We are happy to announce that Norwescon 38 will have a daily zine, which will publish under the name Epic Horizons. We will be trying a new format this year: a four page, 7 inch by 8.5 inch pamphlet (basically, a legal size paper folded in half.) There will be a daily puzzle, the perennial favorite “Overheard in the Halls,” and a selection of Tweets using the hashtag #NWC38.

Even with all this, we may have trouble filling the extra space. To avoid this situation we are requesting that you send us flash fiction (complete stories in 100 words or less, including title) and poetry of similar length. Items will appear under your byline and you will retain copyright, plus you will get a lovely badge ribbon bragging about getting published. We probably will not be able to print everything we get, so remember that shorter pieces are more likely to get selected.

Send submissions to zine@norwescon.org with the subject SHORT FICTION. Please include your name and your byline name if it is different. To receive your ribbon if you make it to print, we will need a cell number, text number, or email address that you will be checking throughout the weekend.  Please send multiple submissions in separate emails. The sooner you can get stuff in, the better.

Thank you for helping to make the Norwescon 38 zine fantastic.

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