Schedule of Events Panelists Dances Masquerade
Single Pattern Contest Special Events Writers Workshop Fandance Film Festival


Hours of Operation Where Things Are


Writers Workshop


The Fairwood Writers are pleased to sponsor the writing workshop for Norwescon 32 in 2009. We accept both short stories and novel excerpts to be critiqued by professional writers during Norwescon 32 in April, 2009, according to the guidelines below.


Sunday, December 14, 2008 - Regular Submissions Deadline
Thursday, December 18, 2008 - Late Submissions Deadline

Generally, all manuscripts which abide by our guidelines and which are received by midnight on the day of the regular deadline will be placed in the workshop; manuscripts received after that but by midnight on the day of the late submissions deadline will be included if space permits.


Please note that the submission deadline is much earlier this year than in most previous years. Please see the section titled 'Deadline' below for dates

Norwescon Writers Workshop Guidlines