No Room for Your Cloak of Invisibility

Norwescon WebmonkeysBlog, Member Services, Norwescon 40

Are you a member of the convention that uses the Norwescon Cloak Room to store your belongings during the day? Well, we have some hard news to relay to you. At this time, we will be running the cloak room on a very limited basis during this year’s convention.

Norwescon 39 Art Show Awards

Norwescon WebmonkeysArt Show, Blog, Norwescon 39

The Norwescon Art Show is proud to announce this year’s Art Show Award winners. We would like to thank all of our artists for their outstanding contribution to this year’s show.

NWC37 Art Show Awards

Norwescon Art ShowArt Show, Blog, Norwescon 37

The Norwescon Art Show is proud to announce this year’s winners and would like to thank all of our artists for their outstanding contribution to this year’s show.

Art Show Change of Hours

Norwescon Art ShowArt Show, Blog, Norwescon 37

The Norwescon art show will be closing to the public on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. this year. This is a half hour earlier than our normal time, so please plan accordingly.