Norwescon 31 March 2008
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PO Box 68547
Seattle, WA 98168-0547

Info Line: 206-270-7850

Mailing Lists

You can join us on the Norwescon email lists by visiting:
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The following email aliases can be used to contact the individual departments. For website security reasons, JavaScript is required to use these links; if you don't have JavaScript, just add 'at' norwescon 'dot' net when entering the address in your email program.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that, effective August 3rd 2006, Norwescon email will no longer be accepted at


Show or help in the Art Show artshow
Business Manager business
Chair of Norwescon chair
Vice Chair of Norwescon vicechair
Clubs may request a table in the lobby clubtables
Con to Con contact conoutreach
Convention Services conservices
Dealers Room contact dealers
Disability Services disabilityservices
Gaming gaming
Hotel Liaison hotels
Lost and Found lostandfound
Masquerade masquerade
Help move things to and from the con transportation
Office Services office
Panel Suggestions panelsuggestions
Programming programming
Publications publications
Membership Registration registration
Special Events specialevents
Technical Services techservices
Treasurer treasurer
Norwescon Webmasters webmasters
Writers Workshop writersworkshop
Video videoservices
Address change since last Norwescon? addresschange
Have a Fanzine you want to share? fanzinelounge
Need general information or do not know who to ask? info
Want to help with Security? security
Want to volunteer while attending panels? stagemanagement
Want to Volunteer but don't know where? volunteers
Do you have materials you would like to contribute to the Norwescon Archives? historian