal time, so please plan accordingly.
Announcing the NWC37 Artists
The Norwescon Art Show is pleased to announce another eye-popping lineup of artists for Norwescon 37!
Recent Website Updates
Dealers’ Room, Lobby Tables, and Art Show applications are now live!
Norwescon 36 Art Show Awards
We are pleased to announce the winners of the Norwescon 36 Art Show Awards!
Art Show Now Accepting Registrations
Along with Artist Guest of Honor Lee Moyer and our other great artists, we are excitedly looking for new participants to bring to the art show. If you’d like to participate in the Norwescon 36 Art Show, head on over to our Art Show page to check out the policies and get info on how to register!
Norwescon 35 Awards
Each year, Norwescon presents a number of awards to its attendees, costumers, and exhibiting artists. Here are this year’s winners — congratulations to all of you!