We have something super-special this year: a multiple-act Friday afternoon showcase of nerdcore, the hip-hop of geeks, called MONSTARRS OF NERDCORE. It starts at 4pm, right after the Catherine Asaro concert/reading, which is also going to be amazing.

Nerdcore comes out of gamer and internet culture. It was ushered in by acts like MC Hawking and MC Frontalot, who gave it its name. This is hiphop, but hiphop about hobbits, about robots taking over the world, about videogames – basically, about geek life. It’s the kind of musical poetry we all would write, if we weren’t too introverted to speak in front of a crowd.

And that’s not to forget the rest of our concert series this year, which we think is exceptional.

Thursday has Rai Kamishiro doing her J-pop stylings, Jonny Nero Action Hero’s first appearance at Norwescon with his chiptunes rock, and nwcMUSIC regular Electric Children’s high-energy chiptunes dance music. Friday evening: Hello, the Future! sings about the intersections of fandom and reality, Leannan Sidhe have their long-awaited CD release show, and Starlight returns with a new lineup to bring their filk-rock to the foreground again.

And Saturday – oh man, Saturday is kicked off by Filk Hall of Famer Steve Savitzky, followed by the one-and-only HeyLasFas! and his pony progrock. Then Cascadian favourite Alexander James Adams gives one of his very limited number of concerts this year, and we finish off with ukelele-playing geekmusic favourite Molly Lewis, backed by special guests Vixy & Tony, at 10pm.

Our performers have samples you can play of their music, all collected on the Norwescon website! Check those out right here!

And see you at the shows!

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