We will post openings for positions we’re looking to fill here throughout the year, but there’s a good chance that there are a number of other positions that could use a willing volunteer, or any number of other ways you can help out! If you’d like to chip in with putting Norwescon 42 together, see what’s listed below, or stop by one of our ConCom volunteer meetings. We’ll be thrilled to see you!

This page was last updated on Feb 5, 2019 @ 3:40 pm.


To apply for any of the following positions, contact our Chair, or stop by one of our monthly planning meetings to volunteer in person!

Love volunteering? Enjoy raising money for a worthy cause?  Interested in working for a non-profit and getting some extra experience? Come join the Norwescon Charitable Giving Team! Norwescon is a 501(c)(3) and our mission is promoting SFF and science through the written word, art, and educational programs, including our yearly convention.


We are interested in someone who can assist our grant writer with the research needed to uncover potential corporate sponsors. Duties may include:

  • Research grant-making organizations
  • Adhere to guidelines given by the Chair and Business department as well as those of the grant-making organization
  • Analyze the feasibility of the project’s budget (will be done in tandem with the Business department).

Necessary skills:

  • Background in Communications or English preferred; equivalent work experience will be considered.
  • Excellent writing/editing and communications skills.
  • Team player
  • Well organized and able to make deadlines.

Auction Coordinator

We would love to get some additional help with our charity auction. We would love to have someone take on organizing our charity auction. There is both pre-con planning and the at-con work itself. Duties can include:

  • Collecting and organizing donations at-con (which involves interfacing with many other departments at-con).
  • Doing data entry for bid tickets and prepping items/tickets so they are ready for auction.
  • Helping set up items at auction
  • Packing up what is leftover after the auction and helping dispose of it later.

Necessary skills:

  • Good organizational skills (must be punctual, reliable)
  • Good manners and ability to get along with everyone
  • Good communications skills
  • Familiarity with a computer (we will train you on Convention Master).
  • Have a reliable cell phone with texting (preferred but optional) OR (in the case of all the pre-con work) reliable email access.

Auction Helpers

We would love to get some additional helpers! We could use help collecting all of our donations on Thursday and Friday and with set-up for the auction Sunday morning.

Lifetime Member Dinner Coordinator

Works with the Chair to manage invitation lists and seating arrangements for the Lifetime Member Dinner. Works with the GoH Banquet Coordinator, Hotel Liaison, and Layouts to finalize room layout, menu, and attendees’ special dietary requirements.

Convention Services

To apply for any of the following positions, contact our Convention Services department, or stop by one of our monthly planning meetings to volunteer in person!

Network Minions

Reports to the Network Administrator. Experience with local area networks. Significant responsibilities on Wednesday and Sunday of the convention. Attend tech meeting the week prior to the convention.

IT Setup/Tear Down

Reports to the Information Technology Manager. Assist Network Administrator. Significant responsibilities on Wednesday and Sunday of the convention. Attend tech meeting the week prior to the convention.

Hotel Layouts Assistant

Maintains all room layouts. Sends the Engineer Letter to the hotel engineer prior to the convention. Expert use of VISIO. Attend Big Bad Book Meeting in early winter. Location near Olympia a plus.


Reports to Dispatch Supervisor. Assist in management and operations of dispatch center. Excellent communicator. Ability to remain calm while multitasking.

Office Staff

Reports to Office Lead. Assist in efficient and seamless operation of the Con Office. Computer literacy required. Assist with Lost and Found functions. Assist with checkout and maintenance of radios. Available for late night and early morning shifts a plus.

Tech Services: Morning Crew

Familiarity with Audio Visual Systems. Punctuality is key! Available for very early morning setups during the convention.

Logistics Staff

Assist the Logistics Manager in transportation of all equipment to and from the convention, storage unit, and other locations. Available Wednesday before the convention starting at 10 a.m. for load in. Available Sunday of the convention 4-8 p.m. for load out. Available Monday after the convention for transportation of equipment to the storage unit.

Member Services

To apply for any of the following positions, contact our Member Services department, or stop by one of our monthly planning meetings to volunteer in person!

Art Show Staff

Reports to Art Show Second. Work with members and artists – assist with questions, checking & scanning bids, and providing security on the floor. Customer Service skills a plus. Assists Art Show Manager and Art Show Second as needed. Helps artists register their art at con and check out of the Art Show at the end of con. Fills in other positions as needed (see other Art Show positions).


Reports to Lead Cashier. Runs the cash registers. Helps artists register their art at con and check out of art the at the end of con. Cash handling experience a plus. Customer Service skills a must. Training available.

Charity Auction Staff

Reports to Art Show Manager. Oversees setup and breakdown of Art and Charity area. Works with Tech team in the set up and break down of equipment. Oversees the volunteers during auction.

Registration Services Staff

Reports to Registration Manager. First line customer service contact for our members. Assist with new registration and pre-registration. Cash handling experience a plus. Enters and maintains membership information into the Registration database during the convention. Updates membership information as needed. Supplies support to the Registration Services Manager and Second as needed. Learns how to work with the Registration computer program to create memberships. Gives out swag.


To apply for any of the following positions, contact our Personnel department, or stop by one of our monthly planning meetings to volunteer in person!

Cloakroom Staff

Reports to Cloakroom Managers. Securely store and return to the appropriate person items stored by members of the convention. Special Requirements: Ability to lift 15 lbs. over your head; ability to lift 25 lbs. from floor to chest level; ability to safely and securely place and remove items on a shelf approximately 5 feet up.

Convention Lounge Hosts

Supports the Convention Lounge Hosts Lead with tasks.

Volunteer Services Second

Supports the Volunteer Services Support Host lead with pre-con and at con tasks.

Volunteer Support Staff

Supports the Volunteer Support Hosts Lead with tasks.


To apply for any of the following positions, contact our Programming department, or stop by one of our monthly planning meetings to volunteer in person!

Stage Management

Help out our pros by giving them 10 and 5 minute warnings, then opening the doors at the end of the panels. Each day, post the schedules and place the stage management forms in each of the panel rooms.


To apply for any of the following positions, contact our Publications department, or stop by one of our monthly planning meetings to volunteer in person!


Requirements: Excellent written communication skills. Availability throughout the con year, and commitment to turn items around within a tight time frame. Edits Publications materials according to the rules in the Norwescon Style Guide including (but not limited to) items for the eNewsletters, the Post Con Report, the Pocket Program Book, the Souvenir Program Book, the website, posters, flyers, bookmarks, print ads, social media and press releases. It is not necessary for you to attend the convention meetings (or even the convention) with this position.

Graphic Designer

Requirements: Access to and proficiency in the use of Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, or other graphic design software. Create, organize, edit, and publish design elements for the current and future convention year. Design and produce fliers, bookmarks, poster, program books, banners, signs, advertisements and other media for print, web, and presentation materials. Design graphics and layout for other media, such as the website, registration website, eNewsletter, and pocket program as needed. Communicate with printer as needed, including delivery of final product.

Grid Coordinator

Responsible for hotel maps, large scale printing, and formatting of the daily schedule grid for multiple uses. Arranges for purchase, printing, pickup, and delivery of these items to the correct locations before and during the convention. Reports to the Publications Director.


Staff Photographers take photos of the convention attendees, panels, and activities during the weekend. Special Requirements: Ownership and operational knowledge of a DSLR camera system. Pre-convention commitment: Variable; attending and photographing Norwescon concom meetings and other events during the off-season when possible is encouraged. Commitment to attend a minimum of three full days of the convention, with availability for a minimum of five hours per day dedicated to photographing the convention. Actual schedule is set by the lead photographer. Provide final photos to the Lead Photographer following the convention for promotional use.

PR Assistant

Assists the Public Relations Director as needed. Acts as a second contact on all PR activities. Assists with planning and implementing of promotional and advertising opportunities.

Social Media Minions

Searches the internet for personal and professional internet blogs, articles, and posts about Norwescon. Provides the pertinent information collected to the appropriate executive team member so that they can take action if needed. Searches the internet for personal and professional internet blogs, articles, and posts about Norwescon then responds to basic questions by referring the poster to the appropriate resource (i.e. the official web site or forums). Posts requested information to the various email lists and social networking sites. Stays informed about Norwescon web site and forum updates to increase ability to provide accurate information regarding the available resources. Suggests forum and web site content updates based on needs expressed by our members and the media.

Web Team Lead

Acquires control of the new website that is created for the upcoming convention year from the previous year’s manager. Also acquires access to the archived websites to access information as needed. Maintains and updates website content as requested. Creates design elements on the website as needed.

Special Events

To apply for any of the following positions, contact our Special Events department, or stop by one of our monthly planning meetings to volunteer in person!

Burlesque Front House Manager

Hired by and answers to the Burlesque Director. Works with Site Services on crowd control in the hallways. Makes sure all aspects of the Burlesque event in the house run smoothly.

Burlesque Stage Manager

Hired by and answers to the Burlesque Director. Makes sure all stage aspects of the Burlesque event run smoothly.

Event Security Liaison

Hired by and answers to the Special Events Director. Coordinate with Security Staff to provide security at Special Events. Maintains crowd control.

Masquerade Half Time

Please see the Masquerade Director or Special Events Director for a position description.

Laser Tag/Nerf Minions

Reports to event managers. Helps with setting up, refereeing, and tearing down events Thursday afternoon, Friday and Saturday mornings, and Saturday night.

Masquerade Head Den Parent

Assist Masquerade participants backstage Saturday evening. Familiarity with Masquerade process and costume construction and a calm, supportive personality preferred. Organizing and assisting the other den parents in meeting contestants’ needs. Helping maintain calm for contestants and den parents. Making sure contestants are finished with last minute adjustments in plenty of time to be turned over to the stage manager. Helping contestants access the International Costumer’s Guild repair kit when needed. Getting the winners ready to go back on stage when the judges are ready to announce them.

Masquerade Head Ninja

Please see the Masquerade Director or Special Events Director for a position description.

Masquerade Judges’ Clerk

Assist Masquerade judges on Saturday evening. Familiarity with Google Forms and basic understanding of the Masquerade process preferred.

Masquerade Sound

Please see the Masquerade Director or Special Events Director for a position description.

Masquerade Lighting

Please see the Masquerade Director or Special Events Director for a position description.

Masquerade Spot Operator

Please see the Masquerade Director or Special Events Director for a position description.

Masquerade Videographer

Tapes the Masquerade event. Edits the Masquerade tape, puts it on disc, and distributes it to interested parties.