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What is Norwescon?
Norwescon is one of the largest regional Science Fiction conventions in the United States. While maintaining a primarily literary focus, Norwescon is large enough to provide a venue for many of the other aspects of Science Fiction and the interests of its fans such as anime, costuming, art, and much, much more.
Norwescon is the host convention for the prestigious Philip K. Dick Award, given to a distinguished original science fiction paperback published for the first time during the award year in the U.S.A.
Finally Norwescon is a lot of fun.
Coming from out of town? Need some restaurant ideas? Want to spend a little time in Seattle before or after the convention?
Meet the Convention Committee Execs
View the Norwescon 32 Organizational List
Our History:
For those interested in
past Norwescons, we provide
archived versions of our
pages for Norwescon:
Norwescon 31
Norwescon 29
Norwescon 28
Norwescon 27
Norwescon 26
Norwescon 25
Norwescon 24
Norwescon 23
Norwescon 22 (Post Con
Report in pdf)