Norwescon had a good year this year. Thanks to the popularity of our GoHs, we drew in a large number of new members, while still keeping costs under control. We ended with a surplus, which goes into our reserves to be used for years when we run at a loss.

The report below is as follows. First, Figure 1 shows a big picture overview of net income, net expenses, and expenditures by department. Please note that the expenditures by department will not directly add up to the net expenses because some expenses do not line up under the departments. Second, Figure 2 provides an alternative report that breaks income and expenditures out into different categories across departments, but in groupings that may more closely resemble how you think about the money we spend at the convention. Included in this chart is a listing of the budget codes that comprise each grouping, so that you can get a sense of  the interdepartmental nature of our spending.

Our capital expenses this convention year included a combination of new computer gear for registration and security, plus several new refrigerators and freezers for hospitality and the green room.

Figure 1—Big Picture NWC 38

Department Budget Amount Amount Spent
Chair $19,260 $16,461
Vice-Chair $35,435 $30,477
Business $14,920 $12,756
Member Services $13,375 $11,370
Publications $37,535 $28,521
Convention Services $34,450 $30,363
Programming $14,225 $11,549
Personnel $8,160 $6,992
Special Events $2,995 $2,089
Capital Expenses $9,700 $6,790
Totals: $189,355 $146,009
Total Income: $205,798  
Total Expenditures*: $172,763  
Net Income: $33,035  

*includes the above department totals plus bank charges, etc.


Figure 2—An Alternate Way

Income: Amount Budget Code
Memberships: $166,601 601
Dealers’ Room: $14,930 602
Art Show: $8,754 500,  603, 501
Charity (donations to NWC) $7,770 904
Misc. Income $7,724 750, 751, 752, 753, 755, 900
Hotel: Food and Space $25,428 1110, 1149,1150,1152, 1153, 1154, 1156
Publications: $28,521 Total from all codes
Registration $6,900 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3020
Art Show $1,534 3007, 3008, 3009, 3018
Equipment Rental $15,718 5002, 5009
Business Expenses $15,891 5012, 2004, 2011, 1010
Legal/Professional Fees $2,500 2006, 2010, 2017, 2018, 5008
GOH Travel and Per Diem $6,605 6006, 6007
Food and Beverage (not supplied by hotel) $11,090 7003, 7006, 7008, 7010, 7011, 7014, 7015, 7016, 6013, 6014
Charity (donations by NWC) $7,300 700, 710, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1032
Capital Expense $6,790 950



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