Norwescon 39 Wrap-Up

Norwescon WebmonkeysBlog, Norwescon 39, Social Media, WebmonkeysLeave a Comment

We’ve been keeping an eye out to see what all of you lovely people have been saying about Norwescon 39 since we wrapped things up — here’s a rundown of what we’ve found so far. If you know of something we missed, feel free to let us know in the comments!

Thanks to Blue Sky Hobbies

Norwescon Special EventsBlog, Gaming, Norwescon 391 Comment

Scheduled gaming would like to give a shout out to Blue Sky Hobbies in Bremerton for donating $300 worth of prizes this year! Thank you Blue Sky for supporting gaming so consistently the last few years!

March ConCom Meeting

Norwescon Executive TeamBlog, Executive Team, Norwescon 39


Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? March’s Norwescon 39 planning meeting will be held Saturday, March 12th, 2016.

Keith & Alan’s Movie News & Previews are Back!

Norwescon ProgrammingBlog, Norwescon 39, Programming

Celebrating our 10th year, Alan Halfhill and partner Keith Johnson are delighted to bring our unique brand of Movie Previews & News back to Norwescon. We commit countless hours of behind-the-scenes toil to bring you the latest movie news, rumors, and trailers out of Hollywood and beyond.

Haute Horror Fashion Show and Tell

Norwescon ProgrammingBlog, Norwescon 39, Programming

This year, the fashion show at Norwescon 39 will be a showcase of horror haute couture. The call is going out to all dark denizen designers of the night, to leave their crypts and castles and come stalk our runway. Show us your dark passion for fashion, and the pleasure of leather!

Programming Grids are Live!

Norwescon ProgrammingBlog, Norwescon 39, Programming

We’re still putting the final touches on the full detailed program listings, and we’ll have those up as soon as we can…but in the meantime, we’ve just posted the program grids for Norwescon 39!

February ConCom Meeting

Norwescon Executive TeamBlog, Executive Team, Norwescon 39


Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? February’s Norwescon 39 planning meeting will be held Saturday, February 20th, 2016.