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Let’s Make a Movie!

By admin | April 15, 2011

The “Let’s Make a Movie!” workshop is a mile-a-minute combination of workshop, improvisation, and technology, and for the past decade has been regularly producing short films from each and every workshop.

In the “Let’s Make a Movie!” workshop, everybody joins in on a round-robin soup-to-nuts moviemaking experience. The workshop exposes the writhing entrails of the filmmaking process, to show — through a hands-on step-by-step process — each and every participant that not only can they make a movie, but that they can make a fairly decent movie with a story and a structure, with practically no lead time or prep time.

If you want to review a few movies that have come about from this workshop, please check out “Con of the Dead,” and “Manslugs!: the Making of a Sci-Fi Original,” which are more horror/sci-fi in flavor, at Guerilla Productions.

The workshop heads include local low-budget filmmakers Edward Martin III (“The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath,” “Flesh of my Flesh,” etc.), Eric Morgret (“Strange Aeons: The Thing on the Doorstep”), Ryan K. Johnson (“Star Trek: The Pepsi Generation,” “Flesh of my Flesh”), and Brian Oberquell (Pyro and effects specialist from Vancouver BC).

This workshop stretches across the entire Norwescon weekend. Here’s the schedule:

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