Norwescon 27: April 8th-11th, 2004. DoubleTree Hotel Seattle Airport



Panels and Events
P.K. Dick Award
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What Is New?

Norwescon Hospitality is place where you can take a break from the plethora of tantalizing panels and activities, get a bit of refreshment and sit for a spell. You will find many of the convention attendees drift through Hospitality at one time or another during the convention. You can people watch or strike up a conversation on almost any topic.

Be sure to visit Hospitality on Saturday evening after the masquerade for Klingon Karaoke. Always memorable, Klingon Karaoke must be experienced to be believed! Sponsored by the Northwest Science Fiction Society. Sing along if you dare.

Please join us in hospitality Sunday morning for:
"Farmer Giles of Ham, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, and Some Nice, Crispy Bacon" hosted by TOLCON

For hospitality room hours visit the convention hours page.

You can contact the Hospitality staff by emailing Hospitality at