Sunday Programming
Scheduled Gaming
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 11 & 12
Wind down by winding up in a game! There's still plenty to enjoy in
scheduled gaming. Maybe bring your cards in and do some trading with
other players! And don't forget, the Grand Prize Drawing for all
gaming attendees requires your presence to win!
Kathi Pickett
Open Gaming
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Rotunda 1 & 2
Got an hour before your next session? Stop by open gaming and play
for a while. We have plenty of tables for fans to sit down with old
friends (or new) and play... no sign-up sheet required. The Rotunda
is available for open gaming all weekend on a first-come,
first-serve basis.
Pro Roy
Fannish Flea Market Set Up
Sunday, 9:00 a.m.
Grand 3
Seller set-up time.
Peggy Stewart
Reading: Keffy Kehrli
Sunday, 10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Cascade 3
Daha's Son, Epic Fantasy, Rating: PG
Keffy R. M. Kehrli
Best Online Markets for Writers
Sunday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 6
What are the best online markets for short fiction in 2010? Who is
publishing the best science fiction? Who is publishing the best
fantasy? What’s new and exciting? What are the best-paying markets?
We’ll discuss the latest and greatest.
Cat Rambo(M), Caren Gussoff, Jordan Lapp, Eric James Stone
What Color is Your Dragon?
Sunday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 7
Proper care of a large flying reptile requires a great deal of
material and labor, not to mention the numerous challenges involved
in "breaking" or "domesticating" these large animals for our use. We
talk food, grooming, tackle, dragon husbandry, flight issues,
stabling and more – bring your own stories of experience and share
your tips for the proper care and feeding of these scaly behomeths.
Irene Radford(M), Jonnalyhn Wolfcat
Future of Genetics
Sunday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 8
It’s the 21st century. Where’s my clone? Replacement organs
genetically tailored to you; biological databanks to track
criminals… or anyone else, depending on the need; cross-breeding
humans with other lifeforms: Science fiction or science fact? Where
do genetic technologies go from here?
Jim Kling(M), Janet Freeman, Guy Immega, Dr. Ricky
Couture Techniques for Novices
Sunday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 10
Take your sewing skills to a whole new level as our costume pros
demonstrate sewing and finishing techniques that will give your
garments a much more sophisticated, professional look. Practical
couture techniques that will help anyone of any skill level.
Wendy Prather(M), Melissa Quinn, Deborah Strub, Julie Zetterberg
A Print By Any Other Name…
Sunday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 13
So you've finished your piece of art and now you want to make prints
so you can sell it to as many people as possible. What is the best
way to go about doing this? What the heck is a giclee print anyway?
Learn about the different printing options available and where to go
for them. Do you really need to spend a lot of money for a high
quality print, or is there a less expensive but still acceptable
middle ground?
Mark Roland(M), John P. Alexander, John R. Gray III, Tiffany Toland
Dungeon Masters Movie
Sunday, 10:00 a.m. – Noon
Evergreen 1 & 2 (Unrated)
The Dungeon Masters: An evil drow elf is displaced by Hurricane
Katrina. A sanitation worker lures friends into a “Sphere of
Annihilation.” A failed super-villain starts a cable-access show
involving ninjas, puppets, and a cooking segment. These are the
characters, real and imagined, of Keven McAlester’s documentary The
Dungeon Masters. Against the backdrop of crumbling middle-class
America, two men and one woman devote their lives to Dungeons &
Dragons, the storied role-playing game, and its various descendants.
Barry Bloch
Science Fiction and Fantasy Short Film Festival 2010 Winners
Sunday, 10:00 a.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4
Come join in a screening and chat about this year's Science Fiction
and Fantasy Short Film Festival winners.
Brooks Peck
Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, 10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Olympic 1
Ages 4 & Under
LouAnna Valentine, Kim Poua
Fannish Flea Market
Sunday, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Grand 3
Love to go to flea markets and garage sales? Ever wished they had
more fannish stuff? The SFFM is everything you have wished for:
Norwescon attendees clear out their houses of stuff they don’t want,
and it is all here for you to buy or barter for. Bring your cash and
check out the bargains and incredible stuff people are getting rid
Peggy Stewart
Reading: K.C. Ball
Sunday, 10:30 – 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 3
Flotsam, Near future science fiction, Rating: G
K.C. Ball
Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, 10:30 – 11:00 a.m.
Olympic 1
Ages 5-8
LouAnna Valentine, Kim Poua
Reading: Carol Berg
Sunday, 11:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Cascade 3
The Soul Mirror, Rating: PG
Carol Berg
Unintended Consequences
Sunday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 5
Indoor plumbing led to polio epidemics. Lead in paint and gas
poisoned people. To what extent is modern science and technology
responsible for figuring out whether or not something that seems
good might also cause serious problems?
Matt Bamberger(M), Bob Crichton, Jim Kling
Creating a Movie Massacre: or, What Have They Done to My
Sunday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 7
You've read the book. You've seen the movie. Why do some books seem
to translate to the screen beautifully, while others just get
butchered? What contributes to this phenomenon? Can it be avoided,
and how?
Brian D. Oberquell(M), Ash Productions
Playing God, Part II: Gods and Religion
Sunday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 8
Part of world building is designing the pantheon responsible for the
whole thing. Our game experts discuss how they go about filling the
cosmos with deities worthy of a hero’s worship; and how they manage
to stay upright on such a slippery slope as religion in gaming.
Sean K Reynolds(M), Jeff Grubb, Christian t. L. Mecham
Rock Stars Are Aliens
Sunday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 10
From Ziggy Stardust to Lady GaGa, rock and roll has teased our
imaginations with powerful and provocative fashion icons of fantasy
and science fiction. We review the looks and the influence of major
fashion forward groups and individuals from KISS to Michael Jackson,
obscurer acts like Devo, the Tubes, Dark Fantasy of Marilyn Manson,
Siouxie and the Banshees, Judas Priest, and much more. It's back to
the Yellow Brick Road with Elton John, Cher, Tina Turner, Prince and
Patti La Belle.
Carmen Beaudry(M), Melissa Quinn, Richard Stephens
Illustration, Art, and the Economic Recession
Sunday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 13
Illustrators Mark Tedin, Julie Baroh, and Brian Snoddy discuss the
various traditional and non-traditional forms of surviving as an
illustrator and artist during this current recession.
Julie Baroh, Brian Snoddy, Mark Tedin
Space - Humanity's Best Hope for Long-Term Survival?
Sunday, 11:00 a.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4
People like Stephen Hawking have said that self-sufficient,
off-Earth settlements are humanity's best hope for long-term
survival; and of course, such settlements were at the heart of much
of the 20th century’s science-fiction. Is it possible that, in this
century, the idea could move back to center stage? Is pursuing space
just a distraction from the life-and-death priority of cleaning up
the mess we have made of Earth? There is no other planet in the
solar system that can support life “as is.” Can we create a
reasonable habitat within the solar system or find a habitable
planet that is not already in use beyond the solar system?
Brenda Cooper(M), Jim Finkel, Guy Immega, G. David Nordley, Vernor
Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, 11:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Olympic 1
Ages 9-12
LouAnna Valentine, Kim Poua
Reading: Phil Brucato
Sunday, 11:30 a.m. – Noon
Cascade 3
Echo Chamber, The caretaker of an ailing game company encounters a
zombie apocalypse., Rating: PG
SatyrPhil Brucato
NWC 33 Art Auction
Sunday, 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Grand 2
The Norwescon Art Auction will be a fun and exciting battle for most
desired works of art from this year’s art show. And if that isn’t
enough, come help support our two charities this year, Clarion West
and Northwest Harvest, by bidding on art, jewelry, and other objects
of interest that have been donated by our dealers, professional
guests, and fans to support these two great organizations!
Pat Booze(M), Betty Bigelow
Reading: Kim Ritchie
Sunday, Noon – 12:30 p.m.
Cascade 3
The Ash Grove, A time warp fantasy, Rating: PG
Kim Ritchie
E.T., Are You out There?
Sunday, Noon
Cascade 5
This year marks the 50th year of attempting to contact
extraterrestrial life using SETI, without an answer. What, if
anything, are we doing wrong? Should we ever expect to get an
David Stuart(M), Arthur Bozlee
*POW!* Breaking into Comics
Sunday, Noon
Cascade 6
All the insider advice you could want: publishing tips and tricks,
art tools, collaboration advice, do’s and don’ts, and a whole lot
Roberta Gregory(M), Brandon Jerwa
Online Writing Resources
Sunday, Noon
Cascade 7
Online sites that can assist not only with fanfiction, but with
writing in general. We’ll talk about Ficfinishing, NaNoWriMo, and
others – bring your own favorites.
Cheryl Dyson
Exploring the Human Condition
Sunday, Noon
Cascade 8
Good fantasy is social commentary combined with good storytelling.
How do we use fantasy as the lens through which we view the world?
Many forms of literature use fantasy as the bedrock of good story
because it transcends its own form in wider scope than any other
type of writing. We’ll discuss how the evocation of myths can be
used to stylize the real world in order to get at key issues for
intellectual, moral, and political life, using the allegorical and
heroic aspects of stories to concretize philosophical musings.
Nathan Crowder(M), Ben Andrews, Michael Ehart, Christian t. L.
Mecham, Kevin Radthorne
Home Recording II
Sunday, Noon
Cascade 9
Everybody wants to make a demo. Okay, you have some equipment. Now
what do you do with it? How do you set it up; how do you use it to
capture or create the best sounds you can? If you didn't make the
first hour; that's okay, come anyway.
Alexander James Adams, Michelle Dockrey, Tony Fabris, Stephanie
Finishing Touches
Sunday, Noon
Cascade 10
So you’ve got an outfit. Don’t think you’re done costuming: What
about makeup? Hair? Accessories? Props? It’s time for research,
creativity, and fun!
Victoria Shaffer(M), Deborah Strub, Garth Stubbs, Julie Zetterberg
Recycled Paper Bead Workshop
Sunday, Noon
Cascade 13
Making your own jewelry doesn’t have to be expensive. We’ll do a
beaded necklace with recycled paper, scissors and glue.
SunnyJim Morgan
Revenge of the Movie Previews!
Sunday, Noon – 2:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1 & 2
Your final chance for the latest previews, news and rumors from
Hollywood. Including, at no additional cost, the famous, “why? Why?
Keith Johnson(M), Alan Halfhill
Law and the Virtual World
Sunday, Noon
Evergreen 3 & 4
As virtual goods in Second Life, Everquest, and other online games
have taken on real world value, new questions arise on who has
jurisdiction over these transactions. In addition, there is a move
afoot to tax the goods even if you never turn them into real world
cash. Will we have a two-tiered system of law? Will there be new
virtual crime?
Cory Doctorow, Andrea Howe
Scavenger hunt finals
Sunday, Noon – 2:00 p.m.
The teams have been hunting all weekend to find all the items on
their lists. Now is the time for them to present their scavenged
items to the judges. Remember, it is not always what you find, but
how you present it that determines the winner!
Sheye Blaze
Reading: Ted Butler
Sunday, 12:30 – 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 3
New unpublished SF series, Rating: G
Ted Butler
Reading: Kurt Cagle
Sunday, 1:00 – 1:30 p.m.
Cascade 3
The Healer's War, Chapter from a work-in-progress about early 22nd
century England, genetic engineering, awesome hacking, and magic.,
Rating: PG
Kurt Cagle
Video Game Art
Sunday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 6
As technology continues to advance, more and more artists are moving
into the realm of video games. Come and learn what goes on behind
the creation of these games: programs and techniques the artists
use, the challenges of this new medium, and what the future of the
business holds.
Claire Hummel(M), Andy Megowan, Brian Snoddy
V: The Visitors
Sunday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 7
Our panelists compare the new V series with the original miniseries
in the `80s and the subsequent television series run. What are the
differences? What worked in the new series that didn't work prior,
and vice versa?
Leo Roberts, Jesse Simpson
What are you a fan of?
Sunday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 8
Books, movies, going to conventions - what is it that makes you a
fan vs. someone who just really enjoys a particular medium?
Amy Thomson(M), David Nasset, Sr., Chris Nilsson
Playing with Medieval History - Wheeee!
Sunday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 9
“Alternate Timelines," “Quantum Universes,” or just plain-old Time
Machines - all of these concepts create ways for an author to ‘play
with history’. This will be an interactive panel where the audience
will choose a significant event in Medieval history and come up with
alternatives - and their consequences. A lively dialogue always
ensues – Come join us!
Cymbric Early-Smith(M), Rebecca Neason
Capture The Rainbow – Fabric Color Techniques
Sunday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 13
There are a number of ways to turn fabric different colors, each
creating a different effect. We'll show you the tools and tips for
coloring fabric, along with examples of myriad techniques. Shibori,
batik, tie dye, discharge, serti painting, vat dying, paints,
transfers, pens, and crayons - everything is fair game!
SunnyJim Morgan(M), Janet Borkowski,
Katrina Marier
Trouble Clef Jam (Songs in the Key of R)
Sunday, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4
A Norwescon tradition. Join our pros, and anyone else that cares to
join in, for a fun musical jam.
Alexander James Adams, Ash Productions, Callie Hills, Creede Lambard,
David Nasset, Sr., Death*Star, Mickey Phoenix, Naomi Rivks, Steve
Savitsky, S. J. Tucker, Vixy & Tony
Easter Carnival
Sunday, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Olympic 1
LouAnna Valentine, Kim Poua
Reading: Elton Elliott
Sunday, 1:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 3
BISHOP OF ROME, Book Two: Nanoclone Trilogy, Rating: PG
Elton Elliott
Reading: James Glass
Sunday, 2:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Cascade 3
Branegate, Rating: G
James C. Glass
SWOC Meeting
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 4
So You Think You Can Make Dance Costumes
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 5
Costuming for the dance stage is one of the biggest challenges a
designer faces. Learn the practical ways to create costumes that
move with the dancer and how to build garments that will last, hold
up to multiple washings, and take a beating.
Richard Stephens(M), Carmen Beaudry, Betty Bigelow, Molly Boone
Science as Weapon
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 6
In today’s world, everything can be a weapon, for war or terrorism.
What kinds of scenarios are really possible when biotechnologists,
nanotechnologists, and other fanatic mad scientists get together? Is
bioterrorism old news and what we really need to worry about now
involves mini black holes or silicon-digesting nanotech?
Jim Kling(M), Brenda Cooper
Masquerade Debriefing
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 7
Come and tell us what we did well and how we can improve the
Masquerade in the future. Any awards or trophies not picked up at
the masquerade will be available at this meeting. Please stop by and
pick yours up.
Trent Lum
The Future of Gaming / Future of Game Design
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 8
Join our esteemed panel of gaming industry professionals in a
discussion of their views on the current status of the industry. How
has it changed in the past year or two? Where is it going?
Mike Selinker(M), Eric Cagle, Mike Mearls, Andy Megowan
Urban Fantasy: Bridge Over a Genre
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 9
This is a genre that seems to pull ideas and forms from many
different worlds. A little noir here, some mystery there, and oh
hey, look steampunk! Where does urban fantasy begin and end?
K.C. Ball(M), Adrian Phoenix
Make Your Own Magic Wand
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 13
All you need is a sheet of paper, some hot glue, a bit of paint, and
about 40 minutes. No one will ever guess these wands are made of
paper. They look like the real thing and can be customized to your
own satisfaction!
Michaela Zielke
Fandance Film Festival
Sunday, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1 & 2
In its eleventh year, the Festival is a celebration of low- and
no-budget cinema, brought to wondrous lurching life by amateur
filmmakers from all around the Pacific Northwest. More than just the
movies, this 120-minute extravaganza of entertainment also includes
the filmmakers regaling you with terrifying tales of their
productions. Be there or be a regular right quadrilateral! The
Fandance Film Festival is the final terrifying phase of the Let's
Make a Movie Workshop, in which participants walk through every step
of making a movie, from conception to the premiere of the finished
product. This year at Norwescon marks the eleventh installment of
the Let's Make a Movie Workshop!
Edward Martin III, Ryan K. Johnson
Reading: Rhiannon Held
Sunday, 3:00 – 3: 30 p.m.
Cascade 3
Walks With Death, Urban fantasy novel, Rating: PG
Rhiannon Held
Believable Super Hero Garb
Sunday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 5
Christopher Nolan re-invented the Dark Knight with Batman Begins,
offering a plausible look for a costumed superhero. What other films
have given us a credible look for superheroes in a "realistic"
Garth Stubbs(M), Neil (Lights) Duttkin, Melissa Quinn, Jonnalyhn
Bloggers as Public Intellectuals
Sunday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 6
Is the blogosphere spawning a contemporary generation of important
public thinkers? Who are the ones you can't afford to miss? What are
they saying?
Caren Gussoff(M), Kurt Cagle, Cat
Rambo, Derek Zumsteg
Mars Conspiracy Theories Debunked
Sunday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 8
There are no pyramids, monoliths, or faces on Mars. We will discuss
the reality of Martian conspiracy theories and explain what’s really
going on.
Chris Vancil(M), Arthur Bozlee, Tanya N. Harrison
Onions & Roses
Sunday, 4:00 p.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4
What worked? What didn't? Come give your feedback to the convention
Tracy Knoedler, Jeannine Swanson, Charlie Knoedler
Closing Ceremonies
Sunday, 5:00 p.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4
William Sadorus(M), Dr. John G. Cramer, Cory Doctorow, Jim Finkel,
David Hartwell, Tracy Knoedler, John Jude Palencar, Vernor Vinge