The following awards were presented to Norwescon 37 volunteers:

Lifetime Membership Award

The Chair is pleased to announce the convention’s newest lifetime members. The lifetime member award is presented at the Chair’s discretion to someone who has been a positive influence on Norwescon for a period of time. This year, Peggy Stewart selected Joshua Keegan and Brad Nelson to receive lifetime memberships. Congratulations to Josh and Brad!

Fickle Techie

The recipient of the NWC37 Fickle Techie award is Jackie Nordquist. She was a very late hire for Grand Ballroom 3 Tech Lead. This convention was her first one and she took on GB3! She did a great job for her first time and has expressed an interest in doing it again.

Renaissance Faire Passes

Thanks to a generous donation from the Renaissance Faire, we had four family passes to raffle off to our volunteers and staff. The drawing was held Sunday afternoon at the convention, and the winners were notified. Those that did not pick up their passes at the convention will receive them by mail.

Congratulations to everyone on their awards!

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