Norwescon 27: April 8th-11th, 2004. DoubleTree Hotel Seattle Airport


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P.K. Dick Award
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In addition to our primary Guests of Honor, we are pleased that the following individuals and groups will be sharing their knowledge and skills at Norwescon this year, both in panels and in demonstrations and workshops. Please note that this is a list in flux and is subject to change as we get closer to the convention.

Web addresses that we are aware of are linked here, but if you are a participant and have a link that you would like us to use, please forward it to webmasters at

A Little Knight Music
Academia della Spada
Alexander, Heather
Alexander, John P.
Anderson, David-Glenn
Archer, Peter
Armstrong, Tim
Ayne, Blythe
Barnes, Steve
Barr, Donna
Bellerud, Blane
Bigelow, Betty
Bigelow, David
Bishop, Forrest
Brennan, Mike
Buckner, Mary M.
Budz, Mark
Busby, Elinor
Busby, FM
Butler, David
Butler, Ted D.
Campbell, Russell
Candelaria, Heather
Chase, Sabrina
Chen, Yeechi
Cirulis, Martin E.
Clayton, Julia
Clemens, James
Colia, Bridget
Compton, Stoney
Cooper, Brenda
Dalkey, Kara
Dalmas, John
Dembo, Arinn
Dietz, William C.
Dockrey, Matthew
Dockrey, Michelle
Dolbeck, Andrew
DuFault, Bobbie
Earlysmyth, Cymbric
Edwards, Lori
Elliott, Elton
English, Craig
Enloe, Richard
Erickson, Chris
Ernest, James
Feltser, Alyxx
Ferrari, Mark
Figley, Craig
Foglio, Kaja
Foglio, Phil
Funaro, Prof. James
Garrison, Michelle
Giambastiani, Kurt R.A.
Gillett, Stephen
Glass, James C.
Gordon, Eve
Graves, Trapper
Gray III, John R.
Green, Alisa
Gregory, Roberta
Grey, Robert
Grieve, Robert J.
Gross, Harold
Halfhill, Alan
Harpold, Matt
Harris, Anne
Harris, Cherie
Harris-Forbes, Amanda
Harrison, Tanya
Hawkins, Bryan
Hendee, Barb
Hendee, JC
Hendrix, Howard
Henson, Val
Hescox, Richard
Hitchin, Jeff
Hoover, Quinton
Hopp, Thomas P.
Hoverson, Julie
Hudson, Heather
Huey, Kenneth
Hughes, Matt
Jachim, Suzanne
Jensen, Jane
Jensen, Russ
Johanson, Karl
Johanson, Stephanie Ann
Johnson, Judy R.
Johnson, Kij
Johnson, Ryan K.
Kenmir, Michael J.
Kenyon, Kay
Kephart, Carolyn
Kirley, JoAnne
Koerner, Gabriel C.
Koke, Jak
Lahti, Wolf
Laine, Michael J.
Lake, Jay
Lavenz, Veronica
Layne, Deborah
Lewis, Larry
Livingstone, Monika
Loes, R.Margo
Long, Karawynn
MacEwen, Patricia
MacHaffie, Scott
Marino, Leopoldo
Martin III, Edward
Master Payne
McCarty, Joan M.
McElligott, L. Kirsten
McKenna, Marti
McKitterick, Christopher
Metzger, Darragh
Minor, Jerry
Moles, David
Montoure, Michael
Moore, John
Moscoe, Mike
Nilsson, Chris
Nilsson, Jackie
Nordley, G. David
Oberquell, Brian
Osmar, Nils
Paddock, Greg
Parris, Don
Pautz, Peter Dennis
Pederson, Ted
Pitts, John
Purcell, Bill
Quinn, Melissa
Radley, Charles F.
Radthorne, Kevin
Rall, Karen
Rand, Ken
Randall, Victoria
Read, Silven
Read, Wolf
Rhoades, Carlton
Rice, Roberta
Rieck, Marcus
Rollins, James
Saling, Beverly Marshall
Schluep, Chris
Schoenhuth, Spring
Scholes, Ken
Scott, Cheryl A.
Sellman, Tamara Kaye
Shaw, Melissa
Shea, Michael
Shirley, Donna
Silas, David
Silver, David M.
Silverstein, Janna
Smith, GregRobin AV
Specht, Terri "Sprite"
Stamey, Sara
Stephens, Richard
Stern, Renee
Stierl, Richard
Stiner, Ed
Stubbs, Garth
Sturgeon, Jeff
Swenson, Patrick
Tackett, Dave
Taylor, Anita
Taylor, Bruce
The Vicarious Theatre Company
Tidwell, Erin
Tillotson, Brian J.
Tolbert, Jeremy
Van Every, Elisabeth
Van Gelder, Gordon
Vancil, Chris
Verano, Vladimir
Vick, Diana
Vick, Edd
Vogel, Jeff
Wakenight, Jenna
Walden, Bryce
Ward, Cynthia
Watts, Kathy
Webb, Burt
Wentworth, K.D.
Wilkie, Jon
Wilkins, Duane
Willich, Daemon
Wills, Robyn Sondra
Witchey, Eric M.
Wright, Jana
York, Cheryl
Young, Janine Ellen
Zeddies, Ann Tonsor
Zetterberg, Julie