Laughs and Partici…pation

Please come join in these participatory events!


Verily, A New Hope

Come help us read a version of the original Star Wars as if written by Shakespeare. Ian Doescher’s Verily, A New Hope makes for a fun, sometimes hilarious, reading. Want to play a part? Come by the info table in the lobby, sign up, and pick up a script (just in case you want to rehearse—it’s definitely not required). We’ll see you Thursday at 9 p.m.!


Rocky Horror Picture Show

Rocky is back Friday night, with a new, inclusive shadowcast troupe, The Swords of Damocles. Do the Time Warp! Put newspaper on your head! Bring your favorite callback! And celebrate the life and memory of Kassanndra Cantrell, a former local Rockyite. No toast, rice, or squirt guns, please—we want the hotel to invite us back next year.

Friday & Sunday

It Came From the Late, Late, Late Show LARP

Yes, we are playing a live action role-playing game (LARP). Do you need to be an experienced gamer? Not remotely! You’ll be acting out a part in a B-movie. Do you have to be a good actor to participate? LOL no. Do you need to study rules? Nope. Can you just watch the madness unfold, or participate a little? Heck yes! We will play a version of the 1989 tabletop RPG but as if we were on set, with supporting actors, would-be actors who only get one line, and extras. If you would like a main or supporting part, head by registration and sign up for either the Friday evening (movie monster theme) or the Sunday morning (alien invaders theme) session, or both! If you want to just have that one line, or be part of the background, or simply watch the madness unfold, just come on by!

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