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Norwescon has a presence in
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You are encouraged to visit
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April 6, 2009
at Norwescon
Could your
Wookie make you rich? Is
that autograph worth the
poster it’s signed on? Stop
wondering if the end to your
economic worries is buried
in your closet.
Science fiction collectibles
experts Gus Lopez and Greg
Hanson will be on hand at
the EMP|SFM table on
Saturday to tell you what
your items might really be
worth. Limit of 2
items per person. To find
out the hours for the
Galactic Roadshow with Gus
and Greg stop by the EMP|SFM
table on Friday, April 10th.
We'll let you know when the
Roadshow will open on
Saturday, April 11th,
and clue you in about what
else is happening at your
local science fiction
March 31, 2009
2009 Philip K. Dick Award Judges Announced
The five Philip K. Dick
Award judges for
distinguished science
fiction published in
paperback original format in
the United States. in the
2008 award year are:
Daniel Abraham (chair)
5925 Woodford Dr NE
Albuquerque, NM
Eileen Gunn
525 19th Ave E
Seattle, WA
Karen Hellekson
16 Rolling Rdg
Jay, ME 04239-7038
Elaine Isaak
34 Hardy Road
Bedford, NH
Marc Laidlaw
15510 NE 153rd St.
Woodinville, WA
Publishers who issue
eligible titles during the
calendar year 2009 are
encouraged to provide copies
to each of the judges as the
books are published during
the year. (All works
of science fiction published
originally in the United
States as paperbacks during
the year 2009 are eligible.)
The nominees will be
announced in January 2010.
The Philip K. Dick Award is presented annually with the support of the Philip K. Dick Trust for distinguished science fiction published in paperback original form in the
For more information,
contact the award
David G. Hartwell (914)
Gordon Van Gelder (201)
For more information
about the Philip K. Dick
Trust: www.philipkdick.com
For more information
about the Philadelphia
Science Fiction Society,
Contact Gary Feldbaum (215)
For more information
about Norwescon:
Contact NorthWest SF
Society: (360) 438-0871
February 24, 2009
Invited to a Party!
The Norwescon Stuffing
Party will be held Sunday,
April 5 at the SeaTac
DoubleTree Hotel at
Please join us for fun
and games as we take pieces
of paper, paperback books,
buttons and coupons and
marry them together to form
the packets that everybody
receives at Registration.
The more people we have, the
faster it will go. Be the
first in your neighborhood
to see what sort of goodies
everyone will receive. Cop a
button or two advertising
the next big movie. We might
even have the latest
programming grids on the
wall for your perusal.
Working at the stuffing
party counts towards hours
worked at the con.
Norwescon volunteers receive
perks like early seating at
the Masquerade and are
entered into drawings for
many items donated by
Norwescon dealers. The
drawings take place early
Sunday afternoon of the con.
Please note: People
attending the Stuffing Party
will have to pay for their
own parking. Parking
should be $8.
If you or your organization
has fliers or other material
that you wish to include in
the packets, you may either
arrange to get them to the
Norwescon Transportation
Department by Thursday,
April 2, or bring them to
the hotel yourself by
If you wish to mail
materials in, please send
them to:
Eric Pawtowski
Norwescon Transportation
19709 Scriber Lake Rd, Suite
Please remember that
materials mailed in must
*ARRIVE* by April 2.
If the shipment is very
large (more than 200lbs)
then the Transportation
department must be informed
ahead of time of what it is,
who is sending it, the
estimated arrival date, the
shipping company, and the
shipping company tracking
number, once it is shipped.
If you wish to hand-deliver materials before the stuffing party, please contact the NWC Transportation Dept.
transportation at norwescon dot net
and make arrangements. The Transportation Dept. would appreciate advanced notification of any materials that are brought to the stuffing party or mailed in advance, but that is not a requirement.
NOTE: Norwescon reserves the
right to reject any material
deemed unsuitable or
inappropriate. (This
has very rarely been an
issue in the past.)
Any materials placed in the
registration packets must be
appropriate and suitable for
a mixed audience of SF fen,
including those under 18.
Norwescon does not sort the
packets by age of recipient
or any other demographic
criteria. Non-SF&F
related commercial or
political materials may not
be accepted. If you
are at all concerned about
your material, please submit
a sample to the Con Chair
for review in advance.
Any materials not reviewed
in advance will be reviewed
by the Con Chair at the
stuffing party and may be
rejected at that time.
Organizations that wish to include fliers or coupons are asked to help with the stuffing if feasible, but that is not a requirement.
If you are bringing materials to the stuffing party yourself, please be on time. In the past, those that have brought material in late usually ended up in a corner of the room adding their materials to the packets that have already been stuffed. Not nearly as much fun as being in the conga line of stuffers. We plan to stuff ~3000 packets, so plan accordingly. Excess materials will be placed on the flier rack at the start of the con.
February 8, 2009
Special event happening Friday afternoon!
SJ Tucker, frontwoman of myth-rock powerhouse Tricky Pixie, will be performing her pirate songs and manticore's lullabyes with the help of cellist Betsy Tinney and guest band mates Vixy and Tony. In addition, the players will weave their music in with dramatic readings from Palimpsest by author Catherynne M. Valente and menagerie tales from Ravens in the Library editors Phil Brucato and Sandra Buskirk.
January 12, 2009
For Immediate Release
2008 Philip K. Dick Award
Nominees Announced
The judges of the 2008
Philip K. Dick Award and the
Philadelphia SF Society,
along with the Philip K.
Dick Trust, are pleased to
announce six nominated works
that comprise the final
ballot for the award:
by Adam-Troy Castro (Eos
FAST FORWARD 2 edited by Lou
Anders (Pyr)
JUDGE by Karen Traviss (Eos
PLAGUE WAR by Jeff Carlson
(Ace Books)
Walton (Meadowhawk Press)
Bedford (EDGE Science
Fiction and Fantasy
First prize and any
special citations will be
announced on Friday, April
10, 2009 at Norwescon 32 at
the Doubletree Seattle
Airport Hotel, SeaTac,
The Philip K. Dick Award
is presented annually with
the support of the Philip K.
Dick Trust for distinguished
science fiction published in
paperback original form in
the United States. The
award is sponsored by the
Philadelphia Science Fiction
Society and the Philip K.
Dick Trust and the award
ceremony is sponsored by the
NorthWest Science Fiction
Society. Last year’s
winner was NOVA SWING by M.
John Harrison (Bantam
Spectra) with a special
citation to FROM THE
Minister Faust (Del Rey).
The 2008 judges are Tobias
Buckell, M. M. Buckner
(chair), Walter Hunt,
Rosemary Kirstein, and
William Senior.
For more information,
contact the award
David G. Hartwell (914)
Gordon Van Gelder (201)
For more information
about the Philadelphia
Science Fiction Society,
Contact Gary Feldbaum (215)
For more information
about the Philip K. Dick
Trust: www.philipkdick.com
For more information
about Norwescon:
Contact NorthWest SF
Society: (360) 438-0871
July 6, 2008
Roberta "Bert" Carlson, a member of the Norwescon concom and last year’s head of hospitality, was killed on Tuesday, July 2nd in a 1-car roll-over accident while on her way to Westercon in Las Vegas Nevada. There were four other people in the car with her, Bill Boyde, Jon Foster, Heather Newman and Nick Navota. Nick was seriously hurt, but the others were only shaken and bruised. Nick was airlifted to a Las Vegas hospital where they performed surgery on his hands. He lost three fingers and is in treatment to make sure the reattached thumb and finger are going to "take."
Roberta's funeral will be held this coming Friday at 11:00 am at St. John Vianney Church. It will be followed by burial at Holyrood Cemetery. There will be a luncheon at the church after the proceedings at St. John Vianney Church, 12600 84th Ave NE, Kirkland, WA 98034. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Childrens Hospital or Eastside Domestic Violence.
We are deeply saddened by Bert's death, and are hoping for a good recovery by Nick. The executive team is sending a remembrance to to Roberta's family on behalf of the convention. We will post more details as they become available. There is also a thread on the Norwescon LiveJournal page if you are interested.
May 11, 2008
Our chair and vice chair, Becky Citrak and Jeanine Swanson, would like to announce the rest of executive concom members for Norwescon 32:
- Secretary - Christy Berelman
- Business Director - Mike Orosz
- Treasurer - Eric Weber
- Member Services - Charlie Knoedler
- Publications - Don Glover
- Convention Services - Rob Stewart
- Programming - 'SunnyJim' Morgan
- Personnel - Jim Sullivan
- Special Events - Peggy Stewart
April 27, 2008
Elections were held for the officers of Norwescon 32 on Saturday April 26th with Doug Booze, Tracy Knoedler, Pat Booze and Kevin Black on this year’s election committee. The results were:
Nominee | Vote Count |
Becky Citrak | 27 |
Rob Stewart | 26 |
Catrina Foulger | 20 |
None of the Above | 2 |
No Preference | 1 |
Nominee | Vote Count |
Jeanine Swanson | 37 |
Shawn Marier | 25 |
Rory Clark | 12 |
None of the Above | 1 |
No Preference | 0 |
GOH Selection Committee
Nominee | Vote Count |
Cheryl Ferguson | 32 |
Dara Korra’ti | 29 |
Sally Woehrle | 25 |
Denise Prowse | 23 |
Jeffrey Cornish | 22 |
Christy Berlemann | 6 |
Alise Green | 4 |
No Preference | 2 |
None of the Above | 0 |
Congratulations to Becky, Jeanine, Cheryl, and Dara and thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s election.
Doug Booze
Norwescon Elections
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