Finding Your Registration Confirmation and Barcode

Norwescon Member ServicesBlog, Norwescon 36, Registration

We understand that many of you are looking for the “receipt with barcode” mentioned in this morning’s News From Norwescon e-newsletter.

When you registered for Norwescon, if you paid online using PayPal, you should have received two emails.

The first, titled “Your registration for Norwescon 36″, should have confirmed that we had received your registration and that you would receive a notification letter when our staff had processed the payment.

The second email, titled “Norwescon 36 payment processed!”, should have notified you that we had successfully processed your payment. That email also included a long URL in the second paragraph. Clicking on that URL (which begins with the address…) should bring up your printable receipt, complete with bar code.

Some people who registered early (on Sunday at Norwescon 35) may have received a version of the second email with a malformed URL. If the URL in your email does not work, check to see if it begins with the address http://norwescon.orgconvention_master/…. If it does, please replace that string (everything up to and including the first single slash) with Once that is done, the corrected link should work.

Don’t panic if you can’t find your second receipt email. There will be kiosks available at registration for you to print your barcode receipt. In such cases, it is probably a good idea to bring a print-out of your PayPal receipt to the convention with you, just in case.

If you have any further difficulties, please contact our registration department, and they will get back to you as soon as possible.

We sincerely apologize for any confusion this has caused.