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Thursday Programming
Scheduled Gaming Noon Cascade 11 & 12
games! Card games! Table top
and live action roleplaying
games! No matter what your
game is, we have a place for
you. If the game you want to
play isn’t on the schedule,
talk to one of our staff and
we’ll get a table and signup
sheet set up for you in the
Cascade rooms.
Pro Roy
Open Gaming Noon Rotunda 1 & 2
Board games! Card games! Table top and live action roleplaying games! No matter what your game is, we have a place for you. If you just want some table space to play with friends, the Rotunda is available for open gaming all weekend on a first-come first-serve basis.
Pro Roy
Thursday Movie Matinee: Journey to the Center of the Earth 2:00 p.m. Olympic 1
Antique Power Sources 3:00 p.m. Cascade 4
How did our ancestors generate their power?
Konker, Carlton Rhoades
What Keeps People Playing? 3:00 p.m. Cascade 6
So you’ve played the game all the way through…yet, there you are, playing it all over again! Join our panelists in discussing the appeals of different types of games, from character customization and advancement to the “positive feedback loop” system of bonus points for doing well in games such as Rock Band, to more social connections (clubs, gaming societies, guilds).
Haehn, Gwendolyn F.M.
Kestrel, Jason Soles, Donna
“Danicia” Prior
How to Knit Maille 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Cascade 13
In this panel I’ll teach the basics of the European 4-1 weave and making the basic contractions for use in a coif. For a $20 fee, you get to practice these techniques towards making your own maille pouch to put dice in or use as a costume accessory. You don’t need to pay the $20 to take the panel; you just won’t get to take the stainless steel rings with you. I’ll have jewelry grade and armor grade rings to learn with as well.
Mad Poetry Game Show 4:00 p.m. Cascade 4
Show off your wit and creativity in a silly hour of wacky writing challenges. Compete against other players for the Mad Poet title.
Where to Sell Your Art Outside the Cover 4:00 p.m. Cascade 5
A discussion exploring the nooks and crannies of where to present and sell your art other than the traditional markets.
Carlos, John R. Gray III,
Jeff Sturgeon
Set Laser Printers on Stunning 4:00 p.m. Cascade 9
The universe, both real and fantasy, is a pretty awe inspiring place. How do you put words to that wonder? How do you take readers where no one has been before? Here’s some folks who do a great job of it.
Shepherd Moscoe, G. David
Nordley, Roberta Gregory,
Warren Hammond, Joshua
Hidden Gems of Wizards of the Coast 4:00 p.m. Cascade 10
A showcase of the lesser-known gems in Wizards' catalogue.
Baker, Andy Collins
Treasure Map Quest 4:00 p.m. Olympic 1
All good adventurers need one simple thing to get started - a treasure map! Come make your own to get your adventure started!
Kim Poua
Have Vampire Novels Jumped the Shark? 4:00 p.m. Cascade 7
Are there any cross-over vampire stories that haven’t been written?
Richardson, Richelle Mead,
Loree Parker
Ready for Prime Time 5:00 p.m. Cascade 5
How to prepare your artwork for display and sale to the public.
Carlos, John R. Gray III,
Christine D. Winters
Build a Better Adventure 5:00 p.m. Cascade 6
What makes a good adventure? One that players can’t wait to continue. One that they spend their off-time thinking about and planning for until they play again? Join our gaming panelists in a discussion of how to design better adventures.
Collins, Randall N. Bills,
Jason Soles
Technological Cusp Points and Alternate Histories 5:00 p.m. Cascade 7
Many alternate histories focus on political and/or war aspects, or some form of "what if this great man/woman's life were different?" But much of the great sweep of history has been due to technological events. What are they? Consider what would have happened if they had been delayed, discovered elsewhere, or usurped by other methods. Movable type… the assembly line… the rail road… the telephone… MS- DOS? All fair game…
John P.
Alexander, Annie
Morton, David Walton
Medieval Games and Pastimes 5:00 p.m. Cascade 8
(You get to take home copies of rules and paper game boards from 10 different games.) Chess variants, Nine Men's Morris, Fox and Geese, etc. We won't have time to play entire games probably, but will work towards a good understanding of the strategies and styles of the games. Teachers, use these in your classes. Writers, use these to base your character's strategies or activities upon.
Smith, Cymbric Early-Smith
Story-Crafting From Your Subconscious 5:00 p.m. Cascade 9
Do your characters surprise you? Is your outline giving you fits? Do strange things keep happening in your narrative? Find out why that's a good thing, in this light-hearted program item.
Palmatier, Wolf Lahti, Alma
Alexander, Rhiannon Held,
Ted Butler
Science Made Sexy 5:00 p.m. Cascade 10
CSI made police forensics glamorous and hip; if you were a TV executive,what branch of science would you like to make the next sexy frontier of "hard" science?
Marshall, Amanda Cherry
Clay-o-rama 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Cascade 13
Come learn to make little creatures from PlayDoh, and play a hilarious game with them; pitting them against each other. Much screaming and laughing for the whole family.
Low Budget Special Effects 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Evergreen 3
Although each of us would love to have a hundred million dollars for the top-of-the-line special effects, the sad truth is that those PowerBall numbers remain as elusive as ever. In lieu of an unspeakable budget, here is a collection of techniques and tricks, including live demonstrations, of some special effects that you can do on a more "dinner-and-a-movie" budget!
Oberquell, Edward Martin
III, Ryan K. Johnson, Jön
Johnson, Eric Morgret
Story Hour 5:00 p.m. Olympic 1
Reading: Spencer
5:30 PM
Cascade 3
Worms Are Eating You -
Rated PG
Spencer Ellsworth
Reading: Alma Alexander 6:00 p.m. Cascade 3
Cybermage – Book 3 of the YA Worldweavers trilogy - Rated G
Thursday Afternoon Poetry Panel for People Who Don’t Do Poetry 6:00 p.m. Cascade 4
Oh, come
on! We’ll read a little
poetry, talk about what we
read, have some laughs, and
you’re out of here in time
for Opening Ceremonies. We
won’t even tell your
Brennan, Andrew Dolbeck
Manga: Found In Translation 6:00 p.m. Cascade 5
The peculiarities of manga and the challenges of translation.
Quinn, Jeffrey Hitchin
The Human Cloning Wars 6:00 p.m. Cascade 6
The first
steps toward human cloning
have been reported. The
battle lines are already
drawn on how far to go.
Opinions range from the
Raelians who say everybody
must get cloned, to
religious conservatives who
want cloning banned. But the
real debate is about the
perils and promises of
reproductive and therapeutic
cloning. What's the
difference? How does it
matter to us? What's likely
to change? Will cloning lead
to human organ farms for
spare parts? What are some
of the emerging ethical
concerns about this
biotechnology? How can they
be addressed?
Coila, Misty Marshall, Miki
Garrison, David Walton
I Just Sold My First Story/Novel! Whoopee! 6:00 p.m. Cascade 8
Yes, it still happens. Come listen to a few folks who have just been touched by pixie dust and are still pinching themselves to make sure its real.
Shepherd Moscoe, Jeff Soesbe,
Mark Teppo, John P.
Twilight - Great Story, or Great Marketing? 6:00 p.m. Cascade 9
The YA romance novel series has become a phenomenon for teen girls. Is this really the next Harry Potter success or a creation of the publishers?
Mead, Rosemary Clement-Moore
We Could Be Heroes… 6:00 p.m. Cascade 10
If you
suddenly found you had a
superhero power, what would
you like it to be? What
would be the results if a
group of people suddenly
developed superhuman skills?
What effects would there be
on society if there really
were superheroes? Would
governments just let them
act? Would near absolute
power corrupt? Would the
existence of superheroes
ultimately bring forth
supervillains? What toll (or
benefit) would the world see
from years or decades of
superpowered daring-do?
Konker, David Nassett, Sr.,
David Shoemaker, Shaharazahd
Reading: MH (“Maggie”) Bonham 6:30 p.m. Cascade 3
Lachlei, Serpent Singer or The King's Champion – Fantasy - Rated PG
(“Maggie”) Bonham
Opening Ceremonies 7:00 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2
What are the "Things That Time Forgot"? Come find out, and meet our Guests of Honor.
Sadorus, Richard Baker, Todd
Lockwood, Geno Salvatore
Reading: Bridget Coila 8:00 p.m. Cascade 3
Enshrined – Short story by Bridget Coila - Rated PG
Psychology of Costume 8:00 p.m. Cascade 4
Why do we react the way we do to a costume? Can a designer exploit those psychological reactions? Come discuss how choices of cut, silhouette, color, fabric selection and accessories create a “look” for a character, and influence the audience to think or feel about that character in a particular way.
Beaudry, Julie Haehn, JoAnne
Kirley, Victoria Shaffer
Podcasting Horror 8:00 p.m. Cascade 5
What horror-based podcasts are on the internet? How to start your own podcast.
Hoverson, Eric Morgret
Cybersexuality 8:00 p.m. Cascade 6
How has technology contributed to people having sex without ever coming into contact? In a world where people form lasting relationships without ever having “face time” how is sex being redefined? How are the concepts of fidelity, cheating, monogamy and polyamory affected by these same technologies? Is cybering with someone other than your primary cheating? 18+
Carlstrom, Donna “Danicia”
Prior, Rachael Kenoyer
Novelization of a Game 8:00 p.m. Cascade 7
Many video games today have accompanying fiction, often providing a more detailed storyline of either what was going on in the game, or what came before or after the game’s events. Many roleplaying games have series of novels expanding their worlds with characters and cities and events that become canon in that setting. Join our panelists as they discuss how a game’s setting is translated into a novel that, in turn, gives back to the game.
Silverstein, Richard Baker,
Jeff Grubb
Rhythm, Meter, and the Use of Language 8:00 p.m. Cascade 8
Unresolved anapests? Short. Choppy. Sentence. Fragments? Changing viewpoints mid-paragraph? What are some of the ways to vary the "beat" of prose, and how (why?) are these methods used? How can they be used well? Badly? How can particular writing styles attract or repel readers?
Berg, Andrew Dolbeck, Jenna
Pitman, Spencer Ellsworth
Doorstops: Truly Enormous Books and Series 8:00 p.m. Cascade 13
Huge books, a never-ending series - why are these herniators so popular? Why does it take so many words to tell a good story? Does anyone edit anymore?
Shepherd Moscoe, Kevin
Radthorne, Joshua Palmatier,
David Walton
Megalithic Engineering Around the World 8:00 p.m. Evergreen 3
Huge ruins left by unknown builders litter this planet. How did primitive man move and shape huge stones?
Nilsson, Andy Quinn
The Nuclear Renaissance 8:00 p.m. Evergreen 4
No, this isn’t about Reactor Operators carrying swords and wearing anti-contamination suits with puffy sleeves (though that would be entertaining), but about new reactors being built. How might it affect you? More importantly, what new stories SF stories can be based on it?
Brennan, Bob Crichton
Casino Dealer Training 8:00 p.m. Grand 2
If you
don't want to gamble, then
how about come and volunteer
for the "house," we are
always looking for new
people to be casino dealers.
Stop by for some quick
training and an overview of
the house rules.
Reading: Michael Ehart 8:30 p.m. Cascade 3
The Tears of Ishtar – Fantasy – Rated PG
Friends of Bill W. 9:00 p.m. Cascade 3
Five Basic Pieces for Your Costume Wardrobe and How To Use Them 9:00 p.m. Cascade 4
Come see what you can do with just a few basic pieces. Take away some great ideas for a future Con that involves staying within a baggage limit.
Beaudry, Julie Haehn,
Victoria Shaffer
Art of the Salon: Hosting the Dark and Decadent 9:00 p.m. Cascade 5
Some people claim there is no place for lively conversations and light refreshments in today's online universe of screen names and avatars? Fie, we say! Come and learn how to revive this ritual of human interaction in our increasingly cyber world.
Roy, Elana Okrent, Torrey
Newcomb, Elisabeth van
Every, Nicole Stavenau
The Value of Art 9:00 p.m. Cascade 6
How do you know the art you collect will still be valuable in 20 years, or does it matter?
John P.
Alexander, Russell D.
Campbell, Jacqualynn D.
Duram Nilsson
Where are All the Sci-Fi Games? 9:00 p.m. Cascade 7
Dungeons. Dragons. Swords. Magic. What about the lasers? Interstellar space travel? Aliens? Netrunning? The Dark and Gritty Future? Are they all video games these days? Panelists discuss why fantasy is king in gaming right now, when sci-fi will make its comeback, and what sci-fi games ARE out there right now.
N. Bills, Jeff Grubb
Constructing Technobabble 9:00 p.m. Cascade 8
How do people come up with all these new words (and brand names, drug names, etc.) that permeate the linguistic landscape? Are there tricks to this kind of word coinage, certain language always used (or, overused), certain sound combinations that convey special meanings? How does globalization affect this process: incorporating word roots from more exotic cultures? Why do some coinages fail to catch on?
G. David
Nordley, Kim Ritchie, M.K.
Writing-for-Hire 9:00 p.m. Cascade 13
What do you give up when you write-for-hire? What areas of science fiction and fantasy writing will only let you work in a write-for-hire capacity and what should you do about it?
Silverstein, Wolfgang Baur,
Greg Cox
Let’s Make a Movie – Intro 9:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2
It's our ten year anniversary! For a decade, we've been making movies every Norwescon, like some sort of terrifying clockwork monkey. Be a part of history without actually burying yourself in the desert for a thousand years! In this introduction, see all the movies ever made at Norwescon as a part of this ground-breaking workshop, including hilarious video introductions by the filmmakers. Here's the best place to watch all these movies at once, and behold the genesis of one of the weirdest and funniest workshops ever to be tolerated by Norwescon! Learn about some of the weird and heinous behind-the-scenes stories! Feel free to ask the filmmakers questions afterwards, if they're brave enough to stick around! Be inspired for part 1!
Martin III, Brian Oberquell,
Ryan K. Johnson, Eric
When Did the Future Get So Far Away? 9:00 p.m. Evergreen 4
Remember the 1950s and 1960s, when we thought that by the year 2000 we'd have giant orbiting space stations, routine space travel, and human colonies all over the solar system? Stories written today don't talk of such wonders happening within a few decades - instead, they're a century or more in the imagined future. What happened? Did we get more cynical and lose our near-term dreams, or more practical and assume the future would be harder to get to than earlier dreamers imagined?
Jim Glass, Carlton Rhoades
Lazer Tag 9:00 p.m. Cascade 9 & 10
The only place in the convention you are allowed to draw your lazer weapons. We have equipment for use; it is compatible with the Tiger Lazer Tag system, not the Team Ops system. For those players who are under 18, you must have a parent or guardian present at the arena. Lazer Tag is a live action, NON-CONTACT sport.
Perrin, Elizabeth Fellows
Thursday Night Chaos Circle 9:00 p.m. Evergreen 3
Chaos Circle for filkers of all persuasions.
Dixon, Vixy & Tony
Casino 9:00 p.m. Grand 2
Join us for an evening of your favorite Casino games, as well as the start of our Texas Hold-em Tournament.
Thursday Dance - Time Line of Tunes 9:00 p.m. Grand 3
music from the past up to
the present. Come dance the
night away with some of the
best dance music from back
in the day up to today's
hottest hits. Enjoy a fun
filled night of socializing
and music played by DJ Irah.
DJ Irah
Wily Writers Presents: “Stories in the Dark” 10:00 p.m. Cascade 3
Let us tell you a story. Experience the magic of the Wily Writers horror and dark fantasy. Not just a reading, this is an adventure! (Stories contain extreme violence, sex and adult situations. Samples at www.wilywriters.com!)
How They Thought:
Getting Into the Head Space
of Those Long Gone
10:00 p.m.
Cascade 4
Text examples; Marjorie Kemp, Leonardo da Vinci, Machiavelli, Dante… using their texts as keys.
When PnP met MMORPG 10:00 p.m. Cascade 6
Massively multiplayer online role-playing games have revolutionized computer gaming, and become the dominant mode for computer role-playing games. But certainly they learned a thing or two from pen-and-paper (PnP) RPGs. Yet, many PnP games today are “borrowing” a concept or two as well. Are these two genres moving closer? What can they learn from each other? What will role-playing games evolve into in the future?
S., Donna “Danicia” Prior
Poly, Open, Swinging 10:00 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8
These are all three the same thing, right? Wrong. Come for a discussion in the differences between the three and how they’re practiced. 18 +
Mickey Schulz, Matt
Bamberger, Tugger, aka
Robert Grey, David Nassett,
Sr., Rachael Kenoyer
Digital vs. Practical Gore 11:00 p.m. Cascade 6
Fake blood, better in the computer or in buckets? Does using digital gore hurt the experience of the visceral kill?
Andrew Migliore, Eric
Morgret, The Reverend En
Fuego, Edward Martin III
Science Fiction Spelling Bee 11:00 p.m. Cascade 5
Sure you know your science fiction words, but can you spell them? Straight from Putnam County, this game mixes difficult words, crazy definitions and off-the-wall sample sentences. Randomly chosen volunteers will have a chance at fun and prizes. Drop on in and see if you can win the Science Fiction Spelling Bee!
Jeff Soesbe
Star Trek: Phoenix Premier 11:00 p.m. Evergreen 4
Be the first to see Star Trek: Phoenix! Star Trek Phoenix began as an ambitious fan film and is now the largest production in the Seattle area and is the only series ever to be shot entirely in our region. This is the premier showing of their pilot episode.
Amanda Cherry, Jön Johnson,
Leo Roberts, Ben Andrews
Midnight Movie: 1955 Tarantula Midnight Evergreen 1 & 2
Come see “Leo G. Carrol over
a barrel when Tarantula
takes to the hill”. Witness
the consequences as
scientists meddle with the
natural world. In this 1955
sci-fi classic, John Agar,
Mara Corday, and Nestor
Paiva try to stay alive as
Tarantula wreaks havoc and
exacts its revenge on people
and cattle alike!! Also,
keep an eye (or ear) out for
Clint Eastwood's FOURTH
movie appearance.
Barry Block