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The Northwest's Premier Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention

Lobby Tables

Lobby table are now full for Norwescon 33

Groups and Fan Organizations attending Norwescon 33:

Colonial Defense Forces

501st Garrison Titan

Beyond Reality Costume Guild

Alls Faire

MEW Convention

National Space Society-Seattle

Alpha Base

Seattle Browncoats

International Wenches Guild

Jericho Fandom


Star Fleet International

USS Aurora

Northwest Science Fiction Society

Blue Falcon Editing

Camarilla Fan Group

Star Trek Phoenix

Washington Midsummer Renaissance Faire

USS Chinook


Renovation, the 2011 World Science Fiction Convention

Fan tables provide members the opportunity to meet other fans and introduce them to your science, science fiction, costuming or fannish group, convention, convention bid, or writing organization.  

Norwescon offers Lobby Tables to these types of organizations and groups. Tables are located in the hotel convention lobby and at other designated areas throughout the hotel. 

Fannish groups are the heart and soul of fandom, so there is no charge to groups for their table, however, everyone working at a fan table must have a current Norwescon Membership Badge. 

Rules and Guidelines Regarding Club Tables

    For Groups and Organizations attending Norwescon 33 that have 10 or more members, a full weekend membership is available at the group rate of $40 per person.  This rate requires all members of the group to pre-register for the convention. 

    Tables are assigned on a first-requested, first-assigned basis. Groups may request to be placed in a specific area if available.  

    No goods or services may be sold at these tables with the exception of memberships to clubs and conventions, fanzines published by the organization, and merchandise bearing the organizations logo to raise funds for said group.  Raffles and drawings for memberships and prizes are allowed. 

    All items must either sit on the tabletop or within the limits of the table space. Any item that cannot meet these requirements may be displayed only after receiving approval from the Club Table Liaison. Any items restricted by other policies or rules of the convention (i.e. functional weapons) are similarly restricted.  

    There are a limited amount of tables and each organization is limited to one half of a 3 foot by 6 foot table.  Full tables may be requested, and will be allocated if space is available.   

    Groups may not sublet their table space or sell or assign the table space, however, sharing of table space is permitted (and encouraged).  

    Every effort should be made by the club or group to continuously staff their space during the day, from 10am until 5pm at a minimum. You may wish to staff earlier and later depending on crowd-flow. 

    Violators of these rules will lose the table for that year and may be refused a table in the following years.   

If you have questions about or special requests for a fan table, email us at clubtables at norwewscon dot org

Table Requests
If you would like to reserve a Fan Table for Norwescon 33, please email us at clubtables at norwescon dot org




Copyright © Norwescon 2010