Box 68547
WA 98168-0547
(206) 270-7850
email: (removed)
Hotel Seattle Airport
(Info on room prices will be forthcoming in the near future)
- Mail in memberships
ended today, March 17. The membership form has been removed from
the server. The at the door pricing and registration hours can now
be found on the policies
- For those who
have had questions about the Norwescon 23 Masquerade there is now
that should answer most of your questions.
- Having trouble
printing this main page? There is now a mostly text
only version of this page that has a white background and
dark text that should solve this problem.
- There are some additional elaborations to
our rules for parties
on our policies page. If you are considering doing a party,
please review these and keep them faithfully in mind..
- You
may not be able to reserve a room that will suit your needs at the
Seatac Doubletree Hotel. The Director of Catering and Convention
Services for the Seatac Doubletree has informed the Norwescon 23
ConCom that almost all the rooms at the hotel have been reserved.
Check out the hotel
page for details and possible alternatives.
- For those who have been asking how you can
volunteer to help Norwescon to be the premiere northwest SF event,
there is now an interactive
volunteer form where you can enter your name and email with
your wish list for volunteering. Please be sure that you accurately
enter your email or phone number since these are the only ways that
we will be able to respond to your requests for information.
- We have a tentative first step at both information
about the Masquerade
at Norwescon 23 and an initial look at the programming
grid. To reach the Masquerade information you will need the
acrobat player for the moment. Sometime this week we will have HTML
versions of the masquerade information available.
- There is now a list of those panel
participants and other guests that will be working hard
at making Norwescon a fun and educational experience for you.
- There are now forms for registering for
space, membership and what the rules will be at the Norwescon 23
Art Show. All three forms are
also available in Word 97 format in a single
zipped file. The Association of Operations Volunteers (AOV)
will manage the artshow for Norwescon 23. Tiffany Putman will be
the AOV Art Show Manager. Tiffany can be contacted through this
web page at (removed)
or by phone at 360-653-5963. Information packages will be
mailed out in the near future.
- There is now a list of dealers
that will be merchants at Norwescon this year. I have added
links to web sites for dealers that I know. If you are a dealer
and would like your site linked please let the Norwescon webmaster
know via email at (removed)
- We are proud to announce the nominees for
the Philip K. Dick Award that will be awarded at this upcoming Norwescon.
Check the website for
more details.
- Check out the Special
Norwescon Volunteer Event: Registration System Dry-Run and Training
which will take place February 26th. If you would like
to participate as a volunteer at Norwescon 23, this is one of the
ways to do it.
- Starting with the link to our artist guest
of honor's web site ( we are beginning to get
additional information available for you about our guests of honor.
This will be true for our general list of panel participants that
we will include when that becomes available.
- There is now a copy of the permission
slip that parents or guardians need to fill out for children
that attend Norwescon. This is part of registration, but is provided
here so you can fill it out in advance.
- There are now PDF copies of the Norwescon
22 Post Con Report and the PR Alpha
for Norwescon 23. You will need a copy of the Adobe Acrobat
Reader to look at these, but you can get that by clicking on the
button below. Also, please note, however, that these are extremely
large files. The Post Con report is 1415 k and the PR Alpha is 633
This double report was sent by Bulk Mail to members of Norwescon
22 and Norwescon 23 and should be received by January 15. If you
were/are a member and do not receive your report, please contact
Be sure to include your real name, your fan name (if used), your
previous address, and your current address. If you have not moved
since the last Norwescon we may not have read your handwriting correctly.
If you would prefer a printed copy of the PR Alpha/Post Con Report
rather than this electronic version, please write to (removed)
or P.O. Box 68547, Seattle, WA 98168."
- There is now a complete
Email Contact List for department heads. Try this first
if you are seeking information about Norwescon.
- One of the new email contacts included
is that for (removed).
All questions about registration should be sent to
ie., New person inquiries, "Did I remember to prereg last year?",
"I can't find my membership form from last year...", membership
prices, "I want to transfer my membership to...", "I want to roll
over my membership to next year...", etc. Thanks,
- We
invite one and all to provide their input towards selecting Guests
of Honor for future Norwescons. To do so simply visit our interactive
of Honor Form
and send us your ideas.
For those interested in Norwescon there is a mailing
list for all the fans and the staff so that questions can be better
answered on a more timely basis. Both are encouraged to join in and
participate so that this upcoming Norwescon can be an even more exciting
event. We will also let you know when new information is available here.
To make sure that this mailing
list stays on focus and does not over run your email box, it is a
moderated mailing list. This means that Norwescon's webmaster will
monitor the posts before they go out and weed out any that do not
relate to questions about Norwescon and answers about those self same
the button below to go directly to the page where you can subscribe.
Or, if there are problems, go directly to
You have questions or comments about the web page
direct them to (removed)