The Mole People
Join Seattle Movie Geeks Chris and Nick for another fabulous B-Movie Bingo where you check off the tropes. Babes, robed cultists, and rubber snakes, I mean, masks! This is a fun little picture from 1956 that explores the hollow-earth idea, and weird Sumerian mythology. The hero is Hugh Beaumont, whom you might remember as the dad from Leave it to Beaver, and it does, in fact, feature a really weird dance number. Come have some laughs with us and play B-Movie Bingo!
Facebook: Seattle Movie Geeks

Chris Wiswell

Photo by Janna Silverstein
Christian Wiswell is one of the two regular hosts of Seattle Movie Geeks: B-Movie Bingo. He has had an interest and appreciation for sub-par science fiction film for most of his life. Christian has a strong interest in intersectional media that blurs the lines between science-fiction stories, movies, music, and games. He prefers that you call him Chris.
Nick Fraser
Nick Fraser is a librarian, traveler, reader, and film buff. He is the co-programmer and co-host for Seattle Movie Geeks.