Schedule of Events Panelists Dances Masquerade
Single Pattern Contest Special Events Writers Workshop Fandance Film Festival


Hours of Operation Where Things Are


Special Events at Norwescon 32


Quick Links:

The Fannish Fetish Fashion Show


Lazer Tag

Scavenger Hunt

Match Game

Saturday Night's Mixer in Maxie's Ballroom

The Norwescon Casino

501st Charity Event

LARP Event

Sunday Event: Amtgard

Midnight Movies

Bodacious Babes Clothing Exchange


Special events as of 3/4/09


Disclaimer: These links are to websites outside of the Norwescon site. Norwescon has no control over the content of these sites. Some sites may contain material not suitable for all audiences. You have been warned.


The Fannish Fetish Fashion Show:


Fashion! Turn to the left!  Fashion! Turn to the right!


The Fannish Fetish Fashion Show is back again this year.  We have a number of fantastic designers presenting their collections for your viewing pleasure. We even have a totally new designer fresh to the Fannish Fetish Fashion Show along with a few of your favorite designers. Let me just say MMmmm latex ;-)


For those of you who like to create your own Fannish Fetish fashions we are having a contest!

We want your best re-creation or inspired creation based off the Weird Tales Magazine cover art by Margaret Brundage.  Brundage's art frequently featured damsel in distress in various states of full or partial nudity*; her whipping scenes were especially noteworthy and controversial. Her first cover appeared on the Sept. 1932 issue; she created covers for 39 straight issues from June 1933 to August 1936. Her last original cover was for the Jan. 1945 issue, for a total of 66 original-artwork covers. So bust out your whips, latex and start creating! With 66 original-artwork covers to draw from I am sure you can create something to die for.  

*no full nudity.  Pasties (for females) and underwear(for both sexes) are required for "nude" bodies.

You must be 18 years and older to attend the Fannish Fetish Fashion Show.




"Board games! Card games! Table top and live action roleplaying games! No matter what your game is, we have a place for you.  If the game you want to play isn't on the schedule, talk to one of our staff and we'll get a table and signup sheet set up for you in the Cascade rooms.  If you just want some table space to play with friends, the Rotunda is available for open gaming all weekend on a first-come first-serve basis."



Lazer Tag:


"Yes, we're back! Lazer Tag will be played Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. We have equipment for use; it is compatible with the Tiger Lazer Tag system, Not the Team Ops system. For those players who are under 18, you must have a parent or guardian present at the arena. Lazer Tag is a live action, NON-CONTACT sport. For more information on Lazer Tag, contact Mercaline."



Scavenger Hunt:


We will give out the list and rules on Friday and Saturday for those who can't make it Friday. Some items will be easier than others. Some may require creativity. On Sunday, the teams will present each of their finds and the judges will award varying points for the items presented. Sometime it's not what you find, but how you present it that will determine the winner. The grand prize will be a membership to next year's convention.


Match Game:


Get ready to match the stars! In this SF/F-themed version of the classic _Match Game_ game show, contestants will be randomly selected from the audience to compete in guessing how our panel will complete fill-in-the-blank questions such as 'Captain Kirk has the biggest ____ in Starfleet!' Prizes include book packages worth more than $100, gift certificates to selected Norwescon dealers, and a membership to next year's Norwescon. All contestants will also receive Lovely Parting Gifts. Whether you want to play or watch, don't miss the excitement Friday night.


Saturday Night's Mixer in Maxie's Ballroom:


Queer Eye for the...Con Goer

Sure he's dressed up like a gay sc-ifi character so why is he checking out Xena's chest?  Oh wow, 7 of 9 is making out with a girl?! But will she make out with a Grrl or boi?  Between the costumes, booze and sleep dep how can you tell whose batting for what team?  EASY!  Come to our Queer Eye for the Con Goer Mixer Saturday night in Maxie's Ballroom!  It's 21 and over and legal ID will be required to join in the fun and games. Enjoy a night of speed dating and LGBT/Alt. friendly games!  So pick you hankie colors (we will have hankie flagging decoder cards) and join us for our Queer Eye for the Con Goer Mixer!


The Norwescon Casino:


On Thursday night come and gamble the night away.  We will be having games of Blackjack, craps, Roulette, and possibility other games for you to gamble all your funny money on. The casino will also be hosting the  start of our annual Texas Hold'em tournament.

If you don't want to gamble, then how about come and volunteer for the "house", we are always looking for new people to be casino dealers. Stop by Grand 2 at 8pm for a quick training and overview  of the house rules.


501st Charity Event:


Have you ever wanted to have your picture taken with Darth Vader and/or a bunch of Storm Troopers?  Well on Saturday afternoon you will be able to do just that for a donation to one of the charities which Norwescon and the 501st support. If you missed this great event last year, you have another chance to feel good by giving to charity and impressing your friends with cool pictures!


LARP Event:

Dawn was just breaking on the horizon when the owl arrived with the morning mail. Among the various letters was your confirmation from the New York Concillium.


Greetings advisor:


We thank you for your response to the invitation for the coming Wizards Summit on December 31st, 1979. We look forward to meeting with you and receiving your analysis on the Voldemort situation developing across the Atlantic. The summit will occur in the floating city, the Eye of Daedalus. This modern wonder of wizarding craft will provide us the sanctuary for our deliberations during its dedication. As you know, the Eye of Daedalus was constructed by the Artificer's Guild and the Technocratic Union as the first wizard made transient geomantic point to help stabilize the Great Comprise Spell of 1884.


For everyone's safety and security, no apperation is allowed to or from the Eye of Daedalus. Please contact your local concillium for port key locations and times.




Filomina J. Euripides
High Auger


Stranger Concepts presents a live action role-playing event in a time before the birth of the boy who lived, when the Dark Lord was rising in power and the western hemisphere set about to gather the best minds to develop a plan to deal with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.


Participation in this event is by preregistration and limited space will be available at the convention for walk-on parts. This LARP is geared for players 18 and older.


To register visit or email for more information.


Ben, Jim, & Rory

Stranger Concepts


Sunday Event: Amtgard

Amtgard is a country-wide, live action role-play organization that is interested in the more action oriented aspects of medieval and fantasy role-play. This includes but isn't limited to fighting and magic use. Amtgard is a non-profit program and is fun for all ages; though for fighting on the field, you must be at least 14. Not to worry, there are often battle games and other activities for our younger members. 


Amtgard is made up of several kingdoms.  Washington State, where Norwescon takes place, falls within the territory of the Kingdom of BlackSpire (based in Oregon) and the principality of the Northern Lights (based in Washington).


Within the Northern Lights there are four groups: Inland Ocean in Redmond, Shrouding Mist in Tacoma, Greenwood Keep in Olympia, and Dark Harbor in Oak Harbor. Our local principality, Northern Lights, is our attempt to bring more people together and create our own Kingdom. Amtgard is not a closed group, more people are always welcome and everyone is friendly.


The demo at Norwescon is to show off all aspects of Amtgard.  Of course we hope to entice and entertain others into joining our ranks but no one's going to hand you a membership form when you walk in the door. We will be there to explain and show the rules of the game, character creation, the magic system, and other specifics of game play.  Some of you may be interested to note that a player is not tied down to one type of character, though the longer you play a certain type the more levels you gain in that character class.  We also have a large Arts and Sciences bent, and award progress and work in these areas: garbing (clothing/costume creation), pouches, armor, weapons, art work, poetry, music, fiction, embroidery and jewelry creation.   You will see examples of our handiwork at the event.

We will have a live combat demonstration, not only full speed with people who are well versed in the ways of Amtgard, but we are also planning for interactive play assuming that you sign a waver.  We'll let you borrow some equipment and there will always be someone willing to show you some moves, including half-speed explanation and instruction.  If you wish we will then let you come on in and try us on full attack. If swords and daggers aren't your style, we will also have an archery lane. This will include how to make and use the arrows and the information on legal rules for bow shooting.  Going over all this information leads up to the hands-on fun, getting to shoot at full speed! 

Come to our event and see what we're all about.  You can ask questions, talk and share tales. We don't bite, and we don't hit…too hard!

Find out more at


Midnight Movies:


Thursday Night


1955 Tarantula 

Come see "Leo G. Carroll over a barrel when TARANTULA takes to the hill". Witness the consequences as scientists meddle with the natural world. In this 1955 sci-fi classic, John Agar, Mara Corday, and Nestor Paiva try to stay alive as Tarantula wreaks havoc and exacts it's revenge on people and cattle alike!! Also, keep an eye (or ear) out for Clint Eastwood's FOURTH movie appearance.


Friday Night


Rocky Horror Picture Show 

The Vicarious Theatre Company returns to give you a night of live action Rocky Horror Picture Show that you will never forget. Seating starts at 11:30pm so don't be late!


Saturday Night


The Gamers: Dorkness Rising 

We've waited a long time for this 2nd Gamers movie from the "Dead Gentlemen" Folks. Now the movie about the world's most popular role playing game comes to Norwescon. This movie pokes fun at just about every cliché in gaming, including, PC alignment issues, High Charisma Seducing, and undead turkeys?! It's also loaded with cameos of some big names in the gaming industry and one of Norwescon's own execs. So grab the Cheetos and the Mountain Dew and let's roll some dice with the Gamers 2.

Bodacious Babes Clothing Exchange 


Attention all you Bodacious Babes!  Yes, you!  The Bodacious Babes Clothing Exchange is back with a fun new twist.  Is there an item (or two) deep in your closet that you never wear, but also can’t bear to toss in the bag going to Good Will or the Salvation Army?  It is just to precious; either for sentimental reasons or the price you paid?  Wouldn’t you like it to go to someone, just like you, who would wear it and enjoy it?  Bring it to the Bodacious Babes Clothing Exchange at Norwescon!  If each of us includes that one item we just can’t “purge from the closet” with our other trades, think how much fun it will be to find new treasures for yourself!!


Friday, April 10th 2 PM - 4 PM Presidential Suite