Mail In Norwescon 23 memberships ended with March 17 (those memberships mailed in post marked March 17 or before will be accepted).

Details about At-The-Door pricing and registration hours are listed below. Please also take a look at the policies that will be in force at the con as well:

Membership Costs At The Door
  Full Price With NWSFS Discount
Full (4 day) $55.00 $50.00
Thursday Only $25.00 $20.00
Friday Only $35.00 $30.00
Saturday Only $35.00 $30.00
Sunday Only $30.00 $25.00
Replacement Badge Cost Is $40.00
Norwescon 24 Membership
(at Norwescon 23 only)


On Monday April 24, after Norwescon 23, membership to Norwescon 24 increases to $45 ($40 with NWSFS Membership).

Full memberships and one-day memberships are limited. Last year we sold out of all memberships on Saturday night. The limit has been increased, however we may sell out again this year.

"Acceptable methods of payment are cash, check, traveler's check, and money order (sorry, no credit cards). All amounts are to be in U.S. funds only. All checks will be verified through Telecheck. All checks returned to Norwescon due to lack of funds, closed account, or any other reason will be charged a service fee."

Registration Hours
Thursday Noon - 11 PM
Friday 9 AM - 11 PM
Saturday 9 AM - 11 PM
Sunday 9 AM - 4 PM



               Norwescon welcomes its young and future fans. We have programming throughout the convention that is geared for different age groups. Also, for a nominal fee, we have daytime programming for children under 12 in our KidKon room. This allows Morn and Dad to attend portions of the con without taking children everywhere. KidKon has limited hours and is limited to 35 children at a time, so check the schedule and plan accordingly. Norwescon also provides a quiet room for the purpose of feeding, changing, or resting a child. When using this room, parents must stay with their children. Children attending Norwescon must be registered and wear convention badges (there is no charge for kids 12 and under). Badge childproofing is available in KidKon. Parents must have a permission slip on file at registration. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian at all times, except when in the KidKon room. Children 12 and under are not allowed in convention areas after 11p.m.. Teens 17 to 13 must be out of all public areas by 1 am.. Unattended children found in public areas of the hotel at any time of the day will be taken to KidKon until they are picked up by their parents, and the parents will then be charged for the time they have been there. Repeated incidents will result in membership to the con of both parent and child being revoked. Please have your child stay close to you when in public areas of the hotel, as it is often hard to distinguish that the parent is at hand and the child is not lost. If parents believe that their convention activities will be constrained too much by their responsibilities, they are encouraged to arrange for proper childcare at home. You may also want to check with hotel registration for additional babysitting services.


               Some weapons are not allowed at all: crossbows, slingshots, pellet guns, bows and arrows, water pistols, blowguns, catapults or any type of functioning projectile weapon-loaded or unloaded (and, please, no real guns)-or any device that could be construed as a projectile weapon or any extension of the human hand. The only exceptions are nonfunctioning replicas that are kept in their holsters, or daggers, knives, and swords that are kept in their sheaths. All spears and staves must be no longer than six feet and the end of said devices must never project more than 12" from the bearer's body. All blades will be covered in all public areas and function spaces. Please remember to keep your pole arms and staves upright at all times. This policy is in direct line with the rules of the hotel and their security department. There will be no appeal to a violation of these rules. You will be asked to leave the hotel by hotel security and to leave the convention by us. The only type of peace bonding allowed is that provided by the convention. Fashion coordinated substitutes are not sufficient. Remember that all allowable weapons must still be peacebonded. The only exceptions to these rules are weapons that have been approved for display on stage during the masquerade and during programming specifically designed for weapons display. Bonding ties will be removed for such an event and replaced immediately afterward. If you remove the bonding tie in a private room to display your weapon, please return to the office to have the bonding tie replaced. Peacebonding will be available at at the Information Table, in the Security office, and from the roving security personnel. If you have any questions about this policy, please ask.


               Peacebonding is available at the information table, and from the roving security personnel. All weapons and staffs must be peace-bonded. Remember: if it's drawn, it's gone. Ignorance is no excuse.


               If you plan to drink, PLEASE, PLEASE, do not drive. If you must drive, please let others know, so that they can help you stay away from alcohol (whatever form it takes) and stay sober so that you arrive at your destination safely. There is another topic under the heading of responsible drinking which is a touchy subject... persons under 21 indulging in alcohol and other drugs. We, the Norwescon Committee, are realistic enough to know that if a young adult is determined to drink, it is not always possible to stop them. We do require that all parties serving alcohol check ID. Washington law forbids serving alcohol to minors with the exception of your own children and then only in your own home when there are no visitors. Drinking in the halls will not be tolerated. Responsible imbibing by those over 21 (that means not getting falling down drunk or becoming a menace to yourself and others) will not be noticed as much, and the heavy hand of the hotel detective and/or our Site Services director may not be felt. We want all of our members to have a good time at Norwescon, and we want you all to return home safely.


               Room and Hall Parties are established traditions of SF conventions. Here are a few things that you need to know to make your party more enjoyable and safe for everyone. Because there is a finite number of party rooms available it would be best to ask to be placed in one of these rooms when you reserve your room and verify it when you check in. If you find that you were not placed in a party room as requested when you check in and are told that you cant be put in one, come to the convention office and we will work with you and try to meet your needs. If you do not want to be anywhere near the parties, request a quiet floor.

    The laws in Washington State say that if you are the supplier of alcohol to minors or to someone who is already drunk and they hurt themselves or others, you too are responsible for their actions. There are also heavy fines for contributing to the delinquency of a minor if you are found to have supplied them with alcohol.

    Parties are noisy. This is a fact of life and why there are party wings at hotels. However, even at a con, some limits should be met. Noise that brings the police is obviously out of line. Noise that goes on until dawn is likewise out of line. The official end time for the dances is 2am. The parties should quiet down at 3am. By quiet down, we mean noise should stay within the party room. Parties that do not quiet down will be closed down.


    1. Parties must be registered at the Convention Office.
    2. Any open party that is not registered will be subject to closure.
    3. A host or hostess, who will not be drinking, must be listed for the party and remain at the party at all times. That person is responsible for the party and any incidents that occur there.
    4. Parties are restricted to the party floors. No alcohol may leave these floors.
    5. If alcohol is available, the host or hostess is responsible for checking ID. Alcohol must be served in a manner where guests do not have free access. Minors under 21 may not have access to alcohol.
    6. Noise must abate at 3am. After that point, the host or hostess of the party must be sure that the noise level stays within their rooms. Parties that do not reduce the noise level are subject to closure.


               Please note that all public areas of the hotel are nonsmoking with the exceptions of certain places in the bars and restaurants. Some hotel rooms are also smoke free. Ash cans have been placed outside in some areas if you wish to step outside to smoke. Many hotels are making more and more rooms nonsmoking, make sure you let the hotel know you need a smoking room when you make reservations.


               If you have an animal at the convention, please contact the hotel for their rules about animals in the sleeping rooms. No animals are allowed in function areas, except for ADA compliant working animals.


               Flyers may be posted only on the paper-covered kiosks that we have provided. Check at the Information Table for locations. Do not attach anything to walls, windows, or doors. The hotel and/or the convention will remove any flyers in unauthorized places.


               One word to say on this subject... Don't.

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