Schedule of Events Panelists Dances Masquerade
Single Pattern Contest Special Events Writers Workshop Fandance Film Festival


Hours of Operation Where Things Are


Saturday Programming


Scheduled Gaming   6:00 a.m.         Cascade 11 & 12

Board games! Card games! Table top and live action roleplaying games! No matter what your game is, we have a place for you.  If the game you want to play isn’t on the schedule, talk to one of our staff and we’ll get a table and signup sheet set up for you in the Cascade rooms.

Pro Roy


Open Gaming            8:00 a.m.         Rotunda 1 & 2

Board games! Card games! Table top and live action roleplaying games! No matter what your game is, we have a place for you.  If you just want some table space to play with friends, the Rotunda is available for open gaming all weekend on a first-come first-serve basis.

Pro Roy


Creating With/Creating On  9:00 a.m.         Cascade 6

Artists often have their favorite medium that they like to work with, but what about choices of what they create on? Tile, paper, canvas or board – what works and why for the artists.

Craig Figley, Michaela Eaves, Rebecca Schumacher Cox


If It Doesn’t Rhyme, It’s Just Sentence Fragments and Poor Punctuation       9:00 a.m.         Cascade 7

Come help our panelists have a frank and open discussion on the relative merits of rhyme and that other way of doing “poetry.” Peace bonding of all weapons is required.

Mike Brennan, Andrew Dolbeck, Cymbric Early-Smith


How do you name your characters?          9:00 a.m.         Cascade 8

This is a sweeping generalization; but naming conventions in SF tend to be conservative, at least for human characters. The way an author handles names says something about the assumptions underlying a story (including the root assumption that sentient creatures are individuals). The very sound of a character's name may add to the sense of the milieu, as fantasy writers well know. How could names also include such alien possibilities as clan, hive, guild, chemicals, colors…and other distinguishers? How many stories do we read set in distant futures or other worlds in which people have names that sound like my neighbors' (two names to a customer, family name last)? This is not realistic because it assumes the continued cultural dominance of a U.S. or Western-centered world indefinitely.

A.M. Dellamonica, Alma Alexander, Kim Ritchie, Leah R. Cuttter


Tradeoffs between Freedom, Security and Privacy         9:00 a.m.         Cascade 9

Is she free? Is he secure? Should we know? It seems that to get more of one thing, you have to give up something else. Since different people want different levels of freedom, security and privacy, how can we reach a societal consensus on the tradeoffs? What happens when smart dust watches everything we do, scanning technologies monitor what we think and microbots will take action? Where is all this going? Where should it go? What can we do? Is Big Brother coming at last, just a bit behind schedule?

David Nassett Sr., Michael Ehart, Mary Rosenblum


SF Authors & Editors – Social Scientists  9:00 a.m.         Cascade 10

Did Heinlein and a few of his buddies set the U.S. Policy to go to the moon? Come and brainstorm other examples where SF has taught us. The panelists will discuss whether and how we can apply those lessons to improving the real world.

G. David Nordley, Pat MacEwen, Judith Herman


Pre-Masquerade Meeting    9:00 a.m.         Grand 3

To enter the masquerade you MUST have attended last night’s meeting or this pre-masquerade meeting; you do not need to come to both. At this panel you will be told the important information that you need to know to compete. If you haven't already gotten your masquerade forms at the information table, you can get them here. Please turn in your completed entry forms by the end of this panel as the final entry deadline is 10a.m. If you have questions about entering or aren't quite sure you want to, come to the meeting and all your questions will be answered.

Trent Lum


One Day in the Life of an Editor     10:00 a.m.       Cascade 6

It’s been said by some that editors were hired to go to meetings. Here’s an hour by hour account of what an editor actually does. It's 11:00 a.m., do you know where your manuscript is?

Gordon Van Gelder, Patrick Swenson


The Wild New Evolutionary Ride for Humans!     10:00 a.m.       Cascade 7

Common Wisdom said that with all the protection civilization brings, us humans are protecting our weak from evolution’s sharp knife. Then genetic scientists found that the environment can impact how genes express themselves. Now the thinking is that humanity’s evolution has been accelerating since we settled down and planted crops. What does this say for our future, and the SF stories we will read?

Jim Kling, John P. Alexander, Elton Elliott


How to Get Your Break in the Gaming Industry   10:00 a.m.       Cascade 8

Perhaps you’ve written some great adventures, or your homebrew game is a marvel to all who play it. Maybe you have a great concept for a video game. Some say they think your ideas should be a game on the market! How do you go about finding out? Join our panel of Gaming industry professionals for their advice on how to find opportunities to write and design for Gaming companies.

Mike Mearls, James Jacobs, Randall N. Bills, Jeremy Holcomb, Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel


Historical Engineering – or – Does this Bustle Make My Butt Look Big?         10:00 a.m.       Cascade 9

An essential for the historical costumer or anyone seeking to do historical interpretations like Steampunk or Japanese Goth fashions. Learn how to create your own foundation garments, which commercial patterns work best, and where to get the materials and help to create proper fitting corsets, bustles, panniers, hoop skirts, bum rolls and more.

Margo Loes, Lori Edwards, JoAnne Kirley, Victoria Shaffer


Let’s Make a Movie Part 2 – Shoot It!         10:00 a.m.       Cascade 10

You were there for Part 1, right, where we figured out what we needed and planned this movie all out? Quick! Time travel! In Part 2, we shoot like mad weasels, because there's not much time and if we're going to make a movie at light speed, then we have to move like light! So, don't be late, or you'll just see red-shifted versions of us. The key to making a movie, of course, is to get the footage in the can! Or, "box", actually, because we're shooting video. But you know what we mean.

Ryan K. Johnson, Edward Martin III, Brian Oberquell, Eric Morgret


Hobbit Country Dancing      10:00 a.m. - Noon      Maxies Ballroom

Explore the social customs of the Shire by learning the local dances. There’s a new dance this year, and if we have time, we’ll work on last year’s again as well. (To get to Maxies, take the glass elevator to “R”.)

Betty Bigelow


Writing the Young Female Protagonist     10:00 a.m.       Evergreen 3

From Podkayne of Mars to Alanna of Tortall, young girls have often been vivid and well-loved characters in science fiction and fantasy. How does one write such a character? If you yourself are not a young girl, how can you get into the mindset to make your character believable?

Brenda Cooper, Alma Alexander, Rosemary Clement-Moore, Dierdre Phoenix, Mike Shepherd Moscoe


A Whistlestop History of the Graphic Novel         10:00 a.m.       Evergreen 4

Slideshow presentation

Frank Hussey


Todd Lockwood Demo: Digital Art            10:00 a.m.       Grand 2

Guest of Honor Todd Lockwood gives us a behind-the-scenes look at his process.

Todd Lockwood


Scavenger Hunt        10:00 a.m.       Salon

It is not to late to participate in Norwescon's Scavenger Hunt. If you missed Friday's session then stop by to pick up the list and rules. If you are already hunting, you can also stop by and ask for clarifications on what we are looking for and see how the other teams are doing.

Sheye Blaze


Reading: Greg Wilson          10:30 a.m.       Cascade 3


Greg Wilson


Reading: G.Robin Smith      11:00 a.m.       Cascade 3

EAS Androcles – "Blood Ship" – SF, Earth Colonies reunited with Earth after 100 years apart. My, how they've grown. – Rated PG

G.Robin Smith


Cruising to the Island of Dr. Moreau          11:00 a.m.       Cascade 4

If we could harvest the best abilities of other animals, which would we choose and why? Would they all have to have military applications?

Mickey “Meowse” Phoenix, Richard Stephens, Jennifer Brozek


The Blogger Effect   11:00 a.m.       Cascade 5

Has blogging ruined the fine art of editing? What do we gain with publishing spontaneous writing? What do we lose? There is a growing network of SF/F professional and aspiring writers connected via LiveJournal and other blogging communities. Is it breaking down the barriers between pro, amateur, and fan-ficcer? Does it function as an informal online writers' workshop, as a support group, or a black hole of cat-vacuuming?

Joshua Palmatier, Mark Henry, Michael Martinez, Gordon Van Gelder


3D Art 11:00 a.m.       Cascade 6

Forming the sculptures in our minds.

Butch Honeck, Rebecca Schumacher Cox, Jason Soles


The Rise of the Paranormal Romance       11:00 a.m.       Cascade 7

It's now one of the fastest-growing segments of the fiction market. Why? And why is it more than just horny vampires and angsty werewolves?

Richelle Mead, Lisa Mantchev


Shoes and Boots      11:00 a.m.       Cascade 8

Join us for a show and tell with practical tips on making and altering fashionable foot wear for your sci-fi, fantasy, and historical costumes.

Cherie Lovell, Garth Stubbs, Vicki Glover, Terri ‘Sprite’ Specht


Game Master’s Workshop Pt 1       11:00 a.m.       Cascade 9

Learning the Trade: Experienced GM’s discuss basic techniques, strategies and exercises for becoming a better GM. What resources are available for a new GM and what skills should be mastered?

Ogre Whiteside, Andy Collins, Dylan S., Jason Bulmahn


Dragons by Design – Using Dragons in Art Education, a hands-on approach            11:00 a.m.       Cascade 13

Artists and Educators alike are invited to participate in this exploration of ‘ScalyThings That Time Forgot’. Participants will learn easy-to-teach methods for drawing fantasy creatures in order to build artistic confidence in students of all ages and inspire them to go beyond viewing art to DOING art. All drawing materials supplied by instructor.

Cymbric Early-Smith, Douglas Herring


Autograph Session 1           11:00 a.m.       Evergreen 1 & 2

Grab your books! Our Guests of Honor and many of our pros will be available for autographs.

R.A. Salvatore, Geno Salvatore, Todd Lockwood, Richard Baker, John P. Alexander, MH (“Maggie”) Bonham, L.J. Bothell, Ted Butler, Jeff Carlson, Greg Cox, Darrin Drader, Michael Ehart, Elton Elliott, Spencer Ellsworth, Roberta Gregory, Jeff Grubb, Warren Hammond, Paul Melko, G.David Nordley, Sean K. Reynolds, Kat Richardson, Ken Scholes, Jeff Sturgeon, Tiffany Trent


Engineering Solutions for Global Warming          11:00 a.m.       Evergreen 3

From mirrors in orbit to seeding the seas, how can we engineer our way out of Global Warming?

Russell D. Campbell, Brenda Cooper, Bob Crichton


Unintended Consequences 11:00 a.m.       Evergreen 4

Indoor plumbing led to polio epidemics. Lead in paint and gas poisoned people. To what extent is modern science and technology responsible for figuring out whether or not something that seems good is also going to cause serious problems?

Mike Shepherd Moscoe, Jim Kling, Larry Lewis, Carlton Rhoades


Mom – Look What the Dog Dug Up!          11:00 a.m.       Olympic 1

Create fanciful "fossil" skeletons from a variety of materials.

LouAnna Valentine


Norwescon Town Meeting  11:00 a.m.       Grand 2

You are a member of Norwescon. What, exactly, does that mean? What do you want it to mean? What would you like your convention to do/be in the future? Take an active role in a brainstorming session with the executive team to generate ideas for the next five years or even farther in the future.

Rob Stewart, Charlie Knoedler


Reading: Erin A. Tidwell      11:30 a.m.       Cascade 3

TBA – Fantasy – Rated G

Erin A. Tidwell


Reading: Paul Melko                        Noon   Cascade 3

The Walls of the Universe (excerpt) – excerpt from my Hugo-nominated story of cross-universe adventure – Rated G

Paul Melko


Fannish Gardening   Noon   Cascade 4

You may not be able to terraform Mars, yet, but there is the backyard. Our panelists will share what they have done to give their exo-structural habitat a little more character and made it more conducive to the fannish lifestyle.

William Sadorus, Mike Brennan


Genre/Exploitation Film As A Gateway To Serious Cinema       Noon   Cascade 5

If you study the best of horror you can see the development of cinema. From the silent era to the big budget world.

Julie Hoverson, Andrew Migliore, K.L. Young


Grand Openings       Noon   Cascade 6

Once upon a time (in a galaxy far far away)… So, how important is a good opening? What does it need to pull the reader into the story? How can it cast light upon mood, setting, character, tone, and still work as a hook for the reader? Discuss favorite openings, and tell why they work so well. What actually is the "right" beginning for the story? How does a writer figure out if the story on paper is starting too early, too late, or at the right time?

Mike Shepherd Moscoe, Spencer Ellsworth, Grá Linnaea, Jeff Carlson, Warren Hammond


Lycanthropy for Beginners Noon   Cascade 7

Werewolves – who or what are they? The Man-Beast is a recurring monster image in just about every culture. What are the deeper implications of a "monster" unable to control the violent compulsions that drive someone to savagely kill.

Greg Cox, Sean K. Reynolds, Christopher Bodan, Dave Butler


An Illuminating Introduction to Alliteration          Noon   Cascade 8

Who says you have to rhyme with the end of the words? Our panelists ponder selecting sounds to tantalize and titillate, elicit explicit emotion, and generally mess with your mouth.

Mickey “Meowse” Phoenix, Dierdre Phoenix, Andrew Dolbeck


Game Master’s Workshop Part 2    Noon   Cascade 9

Advanced lessons: plot, setting, character are all discussed in detail. Techniques covered will include: the TPK – what it is and why it should be done, manipulating players to manipulate their characters, meta-Gaming, and handling problems that develop.

Ogre Whiteside, Andy Collins, Dylan S., Jason Bulmahn, Wolfgang Baur


SFWA Regional Business Meeting            Noon   Cascade 10

Especially if you are not attending this year's Nebula weekend, come to the regional meeting and discuss the issues facing SFWA with Western Regional Director Jim Fiscus. Expected agenda: 1) Nebula Award rules 2) Incorporation and new bylaws 3) Wizards of the Coast grievance 4) Other business. Issues raised by members at the regional meeting will be taken to the business meeting at the Nebulas later this month.

Jim Fiscus


Getting a Jump on SF&F Art Education    Noon   Cascade 13

Some teachers are using SF/F art as a jumping-off point for inspiring students in the creative writing process. Here creative writing inspires the exploration of artistic expression as participants do their best to recreate an environment visually, using any media – or combination of media – at their disposal after listening to a descriptive passage of a science fiction environment. A variety of materials will be provided by the instructor.

Cymbric Early-Smith, Spring Schoenhuth, Russell D. Campbell


Autograph Session 2           Noon   Evergreen 1 & 2

Grab your books! Our Guests of Honor and many of our pros will be available for autographs.

R.A. Salvatore, Geno Salvatore, Todd Lockwood, Alma Alexander, Carol Berg, Paul Chadwick, Brenda Cooper, James C. Glass, Mark Henry, Jak Koke, Lisa Mantchev, Juliana McCorison, Joshua Palmatier, Kevin Radthorne, The Reverend En Fuego, Mary Rosenblum, Lorelei Shannon, G.Robin Smith, Bruce Taylor aka “Mr. Magic Realism”, Christine D. Winters, Janine Ellen Young


Steampunk 101 – Where do I start?           Noon   Evergreen 3

From Edgar Rice Burroughs to Wild, Wild West, what makes for great Steampunk and not just historical costuming? We will attempt to discuss and define Steampunk as a genre, then cover the basics of researching and designing a credible look for your costume, as well as shopping, modifying, and tracking down all the things you will need.

Janet Borkowski, Cherie Lovell, Katrina Marier, Victoria Shaffer, Neil T. Duttkin


The Science of Immortality Noon   Evergreen 4

Some scientists think that the human lifespan is set at a point around 120 years. Others are coming up with creative ways to extend that point out to centuries, or even millennia. Which theories on extending life are the most popular, and which are the most provocative? What individuals and companies are pursuing the dream of eternal life? And when will you be able to get your own “longevity pill” or stroll on down to the clinic for an “immortality treatment”?

Misty Marshall, Bridget Coila, Miki Garrison, Greg Paddock, Silven Read


Kinderfilk       Noon   Olympic 1

Filk songs for the young at heart. Come and sing along.

Stephanie Wieppert, Rich Glover


501st Charity Event  Noon   Salon

Have you ever wanted to have your picture taken with Darth Vader and/or a bunch of Storm Troopers? For a donation to one of the charities which Norwescon and the 501st supports, you can do just that.



Reading: Renee Stern          12:30 p.m.      Cascade 3


Renee Stern


Reading: Lisa Mantchev      1:00 p.m.        Cascade 3

Taste the Bad Candy – Warning! May contain traces of Retrofuturistic NeoVictorian silliness, things theatrical, pirates, fairies, mayhem, and chocolate. – Rated PG

Lisa Mantchev


Battlestar Awards     1:00 p.m.        Cascade 4

Jeromie Foulger


TV Forensics – Real or Fake Technology?           1:00 p.m.        Cascade 5

Those TV forensic shows have a lot of great technology. How does the lab at CSI or NCIS stack up against an actual law-enforcement forensics department? Do they really have that many large flat-screen TV's everywhere? Does the technology of crime-solving really work that way?

Pat MacEwen, Alan Paulsen, Robert Grey


Mind’s Eye     1:00 p.m.        Cascade 6

How to develop the most impact, and enhance the images in your art.

Rob Carlos, John R. Gray III, Michaela Eaves, Rebecca Schumacher Cox, Jeff Sturgeon


Living Upside: Orbital Platforms    1:00 p.m.        Cascade 7

Will we create a society of long term residents in low Earth orbit? How will people live, what will the platforms be like, and what are the problems we need to overcome? Can we create a self-sustaining system that succeeds better than Biosphere did?

Greg Paddock, Carlton Rhoades, Bryce Walden, Mary Rosenblum


Comparative Study: Elves   1:00 p.m.        Cascade 8

Delicate, beautiful, graceful... deadly. Light Elves versus Dark, Night versus Blood, what is it about these diametrically opposing forces that draw us to them? Is it simply easy storytelling or is it representative of the dichotomy within each of us? Or is it both? Come ready to discuss elves in context of opposing sides in literature and Gaming.

Dave Butler, Michael Martinez, Archivist Shu Xiandi-Shuangxin (Ciandi Stephens)


How to Start a Magazine…and Why You Shouldn't        1:00 p.m.        Cascade 9

So, you need a business plan and seed money, and (oh yeah) readers. Plus you need to create (exploit?) a new niche in the market, so you seem fresh and relevant. Are you sure you've got what it takes?

Patrick Swenson, Gordon Van Gelder, Bluejack, Wolfgang Baur


Writing a Novel in a Year     1:00 p.m.        Cascade 10

This year, next year, and the one after that. Come and see how some writers do it, both with a day job and without one.

Greg Cox, Robert J. Sawyer, Bob Kruger, Jak Koke, A.M. Dellamonica


Mask-making Workshop      1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.             Cascade 13

A return of this favorite hands-on activity. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun.

Vicki Glover, Richard Stephens, Jonnalyhn Wolfcat Hall


Steampunk 102 – Building Your Costume            1:00 p.m.        Evergreen 3

Even if you don't sew, this panel is for you. We will cover how to create your unique Steampunk look, including building a costume from scratch, revamping patterns, no-sew tricks, and those extra touches that make it 'steamy'.

Cherie Lovell, Melissa Quinn, Janet Borkowski, Victoria Shaffer


Acting on Mic – a chance for children to make some noise on the internet!    1:00 p.m.        Olympic 1

Be in a show! Julie Hoverson of 19 Nocturne Boulevard is in need of kids for voices for a strange sci fi podcast radio play; some in a crowd, some with actual lines! A chance to be a star! Bring your parents (but they don’t get to talk!).

Julie Hoverson


Reading: Wolf Lahti  1:30 p.m.        Cascade 3

Furry Tails and Fairy Tales – Do you *really* want to hear "Hänsel and Grendel" again, or would you like something new? – Rated PG

Wolf Lahti


Poker Tournament   1:30 p.m.        Rotunda 1

You are running out chances to qualify for the final table…

Mariah Johnson


Reading: Richelle Mead       2:00 p.m.        Cascade 3

Succubus Heat – Fourth in Richelle's humorous urban fantasy series about a reluctant succubus living in Seattle who juggles middle-management demons, love, and threats to the immortal underground. – Rated PG

Richelle Mead


Whither go Wizards?           2:00 p.m.        Cascade 4

Now that Rowling has wrapped up the Harry Potter series, we contemplate how we now look at wizards differently and wonder what the popular image and perception of wizards will be for the next twenty years.

MH (“Maggie”) Bonham, Kim Ritchie, Rosemary Clement-Moore


Delivering on Your Story’s Promise          2:00 p.m.        Cascade 5

How many books have you read that started with a bang and ended with a ho hum? What goes wrong? What can you do to make sure your treasured story rings true from beginning to end and delivers what you promised on page one? Come listen to some writers gnaw at the bones of their stories and tell you how they made them stand and deliver.

Mike Shepherd Moscoe, Robert J. Sawyer, Warren Hammond, Spencer Ellsworth


Portfolio Creation: How to Sell Yourself   2:00 p.m.        Cascade 6

How to create a portfolio, and techniques for approaching shops, galleries, and publishers.

Michaela Eaves, H. Ed Cox, Paul Chadwick, Jeff Sturgeon


Polyamory 101          2:00 p.m.        Cascade 7

What is Polyamory? Why would anyone want more than one partner? How do more conservative family members react to these plural relationships? Should you, shouldn’t you? What are the pros and cons?

Matt Bamberger, Robert Grey, Dierdre Phoenix, Eva-Lise Carlstrom, Rachael Kenoyer


The Last Three Months       2:00 p.m.        Cascade 8

We're going to press around New Year’s with a lot of change on the horizon scheduled for the next three months. Come and talk about the scientific, political, economic, social and anything else you want that actually did or did not change. Warning, there will be no topic drift at this panel. This panel IS topic drift. This one ought to be fun, assuming no one gets killed.

Karen Rall, Jim Fiscus, Shaharazahd Ehart


Exoskeletons 2:00 p.m.        Cascade 9

Ripley beat the Alien Queen with a strap on forklift, exoskeletons have come a long way since then. Join us for a review of some of the latest work.

Burt Webb, Bob Crichton


More Introduction to Armor            2:00 p.m.        Cascade 10

Introduction to armor and protective clothing of the Middle Ages, including terminology, armor-crafting, and adapting modern materials to look authentic.

Chris Konker, John Moore, Alan Paulsen


Envisioning the Future: Can We Change the World Through Science Fiction?          2:00 p.m.        Evergreen 1

Tomorrow isn't just a new version of the ipod, it's the definition of 'human', our effect on climate and our oceans, it's bio-technology that can make you 'better' or immortal. SF stories and art both past and present have helped us to more clearly see the trajectory we're on. Let's think about the choices we're going to have to face... before we face them.

Leslie Howle, Todd Lockwood, Gordon Van Gelder, Cat Rambo, Judith Herman, Mary Rosenblum


4E: You’ve got the Power(s). (At-Will. Encounter. Daily.)           2:00 p.m.        Evergreen 2

In case you haven’t heard, there’s a new edition of Dungeons & Dragons out now. This panel is an introduction and discussion of the newest edition of D&D with some of the designers. Come hear what has changed, why those changes were made, and what is in store for the game in upcoming months.

Andy Collins, Mike Mearls, Richard Baker


Steampunk 103 – Prop Making       2:00 p.m.        Evergreen 3

Guns, gadgets, and other things that take your Steampunk outfit from historical recreation to airship pilot. Learn to say "paraphernalia"!

Garth Stubbs, Brander Roulett, Neil T. Duttkin


Dr. Horrible Screening/Sing-a-long            2:00 p.m.        Evergreen 4

Come watch/sing along with your favorite parts.

Beth Runnerwolf


Story Hour: Shakespeare for Kids 2:00 p.m.        Olympic 1

An introduction to Shakespeare's classic stories in prose for children.

LouAnna Valentine


Reading: Lorelei Shannon   2:30 p.m.        Cascade 3

Oakwood Sanitarium – Humorous horror story – Rated PG

Lorelei Shannon


Reading: Darragh Metzger  3:00 p.m.        Cascade 3

The Green Triad – Book 4 in the series – Rated PG

Darragh Metzger


Cow, Bough, and Cough: That Wacky English Language          3:00 p.m.        Cascade 4

“Bough” rhymes with “cow” but not “cough” or “dough.” Writers write but fingers don’t fing. Noses run and feet smell. Come share your favorite English absurdities and revel in the wackiness of our language. And maybe discuss crazy English tricks can you use to liven up your writing.

Mickey “Meowse” Phoenix, Dierdre Phoenix, Spring Schoenhuth, Wolf Lahti


SF&F – Prose – Verses – Poetry     3:00 p.m.        Cascade 5

Whether it’s written by a successful author or a teen-age fan, what defines quality poetry in the SF/F world and where can an educator find good, or even not so good, examples to share with their students? Does prose equal verse and verse equal poetry – and is it really all the same these days? Come explore these issues and many more.

Andrew Dolbeck, Cymbric Early-Smith, G.Robin Smith, Mike Brennan


Yin and Yang of Art  3:00 p.m.        Cascade 6

How to use the negative and positive space in your piece to add impact to the work and create emotion.

H. Ed Cox, Cory & Catska Ench, Christine D. Winters


Blood and Brains      3:00 p.m.        Cascade 7

Is gore the greatest? Or does the psychological scare go farther? Would you rather see more Saw like movies or movies like The Orphanage?

K.L. Young, The Reverend En Fuego, Jenna Pitman, Lorelei Shannon, Phillip Brugalette


Costuming With Plastics     3:00 p.m.        Cascade 8

This panel will cover creating costumes that involve the use of plastics. Our panelists will show and discuss the various types of plastics suitable for costuming and the methods for working with each type, as well as problem-solving for plastics-related costume issues.

Anita Taylor, Brander Roulett, Neil T. Duttkin, Garth Stubbs


Ancient Optics          3:00 p.m.        Cascade 9

How did the ancients see the light?

Burt Webb


On the Fringe            3:00 p.m.        Cascade 10

Have the creators of Lost created a new winner?

Chris Nilsson, Ryan K. Johnson, Michael Martinez


Nanotech and Murphy's Law          3:00 p.m.        Evergreen 1

Imagine nanomachines busily clearing your arteries of plaque. Now, imagine them running on Windows ME, or mutating, or being hacked. So, "nothing can go wrong"? Hah! (And are these some of the reasons it's taking so long to develop the actual science?)

Jim Kling, Matt Bamberger, Greg Paddock, Elton Elliott


I’m not dead yet…..sticking with 3.5          3:00 p.m.        Evergreen 2

Not thrilled with the new edition? Stop by this panel where prominent gamers and industry professionals share options for sticking with 3.5 via Pathfinder, True20, or other 3.5 variants. Learn how to get involved in organized play events, find other gamers, and keep playing the game.

Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Darrin Drader, Chris Pramas, Sean K. Reynolds


Cool Toy Show         3:00 p.m.        Evergreen 3

SF/F fans wind up with some cool toys. Join our panelists as they share some of their favorite cool toys, and bring your own favorites. NOTE: Toys that explode, shoot flames, acids, or pointy things, or distort space-time by more than three degrees can be left at home and described.

Chris Konker, Craig Figley, Bob Crichton


What’s New from Wizards of the Coast?  3:00 p.m.        Evergreen 4

Wizards of the Coast present the new publications coming out over the next year.

Richard Baker, Andy Collins


Reading: Lizzy Shannon     3:30 p.m.        Cascade 3

Time Twist – Time travel/science fiction

Lizzy Shannon


Poker Tournament   3:30 p.m.        Rotunda 1

You are running out chances to qualify for the final table…

Mariah Johnson


Reading: Kat Richardson    4:00 p.m.        Cascade 3

Third Death of the Little Clay Dog – Harper Blaine Urban Fantasy Novella – Rated PG

Kat Richardson


Growing up in Convention Fandom           4:00 p.m.        Cascade 4

What are the advantages and disadvantages of growing up in convention fandom?

Karen Rall, Jacqualynn D. Duram Nilsson, Archivist Shu Xiandi-Shuangxin (Ciandi Stephens), Dierdre Phoenix


E-stuff                        4:00 p.m.        Cascade 5

Are e-books, e-magazines and e-catalogs finding an audience to support the publishing industry? What about self-publishing/vanity publishing – is it really the kiss of death?

Bluejack, Patrick Swenson, Bob Kruger, Cat Rambo


The Art of Titles        4:00 p.m.        Cascade 6

Where do titles come from? Are they about art, or more about marketing? Who selects the title – the author or editor/publisher? Can you tell a book's content by its title – and should you? Are there great books with bad titles, and vice versa? What are the ten best titles in SF? Why?

Janna Silverstein, Paul Melko, Greg Cox, Jeff Carlson


Using Fantasy and Science Fiction to Engage the Next Generation     4:00 p.m.        Cascade 7

With the competition presented by computers, TV, and the myriad of animated gaming devices, K-12 educators are intensely interested in finding new ways to engage their students’ interest. Members of fandom are invited to take part in brainstorming ways to improve educational approaches for the future using Science Fiction and Fantasy themes as a jumping-off point.

Spring Schoenhuth, Craig Figley, Eva-Lise Carlstrom, Miki Garrison, Michael Martinez


Gizmos, Props, and Weapons        4:00 p.m.        Cascade 8

Join us for a show-and-tell-all about some totally cool accessories for your costume.Show off your own as well. Discussion will also include practical use of lights and electronics.

Neil T. Duttkin, Garth Stubbs, Brander Roulett, Katrina Marier, David Tackett


Star Trek: Hearing-Trek       4:00 p.m.        Cascade 9

Attend a reading of an episode of Star Trek: The Original Series by a cast of thousands (well, maybe a handful.) You’ll be able to download this from  (Please allow 15 minutes for the cast to set up.)

Dana Marshall, Keith Marshall, Sheila Pool


The Best Horror Films         4:00 p.m.        Cascade 10

We love them, we hate them, but what horror films are the best?

Philip Brugalette, Julie Hoverson, Andrew Migliore


How to Knit Maille    4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.             Cascade 13

In this panel I’ll teach the basics of the European 4-1 weave and making the basic contractions for use in a coif. For a $20 fee, you get to practice these techniques towards making your own maille pouch to put dice in or use as a costume accessory. You don’t need to pay the $20 to take the panel; you just won’t get to take the stainless steel rings with you. I’ll have jewelry grade and armor grade rings to learn with as well.

Joseph Hill


The Strangest Life on Earth            4:00 p.m.        Evergreen 1

Scientists have recently discovered hundreds of new creatures that even the most creative science fiction writers hadn't dreamed of. From inch long single celled blobs that leave tracks across the bottom of the ocean to gorgeous new forms of jellyfish, come learn about the "aliens" that live on our own planet and what they might have to teach us about evolution and the possibilities of life elsewhere in the universe.

Pat MacEwen, Annie Morton, John P. Alexander, Bridget Coila


The Evolving Superhero      4:00 p.m.        Evergreen 2

The superhero genre has changed, due to a shrinking readership and the increasing age of the average reader. In other words, the superhero is now aimed at a niche market rather than mass market. The average reader is now 28 (or so) instead of 12 and this has all radically altered the material.

Michaela Eaves, Andrew Dolbeck, Michael Ehart


SWOC Open Meeting           4:00 PM          Evergreen 3

Come to the SWOC Open Meeting.  Find out what SWOC is all about.

Gene Armstrong


Interview with GOH Todd Lockwood        4:00 p.m.        Evergreen 4

Leslie Howle, Todd Lockwood


Lost Civilizations Workshop, Part 2           4:00 p.m.        Olympic 1

Now that you have a base for your Lost Civilization, come and dress it up!

Kim Poua


Reading: Victoria Shaffer    4:30 p.m.        Cascade 3


Victoria Shaffer


Reading: Mike Shepherd Moscoe  5:00 p.m.        Cascade 3

Kris Longknife – Intrepid – Action Adventure Novel – Rated G

Mike Shepherd Moscoe


Advanced Polyamory           5:00 p.m.        Cascade 4

So, you’ve decided that Polyamory is the lifestyle for you. What are the legal ramifications of having more than one partner? What do you do about buying a house? Having children? Power of Attorney? Come and hear people who have successfully navigated the legal sea of Polyamory.

Loree Parker, Rachael Kenoyer, Beth Runnerwolf, Robert Grey


Comparative Study: Orcs    5:00 p.m.        Cascade 5

They are easily recognizable by their green, grey or brown skin, tusks and fangs... not to mention the fact that they are almost definitely trying to kill you. Orcs have haunted our nightmares (and therefore, our stories) for decades, but what do these creatures have in common with each other? Comparing Tolkein, Salvatore and other literary works with games such as Warhammer and Warcraft, this panel analyzes the origins and history of Fantasy's favorite barbarian horde.

Dave Butler, Michael Martinez, Chris Pramas, Dylan S.


Artists’ Jam   5:00 p.m.        Cascade 6

Things That Time Forgot: Jam with our artists by making suggestions then watch as our artists draw in one hour a piece of art that will be auctioned off at the charity auction on Sunday.

H. Ed Cox, Christine D. Winters, Paul Chadwick, Jeff Sturgeon


Building the Giant's Beanstalk       5:00 p.m.        Cascade 7

The Japanese have announced a major research project into the infrastructure necessary to build and support a space elevator. Can we really do it?

Greg Paddock, Andy Quinn, Bryce Walden


TV and Movie Sci-Fi Costume Review       5:00 p.m.        Cascade 8

Join us as we review our favorites and duds from this past year. Is Creativity dead? Does Shatner still fit into his lawyer costume?

Melissa Quinn, Janet Borkowski, Cherie Lovell


Monster Update        5:00 p.m.        Cascade 10

The Creature from the Black Lagoon is set to rise again, Twilight gave a new look for vampires, and the Wolfman gets a new makeover – what classic monster would you like to see get a fresh new treatment?

Lorelei Shannon, Phil Brugalette, Andrew Migliore, Wolfgang Baur


Scriptwriting 101      5:00 p.m.        Evergreen 1

Learn what makes a good script great. What are the basics of getting a script moving and interesting. Story is what makes a movie great. What makes a great story?

Eric Morgret, K.L. Young


If I were the President’s Science Advisor…          5:00 p.m.        Evergreen 2

The President of the United States has a Science Advisor to, well, advise him about science. The policies he or she recommends help shape and determine what gets funded, what gets classified, what gets obstacles placed in or removed from its path. Come help our panelists discuss what the Science Advisor should recommend.

Jim Kling, Elton Elliott, David Shoemaker, Shaharazahd Ehart


Reading: Robert J. Sawyer 5:30 p.m.        Cascade 3

Wake – New novel coming out the week of Norwescon – Rated G

Robert J. Sawyer


Reading: Ken Scholes         6:00 p.m.        Cascade 3

Lamentation – Ken will read from his first novel, Lamentation.

Ken Scholes


Lyrics Are Just Poetry with a Backup Band         6:00 p.m.        Cascade 4

Are songs really that different from poems? How could a genre poem be turned into a filk song? Come explore the process with our panelists. WARNING: Silly singing may occur.

Mike Brennan, Mickey “Meowse” Phoenix, Darragh Metzger, John Moore, Jeff Hitchin


Art as a Window Through Time: Looking at the Past Through Medieval Art              6:00 p.m.        Cascade 5

What can we tell about the past through Medieval Art (Paintings, Sculpture, Writings)?

G.Robin Smith, Douglas Herring, Cymbric Early-Smith, Jacqualynn D. Duram Nilsson


The Age of Fighting Sail Isn't Over: It's Moved to SF     6:00 p.m.        Cascade 6

Shiver me titanium timber if this wet navy/space navy transposition hasn't gotten even more popular than ever! Who are its leading practitioners – have we got another Patrick O'Brian yet? Can this metaphor survive real space travel? And talking about "sailing through space", take a quick look at how nautical fiction is related to space opera and hard SF… look at characters and commanders, story lines, missions, venues, dangers, and bureaucracy!

Mike Shepherd Moscoe, Ted Butler, Jim Fiscus


As You Know, Bob. Exposition: One Lump or Two        6:00 p.m.        Cascade 7

You may say, “But I need to explain how my magic works, scientific break through bends time, etc... on the first twenty pages of my novel.” Well, come, grasshopper, and learn how many books have died when their reader’s eyes glazed over. You aspire to be a storyteller so show the story to the reader when they need to know it, don’t tell them when they don’t.

MH (“Maggie”) Bonham, Julie Hoverson, Jeff Carlson, Warren Hammond, Renee Stern


Heroic Women Martyrs        6:00 p.m.        Cascade 8

Is the heroic woman martyr (virtuous, dies saving the person or land she loves) a comforting myth for men threatened by strong female empowerment? Can a woman be strong, vital and live and not be an anti-hero (a la Red Sonja)? Review classic archetypes from Joan of Arc, Wagnerian Opera to modern media icons in Japanese anime and the sci fi realm like Ripley and Padmé.

M.K. Hobson, Rosemary Clement-Moore, John P. Alexander


The Robots are Here!           6:00 p.m.        Cascade 9

From the Asimov servants to the cloned professor, humanoid robots are just getting better and better. What's next?

Burt Webb, Bob Crichton


Celtic Knotwork        6:00 p.m.        Cascade 13

Many people know the traditional gridwork, braided celtic knotwork methods. Come learn some more contemporary methods of celtic knotwork with which to personalize your art. Using bilateral symmetry and freehand flow, create unique and distinctive celtic knotwork.

Dave Butler


Clarion West Panel   6:00 p.m.        Evergreen 1

Recent and past graduates of Clarion West will talk about their experiences with Clarion West and how it helped their writing career.

Leslie Howle, Greg Cox, Gordon Van Gelder, Patrick Swenson, Leah R. Cutter, Mary Rosenblum


Let’s Make a Movie Part 3 – Edit It!                        6:00 p.m.        Evergreen 2

Let's make a movie! You were there for Part 2, right, where we shot video like crazy? Quick! Time travel! In Part 3, we show you a little about editing, how we put all that crazy footage down and made it into a movie that made some kind of sense. Actually, we hope it makes some kind of sense. We never really know. If you bought a computer within the past two years, chances are excellent that you have more digital video editing power at your fingertips than has ever been subject to the hands of Ordinary People. Learn about using this power for Good. Or Evil. We don't care, because we only use it for Fun. The key to making a movie, of course, is editing.

Edward Martin III, Ryan K. Johnson, Brian Oberquell, Eric Morgret


Forgotten Realms: Past, Present, Future  6:00 p.m.        Evergreen 3 & 4

Now in all the lands 'twixt bustling Waterdeep and the sparkling waves of The Sea of Fallen Stars, no men were more loved – and feared – than the stoic swordsman Durnan, the blustering old rogue Mirt, and the all-wise, ancient wizard Elminster. Dragon Magazine #218.

These were the very first words written about the Forgotten Realms, written in 1967 by an 8-year-old Ed Greenwood, who originally designed it and began writing little stories of his own about heroes adventuring in an imaginary world and publishing a series of short articles detailing the setting in Dragon Magazine. Since 1987, this campaign setting has grown and developed, generating over two hundred novels, dozens of computer RPGs, and a host of adventures and Gaming supplements. Join our distinguished group of Gaming professionals as they discuss the history of the Forgotten Realms, and recount their parts in developing it.

Jeff Grubb, Richard Baker, R.A. Salvatore, Sean K. Reynolds


Reading: Stephanie Weippert         6:30 p.m.        Cascade 3

Matthew's Dilemma– Relationship between wizard and familiar – Rated G

Stephanie Weippert


Reading: Bruce Taylor aka “Mr. Magic Realism”            7:00 p.m.        Cascade 3

13 Miles to Paradise – Funny Magic Realist story of a stressed family on their way to Paradise – Rated G

Bruce Taylor aka “Mr. Magic Realism”


Tolkien Has a Lot to Answer For    7:00 p.m.        Cascade 4

With The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien established the fantasy genre and many of the current fantasy traditions. Has this now hindered the growth of the fantasy genre?

Michael Martinez, Jeff Grubb, Erik Mona


The Color of Life       7:00 p.m.        Cascade 5

Color theory for anyone: what works, what doesn't, when you might break the rules.

Cory & Catska Ench


Goth Parenting         7:00 p.m.        Cascade 6

Whether a gothic parent or the parent of a goth, subcultures add a whole new dimension to even the most basic of parenting topics. Come and join us as we discuss all things goth and parenting, from how to set boundaries on attire for your budding fashionista (while honoring her creativity) to finding gothy breast-feeding clothes.

Alexia Roy, Bryan Lovely, Torrey Newcomb


In the Closet or Out  7:00 p.m.        Cascade 7

This doesn’t solely apply to sexuality, and it is a choice that can only be made on a personal level. Do the people you interact with on a personal and professional level know about those things that make you different? Are you out as Queer, Geek, or Kinky? Do your co-workers know you write Dr. Who/Battlestar Galactica crossover fic in your spare time? What are the pros and cons of being out or closeted? ALL AGES

Mickey Schulz, Eva-Lise Carlstrom, Donna “Danicia” Prior, David Nassett Sr., Dierdre Phoenix, Rachael Kenoyer


The Shadow of the Torturer: The Writer as God 7:00 p.m.        Cascade 8

Do you abuse your characters? Do you do this to further the story or because it's necessary to make the story more believable…or, to exorcise your own demons? Writing's potential for self-revelation may be its most powerful and terrifying aspect. How do you cope when your story is telling you something you don't want to know about the dark shadow of the self?

Donna Barr, Carol Berg, MH (“Maggie”) Bonham


Cutting Edge Technology   7:00 p.m.        Cascade 13

There has been a recent rash of cool technologies that might eventually lead to practical applications. From invisibility cloaks to new ceramics that don't shatter to real successes in gene therapy, come learn more about where science and science fiction are beginning to cross over in the real world.

Misty Marshall, Bridget Coila, James C. Glass, Bryce Walden


Alternate Endings: Playing With History   7:00 p.m.        Evergreen 1

“Alternate Timelines”, “Quantum Universes” or just plain-old “Time Machines.” All of these concepts create a way for an author to ‘play with history’. This will be an interactive panel where the audience will choose a significant event in human history and come up with alternatives – and their consequences. The follow-up discussion will focus on how educators can use Historic Fantasy to inspire an interest in History/Humanities studies among their students. A lively dialogue always ensues. Come join us!

John P. Alexander, Sean K. Reynolds, Douglas Herring


A Little Knight Music           7:00 p.m.        Evergreen 3 & 4

Filk Concert

Beth Runnerwolf, Vixy & Tony, John Moore, Stephanie Wieppert, Rich Glover


Reading: Cat Rambo            7:30 p.m.        Cascade 3

Ms. Liberty Gets a Haircut – Superhero Fiction – Rated R

Cat Rambo


Masquerade Doors open     7:30 p.m.        Grand 2 & 3

Show up early to get the best seats in the house.

Trent Lum


Reading: Roberta Gregory  8:00 p.m.        Cascade 3

Mother Mountain – Novel series in progress – Rated PG or R

Roberta Gregory


The Promise of PODs          8:00 p.m.        Cascade 4

Has print on demand helped create more small press publishers? Or is this just a small piece of the publishing puzzle?

Gordon Van Gelder, Vladimir Verano, Bob Kruger, Jak Koke


Talebones: Live!       8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.           Cascade 5

Writers who have contributed to the Talebones collection will give readings of their works.

Patrick Swenson


What is Fandom?      8:00 p.m.        Cascade 7

We have had Science Fiction and Fantasy clubs and conventions of all types and Jargon for years: FIAWOL, FIJAGDH, GAFIA, mundane etc. Let’s chat about clubs, convention running, talk about NCL, C3, SMOFcon, and other con running stuff. For some it’s a hobby, for some it’s a business, and for some it's a way of life.

Don Glover, Kevin Standlee, Karen Rall, David Nassett Sr.


Writing for the Gaming Industry     8:00 p.m.        Cascade 8

How do you write for a game? How does it differ than just writing a novel or short story? How does writing for a video game differ from RPGs or board games? What are they looking for? Our panel of Editors, Publishers, Gaming Authors, and Freelancers share what is wanted – nay! What is needed! – from writers in the Gaming industry.

Mike Mearls, Erik Mona, Chris Pramas, Teeuwyn Woodruff, Jason Bulmahn


Linoblock Printing    8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.           Cascade 13

Printmaking is one of the oldest forms of making art and has a unique quality and style that other art forms cannot capture. Best of all, printmaking allows you to make more than one 'original' piece of art! Come learn about the various forms of printmaking that there are, then carve and print your own linoblock!

Mimi Noyes


Powering the Future            8:00 p.m.        Evergreen 1

From cold fusion to hot fusion, wind, solar, tidal, etc. How are we going to power our world without overheating the planet?

Pat MacEwen, Brenda Cooper, Russell D. Campbell, Shaharazahd Ehart


Do People Really Do That? 8:00 p.m.        Evergreen 2

Why do people have the kinks they have? What makes dressing up in a fur suit attractive to some and horrifying to others? Why do some people worship feet while others fetishize breasts or other body parts? Why would someone want to be tied up and whipped or pretend kidnapped? 18 + with ID

Mickey Schulz, Russell Harmon


Masquerade   8:00 p.m.        Grand 2 & 3

Stunning costumes, great performances and so much more. Stay for the half time show for previews of all the latest and greatest Movies from Hollywood.

Trent Lum and a cast of thousands.


Queer Eye for the… Con Goer        8:00 p.m.        Maxies Ballroom

Sure he's dressed up like a gay sci-fi character so why is he checking out Xena's chest? Oh wow, 7 of 9 is making out with a girl?! But will she make out with a Grrl or boi? Between the costumes, booze and sleep dep how can you tell whose batting for what team? EASY! Come to our Queer Eye for the Con Goer Mixer Saturday night in Maxie's Ballroom! It's 21 and over and legal ID will be required to join in the fun and games. Enjoy a night of speed dating, burlesque by H.O.T, and LGBT/Alt. friendly games! So pick your hankie colors (we will have hankie flagging decoder cards) and join us for our Queer Eye for the Con Goer Mixer!

Laurie Reynolds


Reading: James C. Glass    8:30 p.m.        Cascade 3

Viper of Portello – A new novel of mine – Rated PG/R

James C. Glass


Friends of Bill W.      9:00 p.m.        Cascade 3


All About Agents      9:00 p.m.        Cascade 4

Are they necessary? How do you find the right one? What do you have to know to keep from getting scammed, and how can they actually protect you (if you're lucky)?

Gordon Van Gelder, Jeff Carlson, Richelle Mead, Lizzy Shannon


Online Comics: The Next Continent          9:00 p.m.        Cascade 7

The freedoms and challenges of making comics for the web.

Larry Lewis, Donna Barr


The Future of Gaming / Future of Game Design  9:00 p.m.        Cascade 8

Join our esteemed panel of Gaming industry professionals in a discussion of their views on the current status of the industry. How has it changed in the past year or two? Where is it going?

Mike Mearls, Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel, Chris Pramas, Teeuwyn Woodruff, Jeremy Holcomb, Darrin Drader


Lazer Tag       9:00 p.m.        Cascade 9 & 10

The third and final night of lazer tag. We have equipment for use; it is compatible with the Tiger Lazer Tag system, not the Team Ops system. For those players who are under 18, you must have a parent or guardian present at the arena. Lazer Tag is a live action, NON-CONTACT sport.

Scott Perrin, Elizabeth Fellows


What's Entertainment?—A Look at the Future     9:00 p.m.        Evergreen 1

Entertainment probably started with oral storytelling, followed by plays and written stories. The twentieth century saw the rise of movies, radio, television, and video games. What's next? The "feelies" from Brave New World? Aroma symphonies? Digitally created actors (oh, we already have them…)? Some perversion of virtual reality? Our panelists have come back from the future to let us know.

Chris Nilsson, Phil Brugalette, Leo Roberts, Jön Johnson, Amanda Cherry


Everything You Wanted to Know About Alien Sexuality (but were afraid to ask)       9:00 p.m.        Evergreen 2

Come discuss the biological basis for designing a three or four gendered species. Learn whether aliens can interbreed with each other, or with us. For that matter, would they even want to? Bring your questions and opinions on all aspects of Alien Sex.

Pat MacEwen, Annie Morton, Misty Marshall


Joss Whedon Sing-a-Long  9:00 p.m.        Evergreen 3 & 4

Join us in singing songs written about the universes of Joss Whedon, including Buffy, Angel, and Firefly. We provide the words and music. You provide the enthusiasm and voice.

The Seattle Browncoats


Half Time and Awards         9:00 p.m.        Grand 2 & 3

Keith Johnson


Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading          10:00 p.m.      Cascade 3

Group reading by Broad Universe members – Rated R

M.K. Hobson


The Movie Year In Review   10:00 p.m.      Cascade 4

Since the last Norwescon, we've seen Iron Man, The Dark Knight, Watchmen, and many more. What worked, and what didn't?

Leslie Howle, Phil Brugalette, Jön Johnson, Ben Andrews


Prints in a Recession           10:00 p.m.      Cascade 5

How to make the most out of your art show market.

Michaela Eaves, John R. Gray III


Advanced BDSM      10:00 p.m. – Midnight           Cascade 7 & 8

Ok, you know about BDSM, you’ve even engaged in play and perhaps had a kinky relationship. Where do you go from there? Do you necessarily have to? What is “Edge Play?” We’ll explain all that and how to do the edgier things safely and sanely. 18+ ONLY with ID

Ogre Whiteside, Matt Bamberger, Russell Harmon, Mickey “Meowse” Phoenix, Mickey Schulz


Making Gothic-Lolita Mini Hats      10:00 p.m.      Cascade 13

Come and join us for a hands on demonstration on how to make, decorate, and wear Gothic-Lolita mini hats. Materials are provided so you can wear your creation when you're done, but space is limited, so arrive early!

Alexia Roy, Elana Okrent, Elisabeth Van Every, Nicole Stavenau, Torrey Newcomb


Saturday Night Bardic Circle          10:00 p.m.      Evergreen 3 & 4

Saturday will be a Bardic Circle with a unique twist to the process.

Steven Dixon, Vixy & Tony


Poker Tournament Final Table       10:00 p.m.      Rotunda 1

The winners of all the qualifying rounds will compete to see who is Norwescon's best poker player. Oh, did we mention there will be a prize for the winner?

Mariah Johnson


Saturday Night Hoedown    10:30 p.m.      Grand 2 & 3

This ain't your parents' square dance! Stomp your feet until the cows come home to new wave, alternative rock, electronica, goth/industrial and much more with DJ mc300baud.

DJ mc3000baud


Wily Writers Presents: “Stories in the Dark”        11:00 p.m.      Cascade 3

Let us tell you a story. Experience the magic of the Wily Writers horror and dark fantasy. Not just a reading, this is an adventure! (Stories contain extreme violence, sex, and adult situations. Samples at!)

Wily Writers


How much is too much?      11:00 p.m.      Cascade 6

Is there such a thing as too much sex or gore in fiction?

Andrew Migliore, The Reverend En Fuego, Eric Morgret


Midnight Movie: The Gamers: Dorkness Rising  11:30 p.m.      Evergreen 1 & 2

We've waited a long time for this 2nd Gamers movie from the "Dead Gentlemen" Folks. Now the movie about the world's most popular role playing game comes to Norwescon. This movie pokes fun at just about every cliché in Gaming including PC alignment issues, High-charisma seduction, and undead turkeys?! It's also loaded with cameos of some big names in the gaming industry and one of Norwescon's own execs. So grab the Cheetos and the Mountain Dew and let's roll some dice with the Gamers 2.

Barry Block


Midnight Horror Readings  Midnight         Cascade 3


I Didn't Know it Looked Like That! Midnight         Cascade 13

What do people tied up really look like? What does being tied up in different ways actually feel like? Designed for artists and authors to come and see what people tied up in different poses look like, or if they’re feeling brave, perhaps volunteer to be tied up so they can see what their characters might feel when kidnapped by ninjas. 18+ ONLY WITH ID

Matt Bamberger, Russell Harmon, Tightbound Tom