If you need to cancel your room at the DoubleTree hotel, the deposit is no longer refundable. We recommend that rather than simply canceling and losing the deposit, you try to reassign your room to another person by transferring the reservation. In the last few years we have seen people cancel all but one night and we end up losing the room nights and the room goes empty.

If you are looking for someone to take over your reservation (or if you’re looking for a room and are hoping to pick up someone’s reservation), please check the Room Request Master Post in our Facebook group, or contact our hotel liaison to see if anyone is still looking for a room.

How to transfer a room reservation for Norwescon:

  • The person who originally made the reservation must call and give the hotel the new name (the person taking over the reservation). Due to security precautions, the person taking the reservation can’t call and change the name on their own.
  • Once the name change has been recorded then the new guest can call and change out the credit card information.
  • If the deposit has already been charged to the original guest (which will probably be the case), you will need to make your own arrangements for transferring the deposit fee between parties.

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