We are happy to announce our Toastmaster for Norwescon 40: Nancy Kress!

Nancy Kress is the author of thirty-three books, including twenty-six novels, four collections of short stories, and three books on writing.  Her work has won six Nebulas, (for “Out of All Them Bright Stars,” “Beggars in Spain,” “The Flowers of Aulit Prison,” “Fountain of Age,” “After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall,” and “Yesterday’s Kin”), two Hugos (for “Beggars in Spain” and “The Erdmann Nexus”), a Sturgeon, and the John W. Campbell Memorial Award (for PROBABILITY SPACE).  Most recent works are the Nebula-winning YESTERDAY’S KIN (Tachyon, 2014) and THE BEST OF NANCY KRESS (Subterranean, 2015).  Her work has been translated into Swedish, Danish, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Croatian, Chinese, Lithuanian, Romanian, Japanese, Korean, Hebrew, Russian, and Klingon, none of which she can read.

In addition to writing, Kress often teaches at various venues around the country and abroad, including Clarion; in 2008 she was the Picador visiting lecturer at the University of Leipzig.

Kress lives in Seattle with her husband, writer Jack Skillingstead, and Cosette, the world’s most spoiled toy poodle.

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