Let’s make a movie at The Hellbender Filmmaking Workshop!
This fast-paced, energetic workshop will keep you engaged in a supercharged and fully immersive filmmaking experience!
“This was the most fun I had at the entire convention! And I still go back and re-watch it from time to time, ten years later, whenever I want a big ol’ smile on my face. I can’t think of any other convention experience I’ve ever had that I continued to enjoy ten years later.”
That’s only one of the many people who have been a part of this groundbreaking workshop.
If you’ve ever wanted to make a movie — or even if you already have — then this is gonna be a blast! Heck, even people who don’t think they will EVER make their own movie join in — because it’s just that amazing!
“This workshop is easily some of the most fun I’ve ever had at a convention. Whether you are in a major part, an extra, or crew, you’ll have a blast and probably learn something to boot. Do it, have fun!”
At least once a year, we and a group of energetic friends (usually including Ryan K. Johnson, Brian Oberquell, Eric Morgret, and Edward Martin III) get together to offer this kinetic and creative workshop. We started out in 2000, presenting it every year at Norwescon in Seattle, but we’ve branched out a bit! Now we sometimes hit the road to film in new locations.
The Hellbender Filmmaking Workshop lets everyone join in: you’ll learn about making movies, help come up with a story, work out the bugs, and basically experience a soup-to-nuts moviemaking adventure — usually while engaging in other nifty side projects in your copious free time.
And lest you think it’s all fluff (and we’re not pointing fingers, mind you…), here’s a testimonial we were just TICKLED to receive:
“I’m a professional filmmaker with decades of experience, and yet I love to participate in these workshops. The concepts taught are sound and the fun to be had is engaging and real. If you ever wanted an interesting, educational and just downright entertaining way to spend a con, get involved with the Hellbender Filmmaking Workshop. They have become the highlight of the convention for me.”
We welcome and encourage anyone and everyone to please join us!
The Workshop is a series of linked panels. You can attend them all, or just visit the ones that especially catch your interest. Ideally, you’ll attend them all to get the “complete experience”–and the most bang for your buck!
Fifteen years of doing this and we’ve ALWAYS walked away with a finished movie.
We must be doing SOMETHING right!