We will post openings for positions we’re looking to fill here, but there’s a good chance that there are a number of other positions that could use a willing volunteer, or any number of other ways you can help out! If you’d like to chip in with putting Norwescon 40 together, see what’s listed below, or stop by one of our ConCom volunteer meetings, or even swing by the Volunteers office during the con. We’ll be thrilled to see you!

Convention Services

  • Security and Dispatch Team Members
  • Information Technology (IT) staff (hardware and software support)
  • Backstage, Light, and Sound Techs
  • Operations Office Support

Contact: conventionservices@norwescon.org

Membership Services

Cloakroom Staff: Support your fellow members by safely storing their gear.

Registration Staff: First line customer service contact for our members; assisting with new and pre-registration, cashiering. Must be looking for fun and lifelong friendships.

Contact: memberservices@norwescon.org


Personnel Second: support the Personnel team to organize team tasks prior to the convention and offer support to team members during the convention.

Convention Suite Host: Hosts assist in preparation of food and snacks, and in ensuring a welcoming and safe atmosphere for convention members to relax and connect with other convention members.

Volunteer Support Staff: support at-convention volunteer support including: staff volunteer recruiting area(s), may enter volunteer hours tracking, assist volunteers in finding good fit opportunities, explain volunteer thank you gifts.

Contact: personnel@norwescon.org


  • Stage Management
  • Green Room/Staff Support staff
  • Pro-Check-in staff 

Contact: programming@norwescon.org


Webmaster Second: Assist in creating revisions and updates to the Norwescon website.

Contact: publications@norwescon.org

Special Events

Gaming Room Staff: Works with gaming Shift Leads to supervise gaming room. Help people find and sign up for games, take head counts, and distribute raffle tickets. All ages accepted.

Head Den Mother: Assist Masquerade participants backstage Saturday evening. Familiarity with Masquerade process and costume construction and a calm, supportive personality preferred.

Masquerade Judges Clerk: (2 positions) Assist Masquerade judges on Saturday evening. Familiarity with Google Forms and basic understanding of the Masquerade process preferred.

Contact: specialevents@norwescon.org