Norwescon is very proud to announce that as part of our outreach, we have donated two full memberships to the 501(c)(3) fan group, Con or Bust. This is a great group that helps new fans find fandom by focusing on minorities. This is part of our overall outreach to help new writers, new fans, and organizations that share some of our passions to help grow fandom.

Con or Bust is part of the Carl Brandon Society, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to increase racial and ethnic diversity in the production of and audience for speculative fiction. Con or Bust isn’t a scholarship and isn’t limited by geography, type of con-goer, or con; its goal is simply to help fans of color go to SFF cons and be their own awesome selves.

We are pleased to be part of this drive to recognize, encourage, and promote diversity in SFF fandom. For more information on how to apply for one of the Con or Bust Norwescon memberships, please see this post on the Con or Bust weblog.

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