We will post openings for positions we’re looking to fill here, but there’s a good chance that there are a number of other positions that could use a willing volunteer, or any number of other ways you can help out! If you’d like to chip in with putting Norwescon together, see what’s listed below, or stop by one of our ConCom volunteer meetings, or even swing by the Volunteers office during the con. We’ll be thrilled to see you!

Pro Check-In

Duties – use the Registration kiosk to check in pros, issue badges, and hand out packets.  Field general questions.
Skills Required – basic computer use, a friendly (and patient) personality, and the ability to work quickly in a sometimes chaotic environment.
Perks – Hang out with our pros in the Green Room!

 Stage Management

Duties – Walking around to the panel rooms to give panelists 10 and 5-minute warnings for the end of their panels.  General answering questions and assisting panelists with non-tech equipment needs.
Skills Required – Be able to move through the Cascade and Evergreen halls to give timely end-of-panel warnings.
Perks – Hang out with our pros in the Green Room!

Information Desk Coordinator

Are you comfortable talking to people and answering questions about where things are located? Can you provide directions to various locations around the hotel and organize a schedule of volunteers.  Will you attend all four days of Norwescon 39?  Then why not join us as the lead organizer for the Norwecon 39 info table?

Contact MemberServices@norwescon.org for more information.

Guest of Honor Liaison

Duties – Be the primary contact and liason for one of our Guests of Honor.  Assist them in making it to their panels, field any questions they have, and generally make sure they have what they need to make their experience with Norwescon trouble-free and enjoyable.
Skills Required – professional behaviour, communication skills, and familiarity with the convention and hotel.
Perks – Hang out with a Guest of Honor all weekend.  Seriously!

Green Room Assistant

Duties – Assist Green Room staff in keeping food & beverage service going for our pros in the Green Room.  Keeping the Green Room a tidy and pleasant place to hang out.
Skills Required – Food handlers permit helpful.  If you do not have one, and would like to get one, we can help with that.
Perks – Hang out in the Green Room and make tasty food!

NWC39 Daily ‘Zine Editor

Creates and distributes the Daily Zine at the convention. Reports to the Publications Director.

Develops the layout of the Daily Zine
Solicits content for the Daily Zine
Receives, edits, and inputs content
Prints and distributes daily zines in the morning

Please contact publications@norwescon.org if you are interested!