NWC37 Sunday Banner

What follows is a listing of all events planned for Sunday, April 16th. Programming grids are getting their final touches and will be added soon.

Schedules for the rest of the weekend are listed here, or jump directly to ThursdayFriday, or Saturday.

We will be updating this list as major changes occur, until the convention opens. This list is current as of Apr. 12, 2017.

All-Ages Scheduled Gaming
Maxi’s Ballroom
9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Come sign up for a game run by our DMs or check out games from our lending library. We have RPGs, computer games, LARPs, card games, board games, and so much more! Need ADA access for a game? Please speak to our staff when you sign up so we can be sure to meet your needs.
Easter Egg Hunt – Newest Fen (2 & Under)
Olympic 1
9–9:30 a.m.
Baby and toddler-friendly filled eggs will be placed around for our youngest fen and their helpers to find. Sign-up sheet for participation of children ages newborn to two will be available in Olympic 1 until Saturday evening to guarantee space and supplies.
Danielle Gembala, Eric Snyder
Pathfinder Society and D&D Adventurers League
Rotunda 1
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
The Pathfinder Society and Dungeons & Dragons Adventurers League will be running games throughout the weekend. Check the gaming schedule for details.
All-Ages Game Demos
9 a.m.–4 p.m.
All weekend there will be dealers and game developers running demos of games in Maxi’s Salon. Come up and see the latest and greatest games and talk to game developers.
Easter Egg Hunt Pre-Fen (3-5)
Olympic 1
9:30–10 a.m.
Preschooler-appropriate candy and toy-filled eggs will be hidden for kids ages three to five to find with their caregivers. Sign-up sheet for participation will be available in Olympic 1 until Saturday evening to guarantee space and supplies.
Urban Renewal
Cascade 3&4
10–11 a.m.
Join our panelists as they discuss the common tropes in urban fantasy and the unique ways in which those themes can be reimagined for the audience.
K. M. Alexander, Rhiannon Held, Annie Bellet
Bullies Suck: Raising Compassionate Children
Cascade 5&6
10–11 a.m.
There are many stories of people as young as ten who have ended their lives rather than endure another taunt. How do we take back our lives and communities from bullies and raise our kids to be kind? How do we explain terms like sexual identity, gender dysmorphia, racism, misogyny, and oppression in terms young children can understand? Or even in terms that adults can understand? What can we do to address these issues without being condescending? The timeworn strategy of “ignore bullies and they’ll stop” doesn’t work. What do we do instead?
Ogre Whiteside (M), Minim Calibre, Mermaid SIF, Mickey “Meowse” Phoenix
Fermented Beverages of the Middle Ages
Cascade 7&8
10–11 a.m.
So drinking the water out of the ditch near the privy makes you sick. But there is something to drink made of fruits, grains, or honey (or mare’s milk) that tastes good and makes the world a bit better place. How were intoxicating drinks made and what were some of the drinking customs? Sorry, no samples.
Ann Shilling (M), DameRuth, Michael Hayes
Fighting Through the 20K Slump
Cascade 9
10–11 a.m.
Or the 10K, 50K, 75K! Wherever you get stuck in the middle of your draft, you need to push through it to reach the end. What are some techniques for getting yourself unstuck even when the going gets rough? Our pros discuss how they’ve gotten through their own slumps and suggest ways you can do it, too.
Mark Teppo (M), Tori Centanni, Patrick Swenson, Scott James Magner
The Languages of Speculative Fiction
Cascade 10
10–11 a.m.
As a part of their world building, some SFF writers create new languages. Most are used as naming languages or to flavor insults and courtesies; a small few become entities themselves, with thousands of speakers and an impressive body of translated and original literature. Join us as we discuss what is involved in creating your own language, and how much work is needed to get the results you want.
Kurt Cagle (M), Veronica Hamilton, Torrey Stenmark
Tech Careers for Young Fen
Cascade 11
10–11 a.m.
There is an opportunity for people who are thinking about their personal future, and what careers they might follow that let them embrace their inner nerd, and still lets them buy a house and nice toys. We don’t have all the answers, but we perhaps have some useful questions.
Mike Brennan (M), Adrienne Carlson, Cathy Plesko, Peter N. Glaskowsky
Glass Fusing Workshop Part 2
Cascade 12
10–11 a.m.
If you participated in the glass fusing workshop on Friday, please come pick up your glass art. We will discuss what worked, what didn’t, and how to fix it for next time.
Joy Alyssa Day (M)
Masquerade Viewing & Debriefing
Evergreen 1&2
Join us to watch the Masquerade and then have a debriefing of it. Contestant’s music and any lost and found items from the backstage area will be available at this panel. Any unpicked-up awards will be here also.
Grand 3
Herocorps needs champions. Born out of the conflict of last year, Bes and Fortuna can’t get along! Unfortunately, Loki isn’t a good mediator! Can you rise to the occasion and settle the dispute? Come be a champion, or cheer the brave few on as they attempt to solve the riddles and pass the tests of the gods in an elimination tournament. This is a game of wits and sportsmanship rooted in mythology. If you like survivor elimination challenges, you will love this.
Easter Egg Hunt Kid Fen (6-8)
Olympic 1
10–10:30 a.m.
Eggs filled with candy and surprises will be hidden for our bigger kids to find. Sign-up sheet for participation will be available in Olympic 1 until Saturday Evening to guarantee space and supplies.
Danielle Gembala, Eric Snyder
Reading: Raven J. Demers
Cascade 2
10:30–11 a.m.
Perdition. When Daisy Margaret Shaw died at 76, she didn’t expect to wake again, believing she’d been forsaken by God, with a deep hunger and a new set of fangs. Now Daisy must discover who’s stalking her, navigate the nocturnal society of Atlanta, and make a choice regarding a little girl’s fate. Perdition is Raven J. Demers’ debut novel, an uncanny vampire story focused on a septuagenarian facing numerous challenges to her ethics and worldview. Rated PG.
Raven J. Demers (M)
Easter Egg Mystery Hunt for Young Fen (9-12)
Olympic 1
10:30–11 a.m.
Each youth who signs up will be given a clue that will lead their team to a clutch of eggs hidden somewhere in the con space. Sign-up sheet for participation will be available in Olympic 1 until Saturday Evening. Clues will be distributed at the time of the hunt.
Danielle Gembala, Tina Connolly, Eric Snyder
Reading: Jeremy Zimmerman
Cascade 2
11–11:30 a.m.
Kensei Tales. Jeremy Zimmerman will read a selection from one of his Kensei serials. Rated PG.
Jeremy Zimmerman (M)
The Future of Farming
Cascade 3&4
Whether you are on a Martian colony, deep underground in a post-apocalyptic city, or in a space station orbiting Jupiter, producing enough food to support everyone poses special problems. Our panelists will discuss the challenges of farmless farming, and how it might be done.
Alan Andrist (M), Dr. Ricky, Jak Koke, Mike Brennan
Buying, Selling, and Playing Old Games
Cascade 5&6
Do you miss your Sega Genesis? Do you have a bookshelf full of Avalon Hill games that you never play? Was there a card game you played a few times a long time ago and wish you could play it again? Still play Black Box Cyberpunk? Come hear our experts give tips about where to find older games, how to replace missing components, where to find markets to sell on, and the joy of older games in general.
Barry Wilson (M), Dylan Templar, Bill Gruner, Jonny Nero Action Hero
The Stirrup Revolution
Cascade 7&8
From the time that people domesticated horses and perched up their backs, good leg muscles and balance made the horse the vehicle of choice in peace and war. But the rider’s feet hung free. Then, a new invention changed everything. How did the innovation of the stirrup add stability and new abilities and contribute to the decline of ‘bareback’ riding skills?
Alan Paulsen (M), Ann Shilling, Peter Fuller
Asymmetric Warfare
Cascade 9
In the era of superpowers, asymmetric warfare defines the type of war between powers of unequal, and often grossly unequal, size or capability. We’ll look at state and non-state sponsored warfare, e.g. countries and terrorist organizations. We’ll examine both conventional and unconventional warfare. Perfect for writers looking for context for stories involving partisans and non-state characters.
Joseph Malik (M), Bart Kemper, Dave Davis
Genre TV is Everywhere!
Cascade 10
With so many shows on TV and streaming networks, what should you be watching? Let’s discuss what’s currently on your TV, computer or portable device.
David Fooden (M), Ogre Whiteside, Erik Scott de Bie, Donna Prior
Book Marketing Masterclass
Cascade 11
How to sell your book. No matter how you’re published, you need to market your book to get it in front of readers. Our panelists will talk about marketing strategies, resources, and ways to increase your chances of finding the right readers. They’ll discuss what works, what doesn’t, and how best to spend your allotted marketing time and budget.
Tori Centanni (M), Tod McCoy, Raven Oak
Mermaniacs in Media
Cascade 12
We’ve all seen Splash, with that dreamy Tom Hanks, but what about the other media Mers? What are some cliche motif(s) in Mer storylines? What magical concoctions have Mermaniacs stirred up in the obscure reaches of the sea that is our media presence? Tune in and find out!
Zir0 (M), Melissa “Merlissa” Thomas, Triton Mahtlinnie, Mermaid SIF, Cuddlefish
All About the Base, Bout the Base!
Cascade 13
Discussion of supporting undergarments, from corsets and bodice supports to hoops, pads and bustles. What’s underneath can make or break your costume look!
Tammie L. Dupuis (M), Carmen Beaudry, Anita Taylor, Bridget Landry, Kathryn Brant
Launch Failures: The Oops Factor
Evergreen 3&4
Space is hard but it is harder when someone makes a mistake and a mission is lost. Some of these failures are funny, most are not but they all carry important lessons.
Arthur Bozlee (M), Cathy Plesko, Dan Dubrick
Dragon Story Time
Olympic 1
Come enjoy a reading of the favorite children’s book Dragons Love Tacos and enjoy some dragon-themed activities. Be sure to leave the spicy salsa at home.
Raven J. Demers (M)
Norwescon Charity & Art Auction
Grand 2
11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Norwescon presents a fun-filled opportunity to bid on the hottest and most sought-after art from the Norwescon art show, and many other items! This event raises money for our longtime friend Northwest Harvest. Hundreds of donated items will be on display prior to the start of the event. Come early for a good spot to watch and bid. Doors open at 11:30 and bidding starts at noon.​
Reading: Susan R. Matthews
Cascade 2
noon–12:30 p.m.
Blood Enemies. Susan Matthews reads from Blood Enemies, the concluding volume of her long-running Jurisdiction series about the life and hard times of “Uncle” Andrej Koscuisko, who is Not a Nice Man (due from Baen in April 2017). There will be blood (in the novel, at least). Rated G.
Susan R. Matthews (M)
Crowd-Funding: The End of Capitalism?
Cascade 3&4
noon–1 p.m.
Whether it is games, or movies, or art, or space vehicles, or whatever, our community has embraced crowd-funding and achieved things a bank would have never financed. Is this the way of the future? What are the advantages? What are the pitfalls? Join the crowd as they talk about the giving and receiving of funding.
Vandy H. Hall (M), David Fooden, Donna Prior
Getting it Wrong: A Panel for Allies
Cascade 5&6
noon–1 p.m.
As allies for marginalized groups (and as members of marginalized groups), we’re going to make mistakes. We all do. How do you stop it from turning into something worse? How do you react to being called out with grace and compassion? What does it mean to be an ally? What can you do to help without silencing others or co-opting the voices of marginalized people? Suggested pre-panel Googling: Derailing for Dummies, Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.
Jason Vanhee (M), Sienna Saint-Cyr, Brenna Clarke Gray, Evan J. Peterson
What Makes You a Fan?
Cascade 7&8
noon–1 p.m.
Is it obsessive hoarding, or is it just enjoying the movies in the comics-verse? How many Captain America t-shirts are too many? Can you call yourself a fan if all you ever buy are the graphic novels? Fans from across the spectrum will explain why we are all fans, and cred-checking and gate-keeping are nonsense.
Mickey Schulz (M), Jonny Nero Action Hero, Dylan Templar, Minim Calibre
Lost in Time and Space
Cascade 9
noon–1 p.m.
Sci-Fi has a deep and wide body of works supporting it; however, many fantastic books have been forgotten over time. Join our panelists as they remember great works on their bookshelves that should be on yours.
Dale Ivan Smith (M), Nisi Shawl, Frog Jones
Worldbuilding: This is How the World Ends
Cascade 10
noon–1 p.m.
Whether you’re writing zombie horror or post-apocalyptic romance, you need to figure out how the broken world got into that state. Super virus? War? Natural disaster? Pros will talk about manufacturing the end of the world as we know it in order to give your post-apocalyptic world a solid foundation.
Catherine Cooke Montrose (M), K. M. Alexander, Rhiannon Held, Liz Argall
Your Online Image As An Artist
Cascade 11
noon–1 p.m.
How do you create an effective online presence? How and where should you sell work online? What social networking tools should you be using, and how? What are the best practices for building a fan base and then interacting with them?
Joy Alyssa Day (M), Liv Rainey-Smith, Laura Tempest Zakroff, Cory Ench, Elizabeth Adams
AI-U: Digital Scavenger Hunt Awards
Cascade 12
noon–1 p.m.
A new AI search engine has been developed to search the real world. You. You suddenly have the compulsion to scan your environment for images to represent the key words that have been entered into your computer brain interface. Use your discretion to return the best image database you can. The strength of your programing algorithms will be judged on the creativity of your entries. Using your electronic imaging device (whether native or auxiliary) store your results as pictures and return them to the email address provided. Prizes will be awarded on Sunday!
Make Your Own Buttons Workshop
Cascade 13
noon–1 p.m.
Customize your costume with perfectly matched buttons that will give you a truly couture look. In this panel we show you how to make your own fabric buttons and thread-wrapped buttons to match your garment. This workshop is suitable for adults and teens. Space is limited: Please sign up in Cascade 1.
Anita Taylor (M), Carmen Beaudry, Kathryn Brant
Keith and Alan’s Movie News and Previews: Double Vision!
Evergreen 1&2
noon–2 p.m.
Your final chance for the latest previews, news and rumors from Hollywood. Including, at no additional cost, the famous “why? Why? WHY?”
Keith Johnson (M), Alan Halfhill
Tabby’s Star: Evidence of an Alien Megastructure?
Evergreen 3&4
noon–1 p.m.
A star known as KIC 8462852 dubbed “Tabby’s Star” after the discoverer has exhibited very strange changes in its brightness, unlike any other star ever observed. Some have speculated it is because of an alien constructed megastructure obscuring the star’s light. While this is not the most probable explanation, it is not impossible. What is really going on?
John Cramer (M), James C. Glass, Dr. Rob Hoyt, Ethan Siegel
Fannish Olympics
Grand 3
noon–2 p.m.
The Fannish Olympics is back with traditional and fun events! First you must survive the first three days of Con, then get a team of 1-8 players and compete to win 3 free memberships for Norwescon 41. Craft the very worst Vogon poetry; compete in the Game of Chairs; survive the Tardis Shuffle. Bring your volunteer sheets from throughout the Con, and get ready for some exciting Fan-created sporting-like challenges.
Secret Messages
Olympic 1
noon–1 p.m.
Ever wanted to know how to write secret messages? Come to learn the science behind writing secret codes and make one of your own!
Eric Snyder (M)
Reading: Tim McDaniel
Cascade 2
12:30–1 p.m.
“Squamous and Eldritch Get a Yard Sale”. Bargain dealers in dangerously arcane tomes must deal with a rude woman at a yard sale. Rated G
Tim McDaniel (M)
Reading: Jude-Marie Green
Cascade 2
1–1:30 p.m.
“After ShadowFall”. Alien encounters. Rated PG
Jude-Marie Green (M)
How I Fen
Cascade 3&4
1–2 p.m.
Come chat with young fen, and adults who work with them, about how fandoms are built by youth, and how youth can build the future of our fandoms. How do their fandoms inform their creative activities? What do they make? How can we help them do more? What can parents learn from their young fen, and how can we build a better world together?
Cat Rambo (M), Amélie Mantchev, Alita Quinn, Gabe Marier
Size Acceptance Is For Everybody
Cascade 5&6
1–2 p.m.
In one corner are the medical establishment and popular media with their obsession with thinness at any cost. In the other corner is the size-acceptance movement and its grass-roots rebellion against the diet industry. Discuss fat-positive authors, the BMI table, and why shaming is wrong. It isn’t any more polite to tell a small person to eat a sandwich than it is to tell a large person they’d “be so attractive if only they lost a few pounds”, but fat-shaming makes both more damaging.
Mickey Schulz (M), Kat Marier, Bella la Blanc, Sheye Anne Blaze
The Undiscovered Country: In Memorium
Cascade 7&8
1–2 p.m.
A place of meditation and discussion, contemplation and thought for those who have passed since the last Norwescon. Honor those who have passed on with a thought, memory, or a simple prayer to whatever you wish. Leave the name of someone you remember.
Salt (M)
Geekmusic in the Wild
Cascade 9
1–2 p.m.
Where do you find this stuff? How do you get there? Where is it being played, when you’re not at Norwescon? Want to see your kind of music, live, when you’re not here? Our panelists talk about the venues and events that support different kinds of geek-friendly music.
Hollyanna McCollom (M), Stephanie Weippert, Christian Lipski, Wednesday Phoenix
Get ‘Em While They’re Young: YA Horror
Cascade 10
1–2 p.m.
What are some good horror starting points for younger readers? We’ll discuss both classic and newer gateway fiction. Bring your suggestions and younger readers!
Julie McGalliard (M), Nathan Crowder, Morgue Anne
Brain Prosthetics and Mind Control
Cascade 11
1–2 p.m.
Every day more people get things implanted in or connected to their brains, and every year what those things can do for the person becomes more sophisticated. When will we start using implanted tech to change HOW we think, and how do we keep it from controlling WHAT we think?
Jake McKinzie (M), PJ Manney, David Shoemaker
Superhero Costumes from Page to Screen
Cascade 12
1–2 p.m.
Hollywood has been adapting comics for years with varying degrees of success. 2016 saw Batman vs. Superman, Suicide Squad, Captain America: Civil War, Dr. Strange, Deadpool, and X-Men, as well as the Legends of Tomorrow and Superman joining Supergirl. How well do these new cinematic adaptations match the myth and lore of the classic comic with the modern fashion aesthetic? Hits or Misses?
Torrey Stenmark (M), Mermaid SIF, Jonnalyhn Wolfcat
Video Game Art
Cascade 13
1–2 p.m.
There has been growing recognition of video games as an art form where visual art plays a central role. How can aspiring artists get involved?
Arinn Dembo (M), Brian Snoddy
EM Drive: Fantastic Solution or Experimental Error?
Evergreen 3&4
1–2 p.m.
Reports of a revolutionary space drive have been thick on the ground during the past year. But is a drive that produces thrust without expelling mass even possible? If it does work what does it mean for spaceflight?
Arthur Bozlee (M), John Cramer, Ethan Siegel, Stephen L. Gillett
Sensory Friendly Open Time
Olympic 1
1–2 p.m.
Olympic 1 will be filled with sensory-friendly items and activities for our neurodivergent members and their caregivers to drop-in to a safe space to slow down, stim, or just be themselves.
Reading: James C. Glass
Cascade 2
2–2:30 p.m.
“Evolution” and/or “Time Heals.” ANALOG stories in press as of October 2016.
James C. Glass (M)
The Fantasy Videogame
Cascade 5&6
2–3 p.m.
A discussion regarding video games as a platform for storytelling, pros and cons of that medium, the mixing of games and books, and which stories resonate today.
Raven Oak (M), Jonny Nero Action Hero, Brian Snoddy, Frog Jones
The GameMaster’s Manifesto Podcast: Fonzie’s Razor
Cascade 7&8
2–3 p.m.
Bring your books and dice and join us for a live recording of The GameMaster’s Manifesto podcast! In this episode Jacob and Troy will be interviewing three of our gaming pros on the topic of Fonzie’s Razor: all things being equal, the coolest answer is the best answer. When to break the rules and when to respect the book. WWFD (What Would Fonzie Do)?
Jacob Osterhaus & Troy Lenze (M), Arinn Dembo, Django Wexler, Ogre Whiteside
Home Recording II
Cascade 9
2–3 p.m.
Everybody wants to make a demo, and many want to record podcasts or livestream a show. Okay, you have some equipment. Now what do you do with it? How do you set it up; how do you use it to capture or create the best sounds you can? If you didn’t make the first hour; that’s okay, come anyway.
Dara Korra’ti (M), Alexander James Adams, Christian Lipski
The Battle for Sector 7
Cascade 10
2–3 p.m.
Space militaries often reflect a combination of our own military branches blended into the perceptions of space conflict. Our panelists discuss war and conflict in space and how to combine common concepts with foreign worlds.
G.R. Theron (M), Elliott Kay, Bart Kemper, Mike Brennan
The Art of Critique
Cascade 11
2–3 p.m.
As a reader, how do you provide the best feedback? And as a writer, how do you utilize critique to improve your work? This panel will discuss strategies for giving helpful critique when reading someone else’s work, as well as what writers can do with the critiques they’re given, and how to sort useful feedback from less helpful notes.
Sienna Saint-Cyr (M), Jak Koke, Randy Henderson, Andrea Howe
Costuming for the Non-Sewer
Cascade 12
2–3 p.m.
Can’t tell a sewing machine from a Dalek? Break out in hives at the thought of threading a needle? Come talk with our panelists and see some costumes that don’t require more than an imagination, some time, and the willingness to experiment. Minimal sewing, assembling found items, and some judicious gluing can make some great costumes.
Jonnalyhn Wolfcat (M), Hollyanna McCollom, Minim Calibre
Should You Go To Art School?
Cascade 13
2–3 p.m.
On the one hand, many professional artists are self-taught. Art school is expensive. And after you get your degree, there’s no guarantee that you’re any good. On the other hand… Is art school for you? Professional artists share their perspectives on the value of a variety of programs.
Theresa Halbert (M), Liv Rainey-Smith, Laura Tempest Zakroff, Tammie L. Dupuis
Norwescon Film Festival
Evergreen 1&2
2–4 p.m.
The short form narrative is growing exponentially as filmmaking equipment becomes more affordable and an increasing number of content providers (ie, websites like YouTube) scramble for content. Come kick up your feet, turn off that cell phone, and relax for two hours. We’ll show you the short film we made right here at Norwescon on Saturday, plus fill your eyeballs with lots of quality shorts made by local filmmakers, some of which will be in this very room with you. Afterward, we’ll have a Q&A! Thanks for spending the weekend with us!
dQniel Kaufman (M), Ryan K. Johnson
Dinosaur Romp
Olympic 1
2–3 p.m.
Come on down to learn about our prehistoric dinosaur friends, learn a dino dance, and roar some dino roars!
Danielle Gembala (M), Tim McDaniel
Reading: Stephanie Weippert
Cascade 2
2:30–3 p.m.
Sweet Secrets. UPS mis-delivers a package from a candy company meant for the new neighbor, and Brad tells his step-son Michael to stay out of it. As soon as his back is turned, however, Michael gets one of the chocolates. Brad comes back with the neighbor’s phone number just in time to watch Michael fade away. Rated G.
Stephanie Weippert (M)
Invisible Disabilities
Cascade 5&6
3–4 p.m.
Not every disability is apparent at a glance, nor is anyone’s personal health anyone else’s business. From mental illness, to chronic disease, to a variety of syndromes and impairments too lengthy to list, we’ll discuss the difficulties of living with chronic health conditions, the stigmas associated, what progress has (or hasn’t) been made in reforming public perception, and strategies on getting other people to mind their own blasted business.
Sar Surmick (M), Sheye Anne Blaze, Sienna Saint-Cyr, Wednesday Phoenix
Tabletop RPG’s: What’s a Story Game?
Cascade 7&8
3–4 p.m.
Maybe you’ve heard the term “story games”. Maybe you’ve heard them referred to as indie games. Story games are RPGs that put the focus on how the story works and reacts to the players and characters first. If this sounds like a simple description of a complex subject, it is. Come explore this growing vibrant movement in tabletop roleplaying games.
Ogre Whiteside (M), Jeremy Zimmerman, Veronica Hamilton, Erik Scott de Bie
Worldbuilding: The Military Element
Cascade 9
3–4 p.m.
How do you stay true to military science in worlds you are creating? How do you maintain authenticity and believability? We’ll look at the enduring principles which will keep you safe on the path and avoid the pitfalls of those who have fallen into them. We’ll look at story context to determine the need for full descriptions and those which you can safely let the reader fill in. We’ll visit some spectacular failures to show what can happen when the military element of world building is ignored or discounted.
Mike Brennan (M), Joseph Malik, Elliott Kay, Russell Ervin, John Lovett
Cold Fusion: Hoax, Curiosity, or World Changer?
Cascade 11
3–4 p.m.
From the 1989 momentous news that later fizzled to today’s current projects, what is cold fusion, what were the initial experiments and what is its likely future? A short overview of small scale hot fusion will be mentioned.
Peter N. Glaskowsky (M), John Cramer, Ethan Siegel, Stephen L. Gillett
Cascade 12
3–4 p.m.
What are the pitfalls and benefits of writing with a partner? How do you share the process? Are two heads really better than one? Our panelists will share their own examples of what works and what doesn’t.
Marta Murvosh (M), Manny Frishberg, Liz Argall, Jack Skillingstead
Closing Ceremonies
Evergreen 3&4
4–5 p.m.
Come and send off Norwescon 40’s Guests of Honor with fanfare. We’ve made it through another year and we want to celebrate the good times we’ve had.
Rob Stewart (M), Catska Ench, Cory Ench, Ethan Siegel, Ian McDonald, Marc Gascoigne, Mike Underwood, Nancy Kress
Onions & Roses
Evergreen 3&4
5–5:30 p.m.
The convention is over. Here’s your chance to weigh in on what went well and what didn’t. Tell us your favorite (and least favorite) parts of the convention, so we can try to make it better next year. After all, as a member of Norwescon, this is YOUR convention!