Panel Participants and Other Guests

         In addition to our primary Guests of Honor, we are also pleased to note the following individuals and groups that will be sharing their knowledge and skills for your pleasure at Norwescon this year both in panels and in demonstrations and workshops.   It has been asked that I pass along 'Please emphasize that this is a working schedule that will be filled in as things are resolved and firmed up.   It is NOT written in stone.'   Web addresses that we are aware have been used, but if you are participants and have links you would like us to use, please forward them to our web address at

Steve Adams
David Addleman
Daryl Allison
Blythe Ayne
Donna Barr
Astrid Bear
Greg Bear
Barbara Beden-Hill
Dennis Bergum
Betty Bigelow
David Bigelow
Brannon W.   Boren
Lisa Jean Bothell
Eric C.   Brown
David P.  Butler
Gail J.   Butler
Ted D.   Butler
Renee Ann Byrd
William H. Calvin, PhD
Jason Carl
Amy Sterling Casil
Paul Chadwick
Wendy Chauteau
Stoney Compton
Monte Cook
Sue Weinlein Cook
Greg Cox
John G. Cramer
Kathryn Cramer
Lee (Dacus) Elfman
Lonnie G.   Davis
Joy Day
A.  M.   Dellamonica
Elisabeth DeVos
Dave Doering
Keri Lyn Doering
Andrew Dolbeck
Nathan G.   Doster
Tananarive Due
Milo Duke
Lori Edwards
Jack Egan
Elton Elliott
Christopher Erickson
James Ernest
Alan Fairies
Craig Figley
Alisa Garcia
Mel Gilden
Stephen L.   Gillett
James C.   Glass
Cheryl L.   Glover
Marcia Goldoff
Randy Gordon
David Graham
Kim Graham
Evelyn Gratrix
John R.   Gray III
Roberta Gregory
Taunya Gren
Jon Gustafson
Rhias K.   Hall


Amy Axt Hanson
David G.   Hartwell
Jane E.   Hawkins
N.   Monique Hayes
Jan Herbert
Jeff Hitchin
Dave Howell
Robert P.   Hoyt  PhD
Kathie Huddleston
Suzanne Jachim
Kij Johnson
Ryan K.   Johnson
Kevin F.   Kerr
Wolf Lahti
Jeff Larson
Rick Lawler
Mona Lee
Nicola Leonard
Larry Lewis
Kuo-Yu Liang
Margo Loes
L. Pierce Ludke
Patricia H.   MacEwen

Scott A.   MacHaffie
Leopoldo R.   Marino
Louise Marley
Edward Martin III
Adrienne Martine-Barnes
Susan R.   Matthews
Joan M. McCarty
Raven c.  s.   McCracken
Christopher McKitterick
Kathy McLean
Melisa Michaels
Carl Miller
Syne Mitchell
Vicki Mitchell
Kim Mohan
Pamela L. Mohan
Michael Montoure
Mike Moscoe
Betsy Mott
Rebecca Neason
Jacqualynn D.   Duram Nilsson
Tim O’Brien
Brian D.   Oberquell
Margaret Organ-Kean
Marie Ormes
Alan Paulsen
Peter Dennis Pautz
Brooks Peck
John Pelan
Ray Pelley
Wendy Prather
Karen Ralls
Ken Rand
Rich Redman
Paul Reed


Janet Rhodes
Marcus Roberts Rieck
Alan E.   Roberts
Greg Robin
Alan Rodgers
Rhea Rose
Beverly Marshall Saling
Deborah “Pippin” Sardo
Lisa Satterlund
Nels E.   Satterlund
Alan Schmidt
Audrey Schmidt
Peter Schneider
Lorelei Shannon
Melissa Lee Shaw
Lisa Smedman
A.  V.   Smith
Kristine Smith
Terri Specht
D.  T.   Steiner
Renee Stern
Richard Stephens
Jordan Stoen
Jon Strongbow
Debbie Strub
Garth Stubbs
David Tackett
Janet Tanaka
Mike Tanaka
Anita Taylor
Bruce Taylor
Brian Tillotson
Joseph Traub
Chris Vancil
Rob Valentine
Jason Vanhee
Diana Vick

Ray Vukcevich
Philip P.   Wagner
Anthony Ward
Katherine Watts
Burt Webb
Scott Welch
Lori Ann White
Duane Wilkins
Robyn Sondra Wills
Johnny L. Wilson
Deborah A.   Wood
Jana Wright
Cheryl Lynn York
Janine Ellen Young
members of Valentine Armouries and the Musketeer Battle Club will be doing sword demos and other panels.