The Norwescon Art Show consistently highlights some of the best in fantasy and science-fiction themed artwork of all types. Featuring work by our Artist Guest of Honor plus many regional artists, we delight in bringing the best possible artwork to you.
The Norwescon Art Show is sold out for Norwescon 39. Check back here in the fall of 2016 for information on applying for the Norwescon 40 Art Show! Artists are accepted on a first come, first serve basis, however, art must comply with our genre rules, and we do reserve the right to reject an artist’s application. We accept art from both attending and mail-in artists. The Norwescon Art Show is one of the largest science fiction and fantasy convention art shows in the country.
Artists who have been accepted to the Norwescon 39 Art Show may complete registration and payment on the Art Show Registration page.
Norwescon Art Show Emerging Artist Competition
This is an art competition for young adults, designed to foster interest in Science Fiction and Fantasy art. For more info and rules, please see our Emerging Artist Competition page!
Norwescon 39 Participating Artists
Sandra Ackley
John Alexander
Nick Alexander
Sarah Alexander
Julie Baroh
Mad Bee
Brass & Steam Productions
Saffron Yolanda Bridget
Mark Brill
Sandra Buskirk
Rob Carlos
Peri Charlifu
Sarah Clemens
Jennifer Cox
Katie Croonenberghs
Lizzy D
Joy Alyssa Day
Designs by Victoria
Coriander Dezotell
Julie Dillon
Matthew Dockrey
Braden Duncan
Michael Duquette
Ellen Eades
Robyn Emlen
Marisa Erven
Mark Ferrari
Josh Foreman
Heather Gamble
Shelley George
The Gorgonist
John R. Gray III
Cat Grey
Laura Grover
Theresa Halbert
Vandy Hall
M. Scott Hammond
William K. Hartmann
Butch Honeck
Eden Hopkins
David Ketcherside
Krab Jab Studio
Jessica TC Lee
Stephen Lestat
Diana Levin
Keira Lozeau
L. Pierce Ludke
Meg Lyman
Don Maitz
Theresa Mather
Camille Meehan
Betsy Mott
Lee Moyer
Laurie Noel
David Lee Pancake
Jeliza Patterson
Peter Pan
Cynthia Radthorne
Liv Rainey-Smith
Mike Rerick
Patricia Smith
Aimee Stewart
Stopped Motion Photography
Marjorie Stratton
Jeff Sturgeon
Mark Sutton
Crystal Taggart
Joyce Tatro
TM Originals
Andy Vanoverberghe
Eric Vargas
Keith Amarak Waters
LA Wilson
Janny Wurts
Laura Tempest Zakroff
Art Show Volunteers
The art show is looking for more great volunteers. Become part of the team who make the art show fun and successful. If you are interested in joining us please contact our volunteer department through the contact page. We would love to hear from you.
The Norwescon Art Show Managers are Doug and Pat Booze.
Questions or comments? Contact us through the contact page.