Social Games

Want to find more people you can share your geekdom/nerdery with, but don’t know how to start? We have events for that!

Speed Friending

This is a super easy way to meet people, with no commitment! Just four minutes of conversation between you and another person, each of you talking for two minutes about the things you fan out about, what you’re looking forward to at Norwescon, or maybe a local group you belong to. Then you move to the next person waiting to meet you. We’ll have slips of paper at the tables if you decide you want to exchange info with someone. But even if you two don’t click, you still met a new person—go you! We’ll be doing this Thursday at 5 p.m. and Friday at 10 a.m.

Dave O’Neill’s Pub Trivia Quiz

He’s back again this year! Dave will have new trivia and prizes, same Daveplace (Maxi’s Lounge), same Davetime (Friday 9 p.m.–midnight).


This year we have nine different games of Charades happening on Friday and Saturday afternoons in Maxi’s Lounge, each with a separate theme. You don’t have to play to participate—feel free to come and cheer on the contestants! This year, the games feature:

  • Star Wars
  • Star Trek
  • Firefly
  • D&D
  • Anime
  • SFF & Horror Literature
  • SFF & Horror Movies
  • Video Games
  • All Things British

Come demonstrate your fandom knowledge through the medium of gesticulation! No signup for a spot, just be there.

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