Wanted: Your memories!

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While most of our attention is focused on this year’s Norwescon 39, we are also starting to look forward to next year’s Norwescon 40 — and we’d like your help with one of our ideas, especially if you’ve been attending Norwescon for a long time.

December ConCom Meeting

Norwescon Executive TeamBlog, Executive Team, Norwescon 39


Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? December’s Norwescon 39 planning meeting will be held Saturday, December 12th, 2015.

November ConCom Meeting

Norwescon Executive TeamBlog, Executive Team, Norwescon 39

NWC39 November ConCom

Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? November’s Norwescon 39 planning meeting will be held Saturday, November 14th, 2015.

October ConCom Meeting

Norwescon Executive TeamBlog, Executive Team, Norwescon 39

NWC39 October ConCom

Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? October’s Norwescon 39 planning meeting will be held Saturday, October 17th, 2015.

September ConCom Meeting

Norwescon Executive TeamBlog, Executive Team, Norwescon 39

NWC39 September ConCom

Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? September’s Norwescon 39 planning meeting will be held Saturday, September 19th, 2015.

Our Guests of Honor for NWC39

Norwescon Executive TeamBlog, Executive Team, Norwescon 39

As announced just after the convention, our Guests of Honor for Norwescon 39 are Tanya Huff (Author), Janny Wurts (Artist), William K. Hartmann (Science), and DAW (Spotlight Publisher), represented by Sheila Gilbert and Betsy Wollheim.

Norwescon 39 will be March 24–27, 2016

Norwescon Executive TeamBlog, Executive Team, Norwescon 38, Norwescon 39

Norwescon 39: March 24–27, 2016

Norwescon 39 will be held March 24–27, 2016; our Author Guest of Honor will be Tanya Huff, our Artist Guest of Honor will be Janny Wurts, our Science Guest of Honor will be William Hartmann, and our Spotlight Publisher will be DAW, represented by Sheila Gilbert and Betsy Wollheim.