March ConCom Meeting

Norwescon WebmonkeysBlog, Executive Team, Norwescon 43

Would you like to help plan, organize, and create the Pacific Northwest’s premier science-fiction and fantasy convention? Norwescon is always looking for volunteers, and our monthly Convention Committee planning meetings are a great way to get involved! Come pull back the curtain, meet the masterminds behind the event, and find out where your particular talents can be put to use!

March’s Norwescon 43 planning meeting will be held:

Date and Time

March 13Saturday, March 13, 2021
10 a.m.–1 p.m.
(R.S.V.P. on Facebook)


In order to protect the safety and health of our staff, all planning meetings this year are being held online.

Get a preview of the platform we’ll be using for the convention, as we move this month’s meeting into Airmeet!

Click here to join the Airmeet meeting.

The Airmeet platform works best using Google Chrome on a laptop or desktop system. iOS users may attend from your iPhone or iPad using the Airmeet mobile app. Users of other browsers or non-iOS mobile devices will be able to view the meeting in a non-interactive mode.


If you need to activate your camera or microphone during the meeting, we ask that you respect all of your fellow staff members and refrain from broadcasting inappropriate imagery, symbols, or language. If you need a neutral virtual background, a Norwescon background image is available on our website.

Open Positions

Not sure what you might want to do? Check out our list of positions we’re looking to fill. The page is still getting populated, so even if nothing there looks perfect for you, there are often more options that just haven’t made it to the website yet, so feel free to let us know where your skills and interests lie.


  • March ConCom: March 13
  • Norwescon 43: April 1-4
  • May ConCom: TBA

Want to join us outside of ConCom meetings? Wonderful! Until we can safely host in-person gatherings again, you’re welcome to join us on our Norwescon Discord server for geektastic socializing in the online world!