Norwescon is run entirely by volunteers. Each year, over 250 people generously give of their time in order to make Norwescon the best it can be for its members and participants.

Volunteers are the backbone of the convention, from those of us who donate our time year round to those of you who lend a much needed helping hand for a couple of hours at the convention. Whether that is watching the doors at the Masquerade, helping out at the Registration Desk, or manning the Cloak Closet, we need that help.

## Volunteering at the Convention

Did you know that Norwescon needs volunteers on Wednesday to help set up our awesome convention? Please report to Grand 1 to help out! We will also need lots of willing hands to help during the convention in order to keep it running at top speed. Please consider visiting the volunteer lounge in Olympic 3 and signing up to give even an hour of your time. We have prizes!

## Stuffing Party!

Want to help out for a bit on the Sunday before the con (April 13th)? Please join us for fun and games as we take pieces of paper, paperback books, buttons and coupons and marry them together to form the packets that everybody receives at Registration. The more people we have, the faster it will go. Be the first in your neighborhood to see what sort of goodies everyone will receive. Cop a button or two advertising the next big movie. We might even have the latest programming grids on the wall for your perusal. For more details, please see [this weblog post][stu]!

Norwescon 40 ConCom Meeting Dates

ConCom meetings are (usually) held on the second Saturday of the month.

Note: Meeting dates, times, and locations may be subject to change.

  • September ConCom: 9/17/2016 (RSVP: FB/G+)
  • October ConCom: 10/15/2016 (RSVP: FB/G+) (Weather Alert!)
  • November ConCom: 11/12/2016 (RSVP: FB/G+)
  • December ConCom: 12/10/2016 (RSVP: FB/G+)
  • January ConCom: 1/21/2017 (RSVP: FB/G+)
  • February ConCom: 2/11/2017 (RSVP: FB/G+) (NOTE: This meeting will be held in the Mercer Room at the Hilton Conference Center in SeaTac.)
  • March ConCom: 3/18/2017 (RSVP: FB/G+)
  • Stuffing Party: 4/9/2017
  • Norwescon 40: 4/13–16/2017 (RSVP: FB/G+)
  • May Post-Con ConCom: 5/13/2017 (RSVP: FB/G+) (NOTE: This meeting will be held in the Crystal Room at the Hilton Conference Center in SeaTac.)
  • Volunteer Appreciation Picnic: 7/15/2017 (RSVP: FB)

Meeting Times

  • 11:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.: Social Time
  • 12:00 p.m.–12:15 p.m.: Introductions
  • 12:15 p.m.–12:30 p.m.: Announcements
  • 12:30 p.m.–2:30 p.m.: Breakouts
  • 2:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m.: Report Backs
  • 5:00 p.m.: Post-meeting social (location changes monthly and is announced at the meetings)

Meeting Place

Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Seattle Airport
18740 Pacific Highway South
SeaTac, WA 98188

For directions and a map, please see the hotel’s website.

NOTE: There is a discounted charge of $8.00 for parking.

We meet in Maxi’s (at the top of the tower) whenever possible, but please consult the hotel readerboard when you arrive to confirm the location of the meeting room.

We’re always looking for more willing volunteers! Send a note to Volunteers through our contact page and join the Norwescon family!