Scary can be sexy. Movies like Hellraiser, Brotherhood of the Wolf, and Crimson Peak have created stylish high fashions that are sexy, dangerous, dark, and to die for. This year, the fashion show at Norwescon 39 will be a showcase of horror haute couture. The call is going out to all dark denizen designers of the night, to leave their crypts and castles and come stalk our runway. Show us your dark passion for fashion, and the pleasure of leather!

The fashion show will be on Friday at 11 a.m., in Evergreen 3&4. If you have a stylish costume that screams horror high fashion, we would love to have you be a part of our show. It’s so easy, even a zombie could do it!

  • Write up a description of your costume as you would like the emcee (Richard Stephens) to read it as you walk the runway. For example, “From the remote mountain regions of Uberwald comes the Baroness Bathory, showcasing what the on-trend Transylvanian single woman is wearing to this year’s Vampire Ball…..”
  • When the show starts, you step up on the stage, hand your intro to the emcee or the emcee’s assistant, then strut yourself and exit the stage.
  • After everyone has had a chance to walk the stage, there will be the opportunity to bring each model out again for a second photo opportunity, and the chance to ask the model/designers questions about how they made their creations. At the end, we will do a group photo shoot of all the participating models.

Your write-up can be by hand on a 4”x6” or 3”x5” note card, or type and print out a copy and bring it with you ten minutes before the fashion show. We usually have fashion participants congregate together and work out amongst themselves who goes first, who goes second, etc.

Were you the Queen or King of Halloween? A stylish Zombie debutante? A vampire so hot you practically self-immolate? We want you to be in the show! Plan now, pull out of storage or create something new to share–the Design Dungeon is open, and we are ready to welcome you in!

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