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Sunday Programming
Scheduled Gaming 6:00 a.m. Cascade 11 & 12
games! Card games! Table top
and live action roleplaying
games! No matter what your
game is, we have a place for
you. If the game you
want to play isn’t on the
schedule, talk to one of our
staff and we’ll get a table
and signup sheet set up for
you in the Cascade rooms.
Pro Roy
Open Gaming 8:00 a.m. Rotunda 1 & 2
games! Card games! Table top
and live action roleplaying
games! No matter what your
game is, we have a place for
you. If you just want
some table space to play
with friends, the Rotunda is
available for open gaming
all weekend on a first-come
first-serve basis.
Pro Roy
Gaming For ‘Tween Girls 9:00 a.m. Cascade 6
used to be viewed as packs
of nerdy boys in basements,
but the gaming demographic
has changed. Our panel of
gaming experts discusses how
the gaming industry is now
opening up with gaming
opportunities for younger
Jeff Combos, Donna “Danicia” Prior, Teeuwyn Woodruff, Mickey Schulz
Developing SF/F Worlds 9:00 a.m. Cascade 7
and their habitats, etc. We
take into account some of
the basic principles of
ecology in making up alien
or fantasy worlds.
Predators, prey, food
chains, etc. Also discuss
some of the odder ecologies
and critters of good old
earth. You know that guy who
keeps pointing out that you
have too many "top
predators" in your stories
or games? Does he have a
point ... or is he just
being obnoxious again? What
do asteroid worms eat
between those occasional
space ships?
Larry Lewis, Jim Kling, Warren Hammond
Growing Artistically Through Crisis 9:00 a.m. Cascade 10
spouse left you, your dog
died, and the bank
repossessed your pickup. If
you're not a country-western
singer, what do you do?
M.K. Hobson, Mark J. Ferrari, Lizzy Shannon
Writing for Comics 10:00 a.m. Cascade 4
between novels and
screenplays can be found the
comic book. How does one
write for the comics? What's
the difference between
script-first and plot-first?
Can you write for comics if
you have no artistic talent
whatsoever? How do you break
into the field in the first
Donna Barr, Jeff Grubb, Paul Chadwick
The Continuing Evolution of Water Color 10:00 a.m. Cascade 5
continuing discussion from
last year on the techniques,
value, and popularity of the
use of water color as a
Christine D. Winters, Douglas Herring, Michaela Eaves
Family Friendly Games 10:00 a.m. Cascade 6
experts discuss what makes a
family friendly game and
what options are out there
for the family that wants a
chance to play together.
Mickey “Meowse” Phoenix, Eva-Lise Carlstrom, Jeremy Holcomb, Mike Selinker
Eco-Disaster Literature 10:00 a.m. Cascade 7
Have we
moved from science fiction
cautionary tales to science
fact? How much more will it
take before we listen?
Pat MacEwen, Bridget Coila, Annie Morton
The Fannish Community On Line 10:00 a.m. Cascade 8
parsing every detail of
every sci-fi and fantasy
script out of Hollywood to
debates on production stills
for movies that don't come
out for another year,
on-line fandom has become a
force to be reckoned with
and even courted. With
threats of boycott of
Twentieth Century Fox over
Watchmen as an
example, how will fandom use
its online power to advance
the cause of science fiction
and fantasy?
Ryan K. Johnson, Michael Martinez, Amanda Cherry, Leo Roberts
Surface Embellishments – Taking it from Ordinary to Extraordinary 10:00 a.m. Cascade 9
follow a commercial pattern
and you may end up with just
a sewn garment. Learn how to
add period detail touches to
your garments that will make
your costumes pop visually
and have a look of
historical accuracy.
Katrina Marier, Garth Stubbs, Julie Zetterberg, Jonnalyhn Wolfcat Hall
Who Wants to Live Forever? 10:00 a.m. Cascade 10
What is the appeal of being able to live on and on? Fantasy literature has speculated on immortality in many kinds of characters, see what other authors have had to say and share your thoughts…
Chris Konker, Renee Stern, David Shoemaker
What If Super Science Were True? 10:00 a.m. Evergreen 4
…like FTL
drives, time-travel,
immortality…all that really
good stuff!
Nassett, David Nasset, Sr.,
James C. Glass, Elton
Easter Egg Hunt 10:00 a.m. Olympic 1
Egg Hunt for members aged 4
and under.
LouAnna Valentine, Kim Poua
Amtgard 10:00 a.m. Grand 3
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!!!
Stop by and see Amtgard, a
Live Action Role Playing
(LARP) game, complete with
full character classes,
magic, archery and boffer
safe contact combat. You can
see all that Amtgard has to
offer from the crafted
medieval clothing, jewelry
and armor, how to make our
boffer weapons and arrows,
and anyone 14+ is welcome to
participate. We will be
giving a full and
interactive demonstration of
our organization, as well as
giving instruction on how to
fight within our padded
combat system.
Easter Egg Hunt 10:30 a.m. Olympic 1
Egg Hunt for members aged 5
to 8 years.
LouAnna Valentine, Kim Poua
Who Wants To Be a Super Hero? 11:00 a.m. Cascade 4
comics, and art inspire us
to action, but how do you
create a credible look for
yourself? We will share
techniques for well-fitting,
comfy garments for all body
types, including body suits
that you can use as a base
for many of your other
Jonnalyhn Wolfcat Hall, Neil T. Duttkin, Janet Borkowski, Julie Haehn
Which Program? 11:00 a.m. Cascade 5
will talk about different
computer art programs, and
their strengths and
Carlos, Kevin Radthorne,
Cory & Catska Ench,
Jacqualynn D. Duram Nilsson
Lessons from the Pulps 11:00 a.m. Cascade 6
science fiction to sword and
sorcery, many of the genres
celebrated in modern gaming
took form in the pulp
magazines of the early 20th
century. Drop by for a
discussion of pulp classics
and how gamers can swipe
classic ideas for their own
gaming. Panelists have been
encouraged to bring plenty
of pulp magazines for the
audience to appreciate and
Erik Mona, Jeff Combos, James Jacobs, Ogre Whiteside
Can Fandom Save the Universe: Part 2 11:00 a.m. Cascade 7
Many of
us grew up loving science
fiction and fantasy; we are
nerds. We love to read,
watch movies, TV, plays,
play games, view and create
art, and many of us are very
creative. We still have the
"child like wonder of the
universe". We are children
for such a short time, what
if more children didn't try
to grow up fast, or weren't
pushed to growing up so
fast? If we worked to keep
the "wonder" alive and
active, more people would be
so busy reading, writing,
and networking the nerd ways
that they won't have time to
commit crimes. We would all
be on life-long Quests of
Learning. It's a fantastic
vision of the future and we
can make it happen.
Michael Citrak, Karen Rall, Spring Schoenhuth, Leo Roberts
Too Many Ideas? 11:00 a.m. Cascade 8
How much
stuff can you stuff in one
book? Can there be too many
goshwowwhatakeenthing ideas,
under any circumstances? How
can the trade-offs between
difficult material and
transparency be balanced?
Can readers be given more
than they can handle? How
can the reluctant reader be
coaxed along?
Mark J. Ferrari, Kim Ritchie, Leah R. Cutter
Twitter, Facebook or Myspace 11:00 a.m. Cascade 9
Using Web
2.0 for promotion. What
works? What doesn’t work?
Leslie Howle, Cat Rambo, Donna Barr, MH (“Maggie”) Bonham
Acting in horror, it can be very good, really 11:00 a.m. Cascade 10
of horror films with great
acting: they are out there.
Panelists will talk about
the extra effort that is
needed to perform
realistically in horror.
K.L. Young, Jenna Pitman, Andrew Migliore, Julie Hoverson
Advances in Replicators 11:00 a.m. Evergreen 4
With the
recent announcement that a
desktop fabricating machine
had built most of its own
parts, can the Star Trek
replicators be far behind?
G. David Nordley, Bob Crichton
Easter Egg Hunt 11:00 a.m. Olympic 1
Egg Hunt for members aged 9
to 12 years.
LouAnna Valentine, Kim Poua
Movie Previews 11:30 a.m. Evergreen 1 & 2
Keith Johnson
Art & Charity Auction 11:30 a.m. Grand 2
Join our auctioneers for the
Norwescon 32 Art Auction, as
they convince you to
purchase art for a good
Gaming in the Mainstream Noon Cascade 6
In the
early days, if you said you
were a gamer, people
immediately thought, “devil
worshipper” or “computer
nerd”. These days, games are
becoming more integral to
mainstream literature, TV,
and culture. How did this
happen? Come join the
discussion with our
panelists about why gaming
isn’t just for geeks
Julie Haehn, Jeff Combos, Shelly Mazzanoble, Teeuwyn Woodruff, Mike Selinker
Net Hook-ups Noon Cascade 7
relationships: good or bad?
Does the bad outweigh the
neutral or even good
experiences? Some tips on
Net safety and warning
signs. ALL AGES
Mickey Schulz, Donna “Danicia” Prior
Writing Essentials: Feedback Noon Cascade 8
panel is intended for
writers in a craft that can
suffer from lack of
feedback: all about writing
groups, writing buddies, and
writer's workshops.
Patrick Swenson, James C. Glass, Carol Berg, Grá Linnaea, Renee Stern
The End of Copyright: Can the Arts Survive the Digital Age? Noon Cascade 9
Can we
continue to protect
intellectual property?
Should we? If we don't, how
will human creativity
change? How will creative
humans eat!?
Donna Barr, Roberta Gregory, Sean K. Reynolds, Vladimir Verano
Hats, Headdresses, and, Crowns. Oh My! Noon Cascade 10
This panel is all about
making “Stuff That Goes On
Your Head”! Come learn how
to recreate the exotic hats
and headgear from the High
Renaissance to Television’s
Terri ‘Sprite’ Specht, Garth Stubbs, Janet Borkowski, Vicki Glover
Maille 102 Noon Cascade 13
expansion of the basic
chainmaille class, teaching
angles, drop-ins, and other
more advanced techniques.
Joseph Hill
Hands-on Interactive Education in SF/F Noon Evergreen 3
educators and parents are
invited to explore how
experiential learning can
bring your favorite Science
Fiction subject matter to
life. Our team of education
experts will advise and
delight you with their
creative approach to making
learning fun and
Spring Schoenhuth, G.Robin Smith, Eva-Lise Carlstrom, Cymbric Early-Smith
Foreground/Background Noon Evergreen 4
Join the
panelists as they discuss
how to develop the most
impact and enhance the
images in your art.
Larry Lewis, John R. Gray III, Michaela Eaves
Those Who Forget History – Are Just Plain Doomed… 1:00 p.m. Cascade 4
will explore “Lost-History”
themes like those
illustrated in Professor
Tolkien’s work as a means to
inspire up and coming
authors and screenwriters,
as well as History and
Humanities students of all
Cymbric Early-Smith, Chris Pramas
Old Paint for a New Palette 1:00 p.m. Cascade 5
come and share your favorite
old techniques, as well as
the new ones that you have
just discovered.
Christine D. Winters, Cory & Catska Ench
Robots' Rights 1:00 p.m. Cascade 6
The real
reason we want AI is that we
want perfect slaves. Whether
they be butlers, bodyguards,
intelligent sex toys or
whatever, we want
Jeeves-like competence with
hard-wired loyalty and
obedience. We want all that
without the moral issues
involved in enslaving
people, but is there a
paradox in that? Is it
possible for machines (i.e.,
any combination of hardware
and software) to be smart
enough to do what we really
want them to do without also
being self-aware enough to
have "human" rights?
Ted Butler, David Shoemaker
LGBT in Fandom 1:00 p.m. Cascade 7
Do you
feel welcome? What draws
LGBT to the world of science
fiction fandom? Do you feel
safer exposing your sexual
orientation here than in the
mundane world? A discussion
of what’s its like to be
queer in fandom. ALL AGES
Mickey Schulz, Loree Parker, Ciarán Cain
Where Do You Get Your Ideas … and other questions for writers 1:00 p.m. Cascade 8
"Where do
you get your ideas?" is the
number one question asked of
writers. In this panel,
writers at various stages in
their career answer this
question and others about
how they tap the creative
process from idea to
finished product.
Rhiannon Held, Renee Stern, Lisa Mantchev, Robert J. Sawyer, James C. Glass
Mixing Realities 1:00 p.m. Cascade 9
there was Reality, then
Virtual Reality, but what
happens when they collide in
Augmented Reality? Mixing
the real and the virtual.
Karen Rall, Chris Konker
Glitz it up – a Beginners Primer 1:00 p.m. Cascade 10
glittery, and gaudy
techniques that will make
your costume stand out.
Learn about materials and
basic techniques for adding
sparkle, shine and focus to
your hall or masquerade
Julie Zetterberg, Terri ‘Sprite’ Specht, Jonnalyhn Wolfcat Hall, Vicki Glover
Fandance Film Festival 1:00 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2
Welcome to the Tenth Annual Fandance Film festival, hosted at Norwescon 32! Ten years of madness, ten years of filmmaking, ten years of seeing all the latest, the greatest, the funniest, the weirdest, and the most bleeding, squealing, giant smashing, robot-crashing edge entertainment still available without extensive tipping (mind you, we're not saying "no"…). The Festival is a celebration of low- and no-budget cinema, brought to wondrous lurching life by amateur filmmakers from all around the Pacific Northwest.
More than just the movies, this 120-minute extravaganza of entertainment also includes the filmmakers, to regale you with terrifying tales of their productions. Be there or be a regular right quadrilateral!
The Fandance Film Festival is the final terrifying phase of the Let's Make a Movie Workshop. The Workshop walks participants through every step of making a movie, from conception to the premiere of the finished product. This year at Norwescon also marks the ten year anniversary of the Let's Make a Movie Workshop!
Edward Martin III
World Science Fiction Conventions 1:00 p.m. Evergreen 3
The World
Science Fiction Convention
is the granddaddy of all
conventions. Who puts it on,
where is it held, how are
the Hugos awarded? Come
visit with some people who
have volunteered at various
Worldcons and participated
in the bidding (location
selection) process to find
out the answers to these and
other common questions about
the Worldcon.
Linda Deneroff, John Lorentz, Bobbie DuFault, Suzanne Tompkins
Housefilk, Filkcon, and Filking at a Gencon 1:00 p.m. Evergreen 4
So, you
like filking at Norwescon.
Would you be interested in
going to a housefilk? How
about the local filk con?
What is unique to Norwescon,
and what is it missing
compared to other Filk
Beth Runnerwolf, Juliana McCorison
Easter Carnival 1:00 p.m. Olympic 1
LouAnna Valentine, Kim Poua
Fannish Memorial 2:00 p.m. Cascade 4
This is a
fan memorial: an event where
fans can gather to remember
and honor those in the
fandom and the SF/F field
who passed away during the
previous year. We invite all
of you to join us in
celebrating their lives.
Michael Citrak
Alien Anatomy 2:00 p.m. Cascade 5
don’t look like us.
Larry Lewis, H. Ed Cox, Rob Carlos, Rebecca Schumacher Cox
Alternative Scene Etiquette 2:00 p.m. Cascade 6
etiquette for alternative
culture events has become
much more important in
recent years. As the Goth,
Con and Kink scenes seem to
both blend and diverge, so
can the rules that apply to
the appropriate social
behaviors. Come and join the
Alexia Roy, Mickey Schulz, Ogre Whiteside, Doug “DJ Eternal Darkness” Carter, Andrew Herington
The Internet is for Porn 2:00 p.m. Cascade 7
Is this
true? What percentage of
your time is spent surfing
for sexually explicit
material? Do Net Nanny type
programs really work? What
defines pornographic
content? Who should decide
which content is suitable
for whom? 18+ with ID
Robert Grey, Russell Harmon
Super Heroes Don’t Wear
Capes – Writing Action
Scenes for Characters in
Costume 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 8
This panel is a demo of things you can and can't do in a costume, which when plotting a story can make the difference between a believable and a laughable scenario in a book or a game. How would a character in full armor really fight in a battle? How about a fencing duel while wearing capes? A tightly corseted woman putting on a pair of boots? Our panelists will bring props to let you test some movements you could only imagine until now.
JoAnne Kirley, Carmen Beaudry, Richard Stephens, Cat Rambo
Masquerade Debriefing 2:00 p.m. Cascade 10
Come and
tell us what we did well and
how we can improve the
Masquerade in the future.
Any awards or trophies not
picked up at the masquerade
will be available at this
meeting. Please stop by and
pick yours up.
Trent Lum
Heroic Verse 2:00 p.m. Evergreen 3
discussion of how epic
heroes are celebrated in
word and song. The role of
the bard and the storyteller
in oral traditions that
prize personal glory. How
the use of poetry can
enhance historical and
fantasy settings.
Andrew Dolbeck, Darragh Metzger
Trouble Clef Jam 2:00 p.m. Evergreen 4
Norwescon tradition. Join
our pros, and anyone else
that cares to join in, for a
fun musical jam.
McCorison, Vixy & Tony,
Jeffrey Hitchin, Rich Glover
Scavenger Hunt Finals 2:00 p.m. Salon
The teams
have been hunting all
weekend to find all the
items on the list. Now it is
time for them to present
what they have found to the
judges. Sometimes it is not
what you find, but how you
present it that will
determine the winner.
Sheye Blaze
Specialty Costuming for Theater and Film 3:00 p.m. Cascade 4
for the stage is more than
just recreating a period
look on a budget. Many
practical considerations
must often be worked into a
costume. Vigorous fight
scenes, flying characters,
and very fast clothing
changes are just a few of
the challenges. Learn how
stage and movie designers
use their skill to make
costumes perform as hard as
the actors do.
Richard Stephens, Carmen Beaudry, Anita Taylor, JoAnne Kirley
Game Publishing Goes Digital 3:00 p.m. Cascade 7
“versus” print. Blogs.
Online content. Podcasts.
More and more gaming
companies are finding a way
to move their marketing, and
even their products, onto
the internet. What does this
mean for the future of the
gaming industry? What does
it mean for your local
gaming store?
Chris Pramas, Donna “Danicia” Prior, Randall N. Bills, Jeff Combos, Erik Mona
Scary Music 3:00 p.m. Cascade 10
horror soundtracks and the
importance of music in
Eric Morgret, Julie Hoverson
Onions & Roses 4:00 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4
What did you like? What
didn’t you like? Come tell
us. Please. If you have
ideas how to improve this
convention, we want to hear
Closing Ceremonies 5:00 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4
The time
and place where we wrap it
all up. Come say goodbye to
our Guests of Honor, and bid
farewell to Norwescon for
one more year.
Sadorus, Richard Baker, Todd
Lockwood, Geno Salvatore